Daryl's POV
She's quietly eating her bacon burger at the diner I picked out two towns over. I figure that no one we know would see us there and question why we are out together. I'm not ready for the questions. I know we aren't together because we both agreed to it, but I can't help but worry about what Merle will say, or Travis.
"Thank you for everything," she suddenly says as she swallows what's in her mouth.
"For getting you..."
"Jeez maybe I should have helped you out, it seems like your mind is in the gutter," she laughs. "I mean for today in general. I feel more relaxed, although still pretty pissed just relaxed," she tells me.
"If you don't mind me asking, what happened?"
"My mother almost got me fired," she tells me taking another bite. She waits till she's done to continue. "She told me the day before Thanksgiving that my boss called and took me off the schedule. She just wanted me to fucking cook her thanksgiving dinner. We all see how that turned out," she says rolling her eyes.
"Damn! So what did your boss say?" I ask her.
"He told me to chill and take the day today, but I can work tomorrow. He's given me so many chances the past few months and I feel like one more thing and I'm gone. I need that job," she tells me.
She takes another bite of her burger, and looks off into the distance. I won't press her to tell me anymore. I watch as she takes in her surroundings. I'm actually fucking shocked at myself that we went as far as we did today. I honestly wasn't expect her to either. She surprises me sometimes, and it was fucking sexy as hell when she acted all shy. I've never seen that side of her, she's usually outgoing and doesn't give a shit what people think. I'm already feeling like with me though it's different. I've even contemplated stopping this shit all together, I've never cared for the woman I meet, they are usually one night stands or just someone to fool around with. I don't know what it fucking is with her, she makes me feel different. I should probably end if before it gets out of hand. I do believe that she only wants casual I'm just hoping we can keep it that way.
Chloe's POV
I hadn't realized how late it was, and by the time we finish eating it's already almost dark. I hop on the back of Daryl's bike and wrap my arms around his middle. For some stupid reason this time it feels different, more intimate I guess. He shifts and starts the bike and without a word we race off back to the restaurant for my car.
The cold air hits my face so I lay my cheek against Daryl's back. I'm not sure if I'm imagining things but as Daryl slows to a stop at a light I swear I feel his hand cup mine for just a moment. The light turns green and we are back to moving and I'm pretty sure it was my imagination. I promised myself that this whole thing with Daryl would be for fun, but I can't get my mind off of the way he made me feel.
Daryl pulls into the parking lot and pulls up right next to my car, but leaves the bike running. I untangle myself from him and hand the helmet over. He takes it from me and puts it on his own head. The bike is loud so I shout, "Thank you," over it.
"Sure," he says like it doesn't matter.
"I guess I'll um... see you later then," I say.
"I've got a job tonight..." he says it like he's telling me not to expect him to climb through my bedroom window.
It's not like I was really asking him to, but if he wanted to I probably wouldn't object, especially after today's little adventure.
"Right no it's cool, I wasn't..."
God why do I sound like a babbling idiot right now? This isn't me, I don't stutter in front of guys ever. What is he doing to me? I need to get in my car before I make myself look desperate and clingy, which I am not. I take the few steps to my car and reach down in my bag for the keys. I feel them in my hands and start to pull them out when my whole body is spun in the opposite direction. Daryl's strong arms push me up against the car and I can feel the pulse beating in my neck. I look up at him and he's got this smirk on his face that I've never seen. I grab a hold of the fabric of his exposed shirt and pull him in towards me planting my lips on his before he can. His breathe falters as my tongue slides into his mouth, and I nearly lose myself as he presses me against the car.
I'm the first to pull away because this isn't supposed to be how this "thing" goes. I'm not supposed to want him like this. He looks at me and the smile never fades. He hops back on his bike and revs his engine still looking at me. I shake my head and watch as he drives off out of the lot. I hadn't realized that my knees were shaking until I went to turn and I nearly fall. I laugh at myself for being the girl I never wanted to be, oh Daryl Dixon what the hell are you doing to me?
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