Chapter 6
Sir Natsu of Fairy tails P.O.V
Four days away from my date with Gray. Yes, i know that it's not a date, but my mind refuses to think otherwise.
"NATSU! COME HERE FOR A SEC!", shouted Dad.
I bounded down the steps to meet my Dad's smile.
"My friend Ur called, and invited us over for dinner on Friday", he explained.
"I know. Her son already told me", i replied.
"Gray?", he asked.
I nodded my head.
"Aahh. Well in that case, it's time we have a talk", he said pulling me towards the couch.
"What kind of talk?", i asked.
I swear i saw a glint of evil in his eyes.
"Why the sex talk of course", he said.
"Nope. Not happening", i said, getting up from the couch.
He grabbed my arm, and forced me to sit back down.
"To tell you the truth, I've been looking forward to this", he said.
He told me not to get up while he got up. He walked to the closet, and rummaged through it. Moments later, he produced a large brow box. He sat back down on the couch. He took out a familiar looking blue object. It took me a while to process what it was.
"Son it's time i taught you about the Faeries and the Unicorns", he said.
"Dont you mean the Birds and the Bees?", i asked.
"Thats for those who are straight. Your gay, so that doesn't apply to you and Gray. Theres a chance that two might have some hardcore sex in a few chapters *winks at audience*", he explained.
"What are you winking at?"
"Thats not important. Now, lets get down to business"
After 3 agonizing hours of the explanation of gay sex...
"And that's how you successfully deep throat your partner", said Dad, stuffing the items back into the box.
By then, my face was blank. Every last piece of my childhood, gone. Dad put the box back in the closet, and went upstairs.
"So your telling me that your Dad gave you the 'talk'?", asked Lucy, as we set our lunch trays down.
"He called it the Faeries and the Unicorns", i replied.
"Did he at least show you some examples?", she said hopefully.
I glared at her while she snickered. While we sat down with the rest of group(Gray was eating with Bixlow, Yukino, Elfman, Kagura, and Levy), a girl with purple hair and glasses walked up to me.
"Excuse me?", asked the girl.
"Yeah", i replied.
"Do you know where i can find Levy McGarden? I'm she's my cousin and I'm looking for her", explained the Girl.
I pointed in the direction Levy was in. The girl thanked me, and walked towards Levy. I turned to face Lucy.
"So...Learn anything new?"
I groaned.
Natsu P.O.V
Nothing interesting happened.
Gray-samas P.O.V
I've been cleaning nonstop in preparation for our dinner with Natsu and his Dad.
"I think it's time you took a break", said Mom as she walked into the kitchen.
"I have to make sure everything is perfect", i responded as i scrubbed the wall.
"Your causing the paint on the wall to peel", she said.
I looked and sure enough, the paint was peeling off the wall.
"Sorry", i said, setting down the cloth i was using.
"If I had known that you could clean like this, i would've found you a boyfriend long ago", Mom said, admiring my work.
"I did have a boyfriend. It ended in a lot of heartbreak and tears", i replied.
"What ever happened to that boy? Jake? Jackson?"
"Jackal. His name was Jackal", i said.
We sat in silence for a few minutes.
"So.. Your Dad gets out on Friday", she said, breaking the silence.
"I don't care", i said, crossing my arms.
"Come on now. You can't dwell on the past. You gotta focus on the present", she replied.
You see, Ur wasn't my real mom. She's my foster mom. My Dad, Silver, was in prison for extreme forms of child abuse. I flinched as i thought back on a memory.
Screen ripples and we now see a ten year old Gray.
I held my breath as the door opened, two pairs of boots.
"Where the hell are you boy?", shouted Silver.
I could see his boots moving around the room. They stopped in front of where i was hiding. I closed my eyes, hoping that he wouldn't find me.
"Gotcha", he said as he pulled me by my legs from up under the bed.
I thrashed around, trying to grab hold of something, anything. He turned me and around, and smacked me hard, causing me to yelp. Me flipped me over, and yanked my pants off. My eyes widdened, knowing what was going to happen. I thrashed around, trying to free myself from his grip. I felt something press against my behind.
"This is what happens to little boys who run"
"Help me", i whispered.
Screen ripples, signaling end of flashback
I felt a pair of arms wrap themselves around me. It was Ur.
"Don't worry baby. I'm here for you", she cooed as a single tear ran down my face.
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