Chapter 9
"God, make it stop!" I yelled and stomped into Tony's lab. A mental hammer shattered my skull little by little, giving me the worst headache ever. Of all the things he could do, he decides to do this... I contemplated. Peter followed me in and continued to sing the wretched, voice-cracked song. My ears ached and felt like they were going to bleed.
Tony overheard Peter's vocals, immediately dropped what he was doing, and pointed at him. "Shut it, Peter," he raised his voice sternly. "The only music allowed here is mine." Peter ignored his command and burst out into a new, more obnoxious song. Tony snapped his fingers as he glared at my cousin. A song by ACDC blasted out the speakers of the room. It drowned Peter out, but he still attempted to compete against it.
Peter gave up after a minute. He used his hand to signal to cut the music and mouthed, "I'm done."
When Tony shut the music off, I collapsed halfway onto the table in front of me. My brown hair fell around my face, and I tried to blow it away. "I don't know if that made my headache worse or not, but thank you."
"Always happy to fight against Peter," he remarked and threw a playful glance at Peter. Tony chuckled and continued working on his project.
Peter snorted, "Whatever. Why are you being so nice to my cousin?" He leaned against one of the counters and put his hand on his chin. His brown eyes focused on Tony suspiciously for a minute or so.
I got up and used my hands to prop myself up on the table, "You just can't handle the fact that some people actually like me." I smiled at him through my pain and watched his fingers curl up in frustration.
"You two fight like children," Steve commented from the corner of the room. He was looking at all of the lab tech that Tony had and had a little kid expression of how he wanted to touch everything.
Really? He went there? I pondered and shot back, "You fight with me all of the time." There was no way he could see himself as innocent out of this whole thing. He might be Captain America, but he sure does know when to pick a fight.
"She does have a point," Tony backed me up. He used a screw driver to fix some of the loose screws within the contraption he was working on.
When Steve stayed silent, I asked Tony, "What are you building?" I set my chin in my hands and glanced from him down to the flattened metal on the table.
"I'm working on a new suit." He straightened everything out and stretched. "I don't usually enjoy being bothered, so if you two could, you know, get out of here, that'd be great." Tony's brown eyes glanced up at mine and sent a knowing look. He would never get the great bothersome Peter out of here if I didn't leave, so I knew I had to take the hint.
"Fine, but I will bug you later," I replied and grabbed Peter by the arm. Steve shot a glare at me before we left the lab, which left a bad feeling in my gut. If he hates me now, what's he going to be like out on the battlefield? Will he have my back?
"Ow, hey, not so hard!" Peter exclaimed. He tugged his arm away from me and massaged the spot. "You gained kung fu grip all of a sudden. What were you thinking about?"
I shook my head and huffed, "Nothing, Peter." I brushed my hair back and furrowed my brow. "I have to go to my room. I'll watch the show with you in a minute." Peter nodded and left me to walk down the hallway by myself. Upon entering my room, I put my cell phone on the charger. Peter was using it to play music and show me 'hilarious' videos. Some were just seriously ridiculous and only a child like Peter would laugh. I shut my door and walked passed Natasha's room. I happened to glance in to see her reloading a pistol and placing it underneath her pillow. I knit my eyebrows together and backed up into her room from the hall. I lifted my finger and stated, "Remind me to not go into your room at night."
Natasha laughed with a wide smile on her face. "You can never be too sure on who's in the building." She swung her legs onto the bed and laid down.
"You just don't want Peter or Barton to go through your stuff at night," I remarked and rolled my eyes. Don't get me wrong, Natasha was the most kick ass person I had ever met, but knowing when she was telling the full truth was the difficult thing about her. I had seen all of the videos, comments, pictures, and even her file. Natasha trained to be a pro at lying since she could even talk.
She patted the bed and let me sit down next to her. Natasha's short red hair was straightened today and her green eyes narrowed with a hint of playful innocence. "It's not Barton I'm worried about."
I cocked my head slightly and instantly caught onto something. My lips curled up into a sly smirk and my hazel eyes glistened. I sat down and put all of my attention onto her. "Is there something going on between you and Barton?"
"What? No, of course not," Tasha waved my comment off with her hand. She bit her lip after a short silence kicked in, leaving so many questions hanging in the air. Her fingers danced along the bed sheets, trying to distract herself with anything, but I could see she was failing. Her green grass eyes locked on mine and sighed. "I don't know how to do this whole open feelings thing that girls do, so don't be disappointed."
"You want to open up to me?" I asked, flabbergasted. I put my hand to my heart to make sure she hadn't stabbed it in the next second from the surprise attack she just laid on me. This was a first, but maybe after losing so much, she had to build the foundation of her new life on something. All her secrets had come out after the newfound Hydra had been taken down along with S.H.I.E.L.D. When I noticed she nodded, I added, "Just...tell me what you think and feel about him."
She pondered for a moment and gazed off into her room, even though she was not staring at anything in particular. "He...uh...he's really a sweet guy. Really kind once you get to know him."
Really? Can't wait to see that side of him. I thought, and nodded to indicate I was still listening.
"I just...I don't know. I've liked other men before, but something about Clint makes me remember who I am. And I think that's pretty damn special."
"Have you told him this?" I interrogated in the nicest tone I could. I wanted to know more, so I had to pry for the answers.
She shook her head and lifted the corners of her mouth just a bit. "I'm not really the type to go out there and express my innermost feelings. I'm blunt about things, but not when it comes to me."
Adrenaline shot through my body in a second from excitement. I nearly bounced off of the bed. "I can tell him for you!"
She put her hands on my shoulders to keep me down. "No. No one is telling him my feelings except for me." Her stern tone floated into my ears and made me rethink my actions. Her eyes pleaded me not to do anything stupid.
"Fine," I stated in disappointment as I calmed down. "But I can try to set you guys up. Right? Thanks!" I exclaimed and dashed out of the room. I closed the door behind me before she could stop me and ran down the hall. Once I got to the kitchen area, I stopped and noticed Barton at the table. Barton cleaned his equipment with a small kitchen rag with an expression of seriousness. He definitely focused on his actions in an effort to not break anything. I strolled over to him and sat down in one of the chairs. My eyes glanced around, and then out into the living room to find Peter. "So, I heard you and Natasha are great friends."
He narrowed his eyes. The animosity, fury, dismay, and a blank slate, all emotions he has shown to me in the past, washed over his face in a short wave. He exhaled the breath he was holding and blinked for a moment. All of the emotions were gone, except for serenity. "Can you face me while you're talking?"
I furrowed my brow in confusion. "Are you hard of hearing?" There was completely nothing wrong with that, but out of everything that wasn't in his file, that was it? Seems like something major to leave out of your enemy's file. Way to go Hydra. Barton pointed to his ear, which had a hearing aid hooked onto it. My eyes widened. "I'm sorry. I didn't know."
A confused look plastered itself onto his face. "You worked at Hydra and didn't know?" He set his bows down and wiped his hands with the rag. His light blue eyes looked me over once or twice, and commented, "For someone who thinks they're a great agent, you aren't that detail oriented, are you?"
A tinge of anger swam through my blood stream. My eye twitched for a second. "If I had a vendetta against you, Barton, you can bet on everything that is righteous that I would find out every bit of information you had. Everything you own, have owned, people you knew, people you loved, family, friends, your innermost secrets, your dark past, and even what you had for breakfast last week would be on my desk in a file. I would know everything."
"That doesn't sound intimidating at all," Barton stated in a flat tone. He crossed his arms and leaned back on his chair.
I quickly digressed from the feeling of irritation and remembered what I came in here for. Why isn't he being more hostile towards me? I thought. Maybe he just wants to see what I'm all about so he can use it against me later. This is for Natasha. The only way to say it was to be somewhat blunt about it. "Someone on this floor likes you, and God knows it's not me."
"Are you talking about Tasha?"
I squinted my eyes in confusion and sarcastically responded, "No, it's Peter." I rolled my eyes. "Of course it's Natasha!"
"Well, sorry to rain on your parade, but Tasha lied to you." One corner of his mouth lifted and a gleam formed in his eye. He knew something he wasn't telling me. "She's trained at that."
"Well, maybe you should make a move on her. You two deserve a little something after everything that has happened," I winked at him and stood up.
He spoke up before I left, "We're already together, but we haven't made it official yet. Just don't tell anyone, alright?"
A newfound trust formed in my heart, which made me light up in pure joy. "Of course, Barton. As long as you try to be nicer, because I have heard that you can be one of the nicest men out there. I need to see it to believe it." With that, I walked out of the area. I wasn't looking where I was going and bumped right into Bruce. I put my hands on his arms to keep me from falling and glanced up at him, "I'm sorry."
Banner let me regain my stance and smiled warmly, "It's no problem, Lilly. Accidents happen." He stood there awkwardly with a paper in his hand, which appeared to be the crossword of the week. "Uh..." He scratched his head with the pen in his hand, "Are you headed up to see Tony?"
I snorted, "No. He told me not to bother him."
"Yeah, he gets that way sometimes. Sometimes he sits in the lab for hours with either Steve or I." Bruce adjusted his glasses and asked, "So, where are you going?"
I looked towards the living room to see Peter already on the couch. I nodded in the same direction and added, "Peter convinced me to watch a show with him." I brushed my hair back with my hand and put my hands in my back pockets. "I've noticed Tony has only select close relationships here. He's such a complete sarcastic asshole though..."
Banner laughed, which revealed some wrinkles in his aging face. "He's not all that bad once you get under his skin."
"Yeah, I know. He's kind of growin' on me," I admitted.
Bruce seemed shy, but the good kind. It brought a scent of innocence into the group mixture. He tapped his pen against the paper and nervously stated, "His sarcasm keeps the big guy locked up inside, if that makes any sense. Tony has his faults, but he does help a lot of people, too."
My emotions flittered around like butterflies as he confided in me. I didn't want to ask any serious questions about the...angry side of him, but I felt compelled to. I had waited for so long to ask him everything about it. His situation was so unique and- "How are you doing? Dealing with him and all?"
He noticed my heightened interest and nodded slowly, "I haven't had an outbreak in a while. I'll...I'll count that as a good thing."
"I admire your strength, Banner. I'm really thankful that you're part of the team because I don't want to be the only sane one here." He laughed and I continued, "If you ever need to talk, don't hesitate to come to me." Bruce nodded and walked off to the elevator. I shuffled over to the couch and plopped down next to my cousin. I overheard Clint and Tasha chuckling in the other room. Mental note: They could be one of the cutest couples I have ever met.
A man sauntered into the living room and nearly collapsed into the nearest seat. He exhaled loudly, brushed his long blonde hair out of his face, and relaxed. His blue eyes looked at Peter as he grinned, showing his white teeth. The gruff on his face was in the first stage of forming a beard. That would make him...Thor. The last Avenger here. Thor paused when he saw me. "Who are you?"
Peter gestured his hand toward me, "This is my cousin, Lilly Parker."
I held my hand out to him and declared, "I've heard a lot about you."
"All good things, I hope," he chuckled. Thor shook my hand and hesitated. He scrunched up his brow. "What are you, if I may ask?"
I was taken aback by that. I didn't know he could tell who was human and who wasn't. Maybe it was because he was a God. I disclosed, "A success of a test subject, apparently. Mutant by testing."
Thor nodded and said, "I'm sorry to hear that."
I shook my head and waved it off. This was something I couldn't be ashamed of. "No need. It's actually helpful." It's who I am.
"So you're Peter's cousin? I don't see the relation between you two," he used his hands to speak. He leaned back in his chair in amusement as his eyes moved between the two of us.
"Hey!" Peter exclaimed. He gestured to his face, using his hands to form a frame around it. "I'm good looking too."
I pushed him off of the couch and smirked, "Just because he doesn't see the relation between us doesn't mean you're not good looking, you weirdo." Peter shot me a glare before getting back into his seat.
"He may be weird, but he's one hell of an edition to the team," Thor beamed widely. His blue eyes sparkled in the light as he turned to Peter to send a smile. Peter lit up and returned the gesture as a thank you.
That's sweet. He's really part of the team. I thought. I ruffled Peter's short hair. "Aw, Peter, you found yourself a family." I tried not to remember what happened years ago to my family. I had to focus on the now. I was here, at the Avengers' tower, with my cousin Peter. Nothing could get better. I faced Thor fully and set my legs on Peter's lap. I relaxed against the side of the couch and used my arm to hold me up. "Not to intrude or anything, Thor, but how are you and Jane doing?"
He perked up at her name and immediately got defensive. His chest heaved as he furrowed his brow angrily. Thor tightened his grip on the chair's arms and nearly broke them. "How do you know about her?"
I tilted my head back just a bit and clicked my tongue. "I have done my research."
Thor glanced over at my cousin, who just shrugged, and hesitated. He knew I wasn't evil, for the group trusted me enough to let me into the tower in the first place. "We're good, but I have to stay quiet with her in our relationship. We don't want any unwanted attention, especially if anyone finds out that she's my girlfriend..." He wandered off and a small blush came to his cheeks. "I really miss her, even though I saw her a couple days ago. Her studies keep her busy."
Peter fidgeted with the remote and changed to the recorded show. "Alright, we're going to watch this." He set down the remote after pushing play, not even letting me finish the conversation with the God of Thunder.
AN: Woo...long chapter. Thank you for reading and please don't forget to vote or comment!
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