5| The Follower
(Y/n) ended up staying on the bus for a few hours now as it drove off to who knows where, and his little stalker still hasn't gotten off.
It was starting to get dark outside.
(Y/n) couldnt help but panic a little when he looked out the window to see that he didn't recognize where the bus had taken him.
He glanced over at the creep in the black hoodie. They were on their phone, maybe if they got distracted enough (y/n) could sneak off at the next shop.
The bus made a sudden stop.
"Okay everyone off this is the last stop, of you stay on your just going to be brought back to the bus station." Said the bus driver to the 5 people that were still actually on the bus, including (y/n) and his follower.
Well there goes his plan.
(Y/n) stood up and shakily stepped off of the bus, when he glanced around his shoulder not to his surprise they were still following him.
He decided that he couldn't do anything else but make a run for it and hope that they can't catch up.
(Y/n) sighed and gripped onto his groachery bag. Without any second thoughts he bolted.
He didn't really know what direction he was going, but he didn't care at this point.
He ran for about a minute before he decided to check behind him,
he sped up when he saw that they were actually noticably still following and they were pretty darn fast.
They werent trying to hide the fact they're following him anymore.
He made a sharp turn down some kind of allyway and kept running as fast as he could.
(Y/n)'s luck seemed to be nonexistant,
because the next thing he knows he's almost running into a giant wall.
He made a sudden stop before he could make impact.
He turned around and started panicking. Well this is it, when you cant run and can't hide its time to fight. So he was going to at least try.
He dropped his things on the ground and readied himself for when the creep comes around the corner.
Like he expected here they come running, and (y/n) doesn't hesitate to tackle him.
Down to the ground they both fell.
The stalker struggled underneath (y/n), and with one swift movement (y/n) yanked their hood from off of their head.
Curly dyed red locks of hair fluffled from the hood and (y/n) froze as he met eyes with the boy underneath him.
It was that guy that was with Baekhyun, Jongin, and Kris the other day when they chased (y/n).
The boy shoved (y/n) off of him and quickly stood up.
(Y/n) scrambled to his feet before yelling "WHY ARE YOU FOLLOWING ME??!!"
Before the other could answer (y/n) added, "oh wait. I know. Your probably trying to find out where I life for Kris. So you all have a better shot at making my life a literal hell like they do every day." (Y/n) crossed his arms over his chest.
"I- nO. Its not like that, I was-" He was cut off by the sound of his cell phone ringing in his pocket.
He sighed when he saw the collar ID and answered it, (y/n) heard a loud voice yelling on the other end.
"Kris i-"
"WHATEVER I don't really care, just come to my place quickly.
This guy isn't coperating like I thought he would and I need your help."
The red headed boy huffed in defeat.
"Yah I'll be over as fast as I can be.
See you."
When he hung up he looked back at (y/n) who had a very confused expression.
"Just...forget I was ever here." The boy said before pulling his hood back over his head and running away.
"Wait!" (Y/n) tried to catch up to him, but when he turned around the corner he was gone.
(Y/n) stood there lost in his thoughts.
He grabbed his thinga and started to just walk home.
He hoped he knew the way back from where he was, if he didn't he didn't know what he would do.
Its already dark and he's alone.
As he walked he couldn't help but to wonder what that guy was doing following him, and what Kris was talking about over the phone.
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