Meeting The Tour Guide!
"I take it that you have already pit your stuff in your room?" Mrs. Bustier asks. "Yes ma'am we have." Kagami responds. "Alright then let's go. We get to have a tour of the school because a few of the people we are with will be staying here instead of coming with us back to Paris." Mrs. Bustier says as they walk out the door to find a bus waiting for them. After everyone was on the bus. Marinette, Chloe, Nino, Kim, Max, Kagami and Luka were all sitting near each other. "Hey we just wanted to let you know that we believe you Marinette and not lier Rossi." Luka says as they pulled up to the school. They all got off and saw the principal. They were informed of Marinette's situation so they didn't call her out as the new student. As they were walking around the school Nino, Kim, Max and Luka were able to call their parents and are aloud to go to school in Gotham as long as they come visit. Kagami has not yet decided if she wants to come or not but she is leaning more towards the yes. Her mom has already told her that she is able to if she wants. Kagami's mom is a lot nicer and less controlling than in the show. "This is where we display our most popular couples among the students and staff." The principal, who we now know as Mx. Sage. (The principal is non-binary. We will have more people who are apart of the LGBTQIAP+ community as we progress in this story. Also for those of you who do not know how to pronounce the Mx. part it is mix.) "You guys actually show which couples are the most popular among the students and staff?" Julika asks. "Yes we do." Mx. Sage responds to her.
At the end of the tour.
"Thank you for giving us the tour Mx. Sage. We also have five more people who are going to be joining me and Chloe as new students here." Marinette said as she watched the other students get on the bus. "Thank you for telling me Ms. Dupain-Cheng." Mx. Sage responds to her. "Please call me Marinette." She told them. "Very well Marinette. You better get going before they leave." Mx. Sage tells her. "Thank you." Marinette responds as she walks towards the bus. "What were you guys talking about?" Chloe asks as Marinette sits down. "I just told them that the others were going to join us as transfer students." Marinette responds to Chloe. "Hey Luka, Kagami would you join me and the others at suite one on the 12th floor when we get back to the hotel?" Marinette asks. "Sure. Our room is right next to it anyways." Kagami says wondering why Marinette asked that.
Once they got back to the hotel.
"So why did you want to meet us here Marinette?" Luka asks. "I want to know if you all would like to keep your miraculous forever and fight alongside me and Chlo?" Matunette says. "Of course!" Everyone but Marinette and Chloe respond alredy figuring out that Marinette is Ladybug and Chloe is Queen Bee. Marinette then gave all of them their miraculous. "Let's go to sleep. It's already 11:00 at night. Goodnight you all." Kagami says as she walks into her and Luka's room. "Night guys." Luka says as he follows Kagami. "Night dudes." Nino says walking towards the elevator. "Night see you all in the morning." Kim says as he walks after Nino. "Goodnight. I will see you all in the morning." Max says as he too follows Nino and Kim. "Let's go to sleep Quennie." Marinette says as she opens the door to her and Chloe's room. "Night M." Chloe responds as she pulls the door shut, locks it and heads to her room.
Thanks for reading! Sorry this took so long to get out. My new story is out! It's an AU that is apparently the only one out there. It's called 'Who Are You Really?' It's a crossover between Voltron Legendary Defender and Five Nights At Freddy's. If you want to know more you should go read it if you would like. As I mentioned earlier in this chapter I will be including ocs that are part of the LGBTQIAP + community so if you don't like it then you can leave. Do not put hate comments because I am not going to let one of the only places where I can be myself be ruined because somebody doesn't like what I'm putting in my story. 773 words
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