3| Bullies
As (y/n) got home it started to get dark. He walked very cautiously.
This is the time of day when bullies come out and try to jump him.
Its happened a couple of times before, each time being more rough and violent than the last.
He has resorting to just running down the long way home so they couldn't follow him.
His head snapped up from his phone when he heard the sound of leaves ruffleing to the left of him.
He started to speed walk now in panic.
When he heard faint laughter he knew for sure it wasnt some animal in the bushes, it was indeed those bullies that are out to get him again.
They haven't gotten him in a few months, but that doesn't stop them from trying.
He gripped onto his geometry book tighter and made a run for it.
He heard them emerge from the bushes and started to chase after him.
They all laughed as they ran, but (y/n) didn't think it was funny at all.
He was terrified, as usual.
Why can't help ever just have a normal and peaceful walk home?
He turned his head to see four of them, one he didn't know.
The other three were the same main three that always pick on him.
Jongin, Baekhyun, and the scariest one out of them Kris.
They are the three of the most populair guys in school. Of course there are other populair people, but theyre most popular for being mean.
Baekhyun is your average trouble maker that vandalizes private property, bad mothes the teachers, and shouts "penis" in the hallways just to be a nucance.
He's robbed is fair share of convience stores, and he'll punch a guy if he has to.
Jongin is just really one of those guys who looks intimidating, but wouldn't hurt a fly. He does say some mean things that does hurt people feelings, but he wouldnt actually beat someone up unless they made him mad enough.
Kris on the other hand.
He's done more bad things than most people can list.
He's been to jail a few times, but has gotten away with more of the worse things he's done.
Its even rumored that he's killed someone! Some kid named Tao that snitched on him for smoking marajunana at school.
The day after he snitched Kris said that he would regret it big time,
then nobody has seen Tao since.
(Y/n) is terrified of Kris.
He can at least pretend to be brave around Jongin and Baekhyun,
but even just a simple glare from Kris can make (y/n) wet his pants.
He ran and ran and ran as far as his legs could take him, he attempted running in a different direction from his home so they wouldn't know where he lives.
When (y/n) crawled under a fence they decided to finally give up even though it would be a piece of cake for them to hop over it.
"You can't run forever nerd." Kris grunted, Baekhyun and Jongin laughed but the other guy just kind of stood there.
He's seen that other guy before,
but only in the halls a few times. He doesnt know his name or who he is.
It almost seemed like he didn't want to be there though, but (y/n) can't make assumptions like that.
He knows that guy will be fully turned to the bad side within a mattee of days. Kris has that affect on people, he can easily manipulate them into doing bad things if he wanted to.
(Y/n) panted roughly as he continued to walk home. When he bursted through his front door, he trudged his way to his bedroom then dropped everything on the floor.
He turned on the fairy lights above his bed then took off his shoes.
When he walked back into the empty living room he saw a note stuck to the tv.
He took it off and read it;
I'm sorry (Y/n), but i'll be gone for a whole week.
I have a serious business meeting all the way in Seoul and I didn't have the time to tell you goodbye in person.
I'll be back as soon as I can be,
please be good. -- love mom
(Y/n) rolled his eyes.
This wasn't a suprise to him.
She is always doing things like this.
She could have at least took him with her, but nope.
He's left home alone yet again for a whole entire week.
He doesn't even have anybody to hang out with or anything, he's alone just like he always is.
It feels like there's never a time that he isn't lonely.
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