Black Ink
Black ink,
White page.
Dark hearts,
Pure rage.
Blank eyes,
An empty face.
Heartless fiends,
An endless race.
Huge castles,
Unbreakable walls.
Glittering jewels,
And gold-studded halls.
Broken pledges,
Promises made.
The bodies of the dead,
To rest at last laid.
Once flourishing fields,
Now drenched in blood.
The moans of the greiving-
Their tears are a flood.
Black ink,
White page.
Pretty bird,
Gilded cage.
Heroes rise,
Villians fall.
Humble minds
Answer a call.
Sugar and salt,
Hate and true love,
Fire and brimstone
Rain from above.
Battles fought,
Wars won.
Oceans swum,
And races run.
Triumph and failure,
Trust and betrayal,
The pounding of a million hearts
These pages never fail.
Black ink,
White page.
True hearts,
Wizened with age.
Adventures gained,
And riches lost,
Good verses evil,
No matter the cost.
All this and more,
We are pledged to know.
For in our hearts the words
A burning fire sow.
All for one,
And one for all,
Our anticipating minds
The paper can't forestall.
For we are readers,
One and all;
We live for but one thing:
Answering the authors' call.
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