I float on butterflies
And listen to
The clouds, because
They always tell the truth.
I know everything
And my mother is a Queen,
And nothing else exists
From here to what's Between.
Pink is my favorite color
Because it's what my unicorn
Eats, and I always do
The things I've pinkie-sworn.
My best friend is the sunshine,
Because she's made of gold,
And Mother promised me
That I won't ever get 'old'.
Daddy pulls the peanut butter
Off the top shelf for me,
Because I'm too short to reach it;
I like it that way, you see.
My brother is going to
Teach me to fly,
And then I'll be
A princess in the sky.
Someday I'll go to Neverland,
And marry Peter Pan,
And then we'll all be happy;
It really is a perfect plan.
I smile up at Mother
As she tucks me in,
And I believe her
When she says I'll always win.
Then I close my eyes
Even though I am not tired,
And wake up in my apartment,
Wishing that she hadn't lied.
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