Chloe's POV
I don't know what the hell came over me out there on the side of the road, but all I wanted was to feel him. I know I need to stop having stupid feelings and just enjoy the pleasure that comes with fooling around with him. I hate that I crave him, but I can't help it. The rest of the ride was silent as well. I just put Liam to bed while Daryl and Travis brought the tree inside. I don't have work until tomorrow night so Liam and I can do the tree in the morning.
It's just after midnight and I'm zonked from today. I've left my window open just in case, I guess I'm still hoping he'll come. I pull the covers up over me and curl up into a ball. I can feel myself drifting and hope that I can fall asleep quick.
I'm woken by the sound of my window being lifted, I hear him grunt so I know that it's him climbing through. I'm half awake and don't really want to move. I hear him curse as he trips over something. My bed shifts with his weight and I hear his shoes hit the floor. He lifts the covers up and gets under with me. His arm drapes over me as I try to lay as still as possible. I wonder what it's like to just lay here for a few minutes in his arms. He pulls me close and holds me tight without saying a word. I feel him nuzzling his face into my hair, then he sighs.
We lay like this for a long time, I'm not sure if he's drifted off, but I'm pretty sure I have several times. His breathing is light as he continues to just hold me. This almost feels real. I shake the thought from my head and roll around to face him. In the darkness I push his hair away from his face, I think his eyes are closed. I continue to run my hands through his hair. He opens his eyes and stares at me.
"Sorry it took me so long," he whispers.
"S'okay," I say.
"I was trying to convince myself not to come," he tells me.
His hand touches my face as he rubs his thumb softly against my cheek.
"Why? You afraid of something?" I ask.
I stare at him hard trying to get a read on him, his wall is starting to crack, but it's not down yet. He's still protecting himself, trying to keep me out.
"Me?" I press. "Why?"
"You're fucking with my mind."
His eyes stay directly on me, only shifting slightly when he blinks.
"I find that hard to believe," I say.
His lips are so close to mine I can almost taste them, I want to taste them. He knows how to get me riled up. He lingers there teasing me.
"If I'm fucking with you so much, stay away then," I tell him.
"It's not that simple."
"It is. Just stop crawling through my..."
I'm cut off by him pressing his lips hard against mine. His body thrusts into me and I let out a moan louder than I intended. He puts his hand over my mouth and smirks. I lick his hand and he jerks it back wiping it on the blanket. I let out a small laugh and he shakes his head, then pulls me close again.
"Not to ruin the mood or anything, but I still need some time to go further," I tell him.
"Okay," he says.
"I understand if you need to get that from somewhere else I'm just not..."
His lips are on mine again, "Shhh," he coos into my mouth.
Fifteen minutes later we are both laying in my bed; me only in my underwear, and he's stripped down to his boxers. I crawl on top of him and lean down to kiss him. His lips touch my jaw as he slowly moves down to my neck. He knows it drives me crazy when he does that. Just like that day in the mountains I can feel everything under me, and it feels good. He tugs at my ear with his teeth and I moan.
"You're loud tonight," he laughs.
I smack him playfully and climb off to sit down next to him. We've both already finished, but are now just fooling around. Part of me wouldn't mind taking it the step further tonight, but now I'm hesitant. I knew going into this nothing would come of it, but him confessing that he had to force himself here because he can't get me off his mind confused me.
He lays his head down on my pillow and motions for me to lay next to him. I put my head on his chest as he runs a hand through my hair. I listen to his fast heartbeat and the sound comforts me. The sky is getting lighter in the distance and my eyes feel heavy.
"Mmm," I respond.
I wait for him to say something, but it never comes. I move my head and look up. His eyes are closed, his breathing relaxed, and his body stills. I reach up and kiss his lips then curl up next to him. He shifts so that he can put his arm around me like we were before. I wish I could stop feeling like I could get used to this, lying here with him. I'm still so tired, with heavy eye lids I close them and wait for sleep to take over.
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