Chapter 22
AN: Turned out longer than I thought, but I had so much fun writing it. :) This part is dedicated to @PhilisTheGlue for leaving the best comment ever. :D
The meeting started a floor below the training room. The warm room seemed to be big, but only because there wasn't a lot of furniture. A table set in the middle of the room and a giant container in the corner. The walls and flooring reflective tiles made the room look like a giant mirrored box. My bet called on it being that way to disorient the Hulk when he got too rambunctious. Captain America took a stance at one end of the table, pointed at different parts of the map outside of the facility, and gave all of us orders, except for Bruce. Banner sat in the corner flipping through his science journal. He checked formulas, expanded on some work, and kept himself occupied. Bruce hated going in on missions because he thought he caused more destruction than good, so he stayed behind by choice.
Natasha stood at the end of the table next to Steve. She was Steve's second in command, which was an excellent choice. They trusted each other. She appeared on edge in her white shirt and black jeans. Her arms were crossed over her chest as she listened to Steve give directions. She assessed every move he made to make sure it would work, but then again, why second guess? He knew what he was doing. He saved the soldiers in the 107th infantry from Hydra all on his own.
Clint pushed Peter around a bit for fun. Peter pushed back, but had to keep it down before it turned out into an all out fight. They had to seem like they were somewhat paying attention. Barton wore his black jacket and blue jeans that he wore on most occasions. Peter adjusted his glasses before they were knocked off and rubbed his hands on his gray sweats. He wasn't expecting to experiment in the lab today, so he stayed in his gray sweats and blue shirt. Apparently, we had better things to do like invade facilities.
Tony sat in a chair next to Thor and tried to keep himself entertained. He wore his black Black Sabbath shirt and black pants, which went well with his greasy hair. He didn't have time to take a shower between there and the lab, so he just said screw it and left it as is. Tony poked Thor's biceps and tried to make it not so obvious. Thor kept side-glancing at him to let him know it was irritating the dear life out of him, but none of it worked. He didn't know what else to expect from Tony.
Logan stood by me. He wanted to go in on the mission to ensure that it would get done without injuries. He had too much hope for heroes who were prone to getting injured. Logan took off his brown jacket and revealed his red shirt underneath. His blue jeans covered the brown combat boots.
I got my orders. I pushed a strand of brown hair out of my face. This was ridiculous. I didn't get a say in anything. I pretended not to care and fixed the hem of my blue top and black jeans, but I did care. I understood that Rogers was the leader and a tactical genius on the side, but all in all, they had no idea what was inside the facility. Red Skull could be in there for all we knew. If we came across him, then what? Just kill him? I don't think that would fly very well with half of the team. He had information we didn't. We'd be lucky to get our hands on that knowledge. "I know these facilities better than anyone. They all have the same layout, so I know the quickest ways in and out. We'd be lucky if this one had the same," I pointed out.
Steve's icy blue eyes flickered up from the map and onto me. The muscles on his face stayed exactly in place, almost like he gave me a disapproving look. He leaned on the table using his elbow and readjusted his leg for better traction with the floor. "With your powers out in the field, it could go south, especially on a mission like this. Red Skull knows what you're capable of. Why would we take you there when he has the opportunity to take you away and use your powers to his advantage?"
My eyebrows knit together and I became defensive, "I'm not some damsel in distress, Rogers. I can handle myself." I folded my arms across my chest and narrowed my eyes. "That's quite the accusation coming from a fellow test subject, isn't it?" I tapped my foot against the floor in frustration. This guy knew how to really get on my nerves. "Red Skull said he wanted you. To torture you. Kill you. Whatever he wanted. Then it's world domination. I'm not the one that should be watching themselves on this mission."
"I'm more human than you'll ever be, Parker. He only wants revenge on me, but with you, he could do some serious damage," Steve shot back.
I saw a spark in his eye that flashed only for a second. He was enjoying this as much as I was. For some reason, fighting was something we agreed on. Butting heads felt right. It not only made us bond in an indirect way, but there was a certain exhilaration that came with it. It burned a fire in the pit of our stomachs and kept us running, no matter how many words we exchanged. Maybe it was the thrill of the fight that kept us arguing from day-to-day.
Before I could throw something back at him, Peter stepped in from the side. "You know, most of us didn't have the best backgrounds. Alright? It doesn't matter what we are, human or not. What matters is that we stick together. Not apart."
Barton rolled his eyes. He scoffed, "The first time we met her, she was stealing intel from the enemy and giving it to our other enemy. How is that helpful? How are we so sure she didn't give them everything they needed?"
"I saw what she gave them. It was just busy work for them to decode. Nothing to fret about," Tasha answered him. Her emerald green eyes glanced from him and back to me to show she was on my side. I definitely was starting to respect her a lot more now. "Now, we need to get our heads out of our asses before something happens."
Banner spoke up from the sidelines, "You always have your head in your ass because you think you know everything." He didn't even look up from his work when he said it. It was a very nonchalant thing for him to say.
"Shut it, Banner. You're the big green monster, remember? Don't need to upset him," Tony defended Natasha. He almost stood up to say it. He didn't know how Bruce could say something so bold to one of his best friends.
Bruce's veins popped out of his arm as he tightened his grip on the pen in his hand. His eye twitched and he quickly put his hands on his temples. "This upsets me more than before."
Thor set Mjolnir down on the table and got up from his chair. He frowned instantly. "You all need to calm down. We have our differences, and w-"
Logan furrowed his brow and cut him off, "You're a god. What do you have to worry about? How would you know how we feel?"
Steve scoffed and stood up straight. There was no way he could let this fight go down without defending his friends. "Logan, you're nothing but a careless asshole who does nothing but screw things up with your anger. I've seen you in action and sometimes you need to dial it down a bit."
"You don't know what I've been through," Logan forced out through his clenched teeth. The veins in his temple protruded from his skin. His adamantium claws flew out from his knuckles and he showed them off to the group. He spit out in sheer anger and hatred, "And these? The bane of my fucking existence. I've saved the future. What have you done?"
"Oh, you know," Tony paused for dramatic effect, "saved the world a few times. That's all."
Peter set his hands down on the table calmly and tried not to get too out of hand. He had to stop what was going on before it was too late. "Everyone, stop. This is ridiculous. You're all fighting over nothing."
"Ridiculous? It's needed. We need to get this figured out. Who can we really trust here?" Rogers disagreed.
Soon, everyone was arguing with each other. In a matter of seconds, some arguments spawned into irrelevant topics like disliking some trilogy of movies or breaking one of the household appliances a few hours earlier. That seemed to happen a lot around the tower. These arguments were starting to heat up, and it all started because of me. It was a mistake trying to plan this out with me on the team. Clearly, that's what was wrong. I couldn't just sit back and let myself sulk around the tower in a bored state! I had to get out there. Fight some Hydra agents. Get on my friends' good sides. I just wanted to be out in the field again. It was an eagerness inside of me that I couldn't push back.
Unfortunately, it was too late for this situation to be saved.
Banner nearly pulled out his hair and ran to the big container on the other side of the room. Fury had given Tony the schematics for the container that was held in the helicarrier so he could make one for the tower just in case Bruce had a meltdown. Of course, as always, Tony amped the schematics up a bit to add in his own flare, but not by much. He told me before that the glass was stronger and the lighting in there was three times better. The container door slammed shut, locked, sealed itself, and the fluorescent white lights turned on. Bruce stammered about and fell to his knees before letting out a loud, agonizing scream.
Everyone's attention focused on him. The room fell eerily quiet to where everyone held their breaths. We watched Banner change into the Hulk, his shirt ripping apart at the seams. His pants were oddly stretchy, but that might have been part of his own creation for safety reasons. Bruce's tan skin faded into varieties of light lime to a hard, cactus green. His muscles bulged and twitched as his body grew larger and more muscular than before. Soon, he towered over all of us.
Tony waved his hand towards the container. "Look at what you did. You made him angry."
The Hulk pounded his fist up against the glass. He barred his teeth in anger at us. All of us backed away slowly as the glass cracked under his strength. The white lights in the chamber flickered and shook. Worry thickened the air and overshadowed the tension in the room. I didn't know how this was going to play out. I had never even met the big guy.
"Banner wouldn't hurt us..." Tony trailed off and backed up into the wall.
I finished his thought out loud, "But the Hulk wouldn't hesitate to do so if he's angry at us..."
Tony pushed a button to put up another layer of glass behind the one already there. The Hulk threw himself up against the glass with all of his strength and broke through both at once. Tony's face overcame with worry and called out for Jarvis to send his suit.
The room became silent once more. The Hulk stepped out of the container. Glass crunched underneath his big foot and he huffed. His short, stringy black hair moved up as he exhaled roughly and he moved to look at the slightest movements within the group. Hulk's muscles twitched and his fingers tightened into fists. He screamed at us like he was giving out a war cry.
The game was on.
No one needed words in this moment. We all knew that we couldn't let the Hulk out of the tower at any cost. He would do more destruction than good, and it would be all our fault. Steve threw his shield at Hulk and it reflected off of him. Clint shot off arrow after arrow, making explosions pop close to him to distract him. He stopped and shifted to his regular arrows as I created a portal for Nat to jump through and onto Hulk's back. She electrocuted him with small devices she clasped onto his leaf shaded skin.
The Hulk thrashed around where he stood and clawed at his back. He found Natasha's leg and launched her at the wall. She couldn't comprehend what was happening until it was too late. She hit the wall, face first, and fell to the floor unconscious. Blood spurted out of her nose and cracked lip.
Clint slid passed the Hulk and attached an arrow to his leg. The arrow emitted electricity and shocked Hulk. He growled and threw his arms about, hitting Clint and hurled him out of the window. Barton yelled, "Oh, shit!" Tony only had half of his armor on, but he couldn't let Barton fall. He leapt out of the window to save him.
Peter flung his webbing at Hulk's hands and stuck them together. He proceeded to try to tie him up, but the big guy was relentless. He broke through the webbing and slammed Peter onto the ground. His action created an indent on the floor and Peter yelled out in pain. I quickly used fire to make Hulk back away and covered my cousin.
Thor swung his hammer around and attacked. Mjolnir crashed into Hulk's jaw and Hulk flew up into the air. He dropped to the ground, making the floor crack under his weight. The big guy grabbed Thor's foot and Thor sailed through the air as he was launched. He broke wall after wall, trying to slow down his landing and not fly out of the tower.
Logan yelled and sprinted forward. Hulk got up and went to grab him, but Logan was too nimble compared to him. He took out his adamantium claws and went to town on Hulk's face.
Screaming. Yelling. Blood. Sweat. Maybe a few single man tears. Everything was happening so fast that I didn't know how to comprehend it. If we couldn't handle Hulk, then how were we supposed to trust him on the battlefield? What if he turned against us? What if Loki got a hold of him and used him as a puppet?
Hulk snatched Logan's leg from underneath him and snapped it in half. Logan fell to the ground after crying out. Hulk took advantage of this moment and used his elbow to break several of Logan's ribs. His fist came into contact with his chest repeatedly, and soon Logan was nothing but blood, broken bones, and scattered breathing. The Hulk had scratches and marks from the claws, but nothing to do real damage. He was healing faster than Logan had thought.
Steve and I put Peter and Natasha in the corner of the room for safety. They were hurt pretty badly, but it wasn't something a good nights sleep and pain killers couldn't fix. Steve turned around and hurled his shield at the Hulk. I followed the shield with my eyes and put my hands mid-air on the right side of my body. I used my magnetic powers to swing more force into the shield and its current velocity.
The weapon made Hulk skid across the floor after it hit his stomach. His feet dug into the carpet and tore it up, but he simply grinned from ear-to-ear. He flung the shield back at us. Steve and I ducked as a reflex and the shield jammed itself into the wall. We looked at the shield and exhaled loudly. At that speed, it would have killed one of us.
I heard the Hulk's footsteps and spun around. He lifted his fist and aimed for Captain America. "Rogers!" I yelled and took the hit.
It would be much more simple for me to heal than him. We needed him on the mission, not resting in the emergency room from a terrible injury.
I fell to the floor. A couple of my ribs were broken and my arm popped out of place. I locked my arm back into its socket and cracked my neck to release some tension. He towered over me and growled. He lowered his head and his pupils grew larger, making him look even more menacing as he grit his teeth. I used one hand to back up on the floor and the other to freeze his hands together. He yelled as if giving a war cry and lifted his arms high above his head.
This was it. I was going to be pulverized by a very angry Hulk.
"Bruce, no!" I screamed and shielded my face.
The Hulk hit the floor next to me after hearing what I said. The floor underneath us crumbled under the pressure. Peter quickly hung onto the wall with one hand and used his webbing to cling onto Natasha. He felt obligated to protect her, especially if she couldn't protect herself. The cement gave in and bumped against the furniture on the floor below. Metal rubbed against metal, creating a loud screeching sound. A loud, irritating ringing started up in my ears. The mixture of plaster and blood flooded my nostrils, making me cringe. Cement from the floor's foundation bashed through into the next floor below. The next few floors fell under the domino effect and collapsed until we were four floors down from where we used to be.
The unsettled dust swam in the air and the final pieces of cement and flooring fell down the mound of crumpled furniture. I glanced around slowly and tried to make the ringing stop. My sore eyes irritated me from lack of moisture. I blinked rapidly and picked myself up from the ground. Blood poured out of my side like a fountain. I had landed on a pipe when I fell and it went straight through my stomach. My vision blurred and thoughts flooded my mind. Pain surged through my nerves and made some of my muscles twitch. I couldn't focus. I needed to focus.
The Hulk rose from a mound of fallen cement and beat his fists against his chest. The anger hadn't left him. He yelled out, ready for the next thing to come at him.
My right hand focused on a giant piece of metal steel beam and took control of it. I lifted it into the air and forced it around the Hulk's physique. I got a few more steel beams and did the same thing. Hulk attempted to break free, but he failed. He finally gave up after a minute and sat down on the ground in defeat.
Soon, he was back to being Bruce Banner.
I pulled the pipe out of my side and cried out in sheer pain. I tossed it to the side and looked around the room. Everything was in shambles. Logan sat at the top of one mound, caressing his wounds as he healed. Steve massaged his left leg because he twisted it. The rest of the group were either rushed into the hospital level of the tower or still outside from being thrown out.
Tony came back and landed close to Banner. He looked around with saddened eyes and shook his head. This would cost more money. Money wasn't a problem, but it was the fact that there was always something new to deal with everyday. He scratched the back of his suit's neck out of habit and said, "Guess we have to do that remodeling we were talking about."
I ignored Tony and looked straight at Steve. I made sure he watched my every move and heard what I was about to say. He had trust issues. One day, he trusts me. The next, I'm too dangerous to bring along on missions. This event had to prove something. It had to. "Trust us yet?" With that, I walked out of the room and went straight for a shower.
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