Play time
3rd person POV.
(Y/n) was about to infiltrated a wearhouse that was a base of operations of a drug Lord.
But before he could enter the building, a certain person greeted him.
Last order: Hello! Says Misaka Misaka greeting her friend!
(Y/n): Oh hey Last order.
He looks around, and noticed her Albino guardian wasn't with her.
(Y/n): Where's your......... Friend? Brother? Guardian? Pet? You know that Albino guy.
Last order: Accelerator? He's sleeping. Answers Misaka Misaka.
Last order: I got bored waiting for him, so I went outside and soon found you. Explains Misaka Misaka on how she ended up here.
(Y/n): Fascinating.
Last order: Would you like to go play at the park? Asks Misaka Misaka.
(Y/n): Sorry, but I'm currently in the middle of something.
Last order: What? Asks Misaka Misaka interested.
(Y/n): I'm just going to take care of a drug Lord.
Last order: What!? Shouts Misaka Misaka surprised at what you're doing!
(Y/n): Don't worry. I'm an esper, and a pretty powerful one if I do say so myself.
Last order: You can't do this alone! Exclaims Misaka Misaka.
(Y/n): I'm quite certain I can.
Last order: At least let me help you. Says Misaka Misaka wanting to help.
(Y/n):........ Alrighty, I could use a companion.
(Y/n): Follow me, and do exactly as I say.
Last order: Okay. Says Misaka Misaka.
The two make there way in front of the wearhouse where the drug Lord resides.
(Y/n): I have a plan. A lovely plan that only has a few steps to accomplish.
Last order: Misaka Misaka nods in understanding.
(Y/n): Step one! We sneak in.
Last order: Misaka Misaka continues to nod in understanding.
(Y/n): Step two! We sneakily get information on the drug Lord and what's he working on.
Last order: Misaka Misaka yet again continues to nod in understanding, but will now stop because she's feeling dizzy.
(Y/n): Step 3-
The wearhouse they were planning on infiltrating exploded.
Last order; Eeeekkk! Yells Misaka Misaka.
(Y/n): Well there goes step 5......(sigh)
(Y/n): Okay, we're going to need to add a few more steps, and change the order of them.
(Y/n): But I fully believe we can salvage this.
He says that as he looks at the burning remains of the wearhouse.
(Y/n): I can work with this.
(Play opening)
Last order: What do we do now? Asks Misaka Misaka.
(Y/n): Simple, we go back in time, and infiltrated it then.
(Y/n): I should probably mention my esper ability is Time manipulation.
He placed his hand on Last orders shoulder, and in a flash of light they were gone.
Last order opened her eyes and saw the building, completely fine.
Before she could ask how, (Y/n) grabbed her hand and they began running twords the wearhouse.
(Y/n): So we're about a hour back in time. That should be enough time to get the job done.
(Y/n) and Last order arrived at the fire escape of the building.
They climbed the fire escape, and entered the building from the roof.
They began sneaking and looking around.
They saw many henchmen on the lower floor working with a large machine.
The machine was loud, making it easy for the two to sneak around.
(Y/n) wondered why such a loud machine couldn't be heard from the outside. He eventually came to the conclusion that ether they somehow sound proofed the wearhouse or they have an esper that can somehow manipulate sound.
Whatever the reason, it didn't matter, there was a mission that had to be completed.
They looked around and saw the door presumably leading to the bosses office.
They went near the door, and (Y/n) looked through the key hole to see the boss sitting in his office.
They needed a distraction.
Last order then pointed at a fuse box, on the wall.
(Y/n) then opened the fuse box and turned off the electricity, he then destroyed it. The two then hid.
The boss bursted out of his office, yelling to his underlings. He asked what was wrong, and how did this happen.
No one could answer him.
He then went to the ground floor to help check out what happened.
Meanwhile, (Y/n) and Last order snuck into the bosses office.
Last order: Maybe the computer has something. Suggest Misaka Misaka in a whispering voice.
(Y/n):(whispering) The powers out, remember? Besides, what we're looking for wouldn't be put on to the computer, just look at it.
Last order looks at the cheap computer the boss had.
(Y/n):(whispering) That piece of scrap is easily hackable. They would write it on paper. Look for a chemical formula or something.
They began looking around.
After some looking around (Y/n) found a lighter and took it, while Last order found something.
Last order: I found something. Reveals Misaka Misaka.
(Y/n): Show me.
She gives the paper to him, and he starts to look it over.
(Y/n):................ Perfect!
(Y/n): Time for the next step. Let's go!
He grabbed her hand and they left the bosses office.
(Y/n) saw they were still figuring out what was wrong.
(Y/n) reversed the time of the fuse box, fixing it. He then took Last order to the entrance they came from.
(Y/n): Leave, and wait for me outside, okay?
Last order: Okay. Says Misaka Misaka agreeing.
She leaves.
(Y/n) then paused time and made his way to the machine.
When he got to the machine, he took out the lighter he borrowed, and ignited it.
He then placed it in a compartment of the machine that held the chemicals used to make drugs.
He paused the lighter in time.
(Y/n) then got on top of the machine and restarted time.
(Y/n): Excuse me! May I please have your attention!
Everyone looked at (Y/n).
(Y/n): Thank you. My name is (Y/n) (L/n), I'm a level 5 esper. I've set this place to explode, and have evidence to put you all in prison. I apologize for the inconvenience. Have a nice day.
He then made a break for the main door of the wearhouse.
He go halfway through the door, but he looked back at all the people in the wearhouse.
(Y/n): Time's ticking chaps.
He then left.
The rest then began to run out as well.
(Y/n) got together with Last order and they began to leave.
Last order: What's next? Asked Misaka Misaka excited for the next mission.
(Y/n): Don't know. But thanks for the help. You were a wonderful companion.
After some walking, the two walked into a certain albino.
Accelerator: Tch, there you are.
(Y/n): Ah, Accelerator! I don't believe we've been properly introduce.
Accelerator: You're the brat that hangs out with Last order.....
(Y/n): Yes, my name is (Y/n) (L/n) aka Time Lord. Like you, I'm also the first rank level 5 esper, of my school.
(Y/n): You know I was told not to fight you, something about the damages would be ungodly, but I do wonder....... Which one of us is truly the strongest one of them all......
Accelerator tried to say something, but (Y/n) interupted.
(Y/n): I guess we'll never know! I apologise, but I must get going now, I have my work to continue.
(Y/n): Good day to you two.
Last order: Bye! Says Misaka Misaka.
(Y/n) left, and in the distance, a explosion could be heard.
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