The Office
I slowly shut the door and turned to see Vixen.
V"What's up fox?"
"Uh I mean-"
V"Great to hear, has anyone showed you the office down the hall yet?"
"No, not yet."
V"Alright then, I need to show you something."
We made our way down the hall to the office and once inside there was just so much everywhere, it was crazy.
V"So this unlike all the other rooms is where I've seen some weird things happen, like some night there will be a guard in there who will put on a suit anytime we get near him."
"Oh so he's doing your job for you then."
V"Well I guess, but after we leave he just takes it off again."
"Sounds frustrating."
V"Yeah, it gets pretty bad. Anyways I don't think you saw the room I say in, did you."
"No I don't believe so."
V"Alright then follow me."
We went back down the hall and went through the showroom into another room called kids cove. It had its own party tables and lots of open space.
"Do you not have a stage?"
V"What? No, I interact with the kids."
"Really, it doesn't seem like it. Your fur still looks pretty good, not greasy or stained."
V"Thanks, but there are some patches that have gotten sticky."
"Well it still looks pretty new. This room is a lot better than the one I'm in now."
V"Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised. But I think you guys still could have a chance to be used during the day. I know they're thinking about putting you in here with me."
"Really? That sounds fun."
V"Yeah, it should be." She looked at the time, 11:36PM."I think it's time to leave."
"Why is that?"
V"Because we are all turned on and allowed to wander around the restaurant after midnight so our servos don't lock up."
"Oh, gotcha."
We began walking back and after walking by the stage we both saw Toy Chica was gone.
V"Oh shoot. She's out early."
"Why is that a problem?"
V"Because she doesn't want to see any of you outside the room without permission from her, typical power hungry things."
"Well I guess we'll just have to keep an eye out for her." We passed the stage and went into the hallway and made it all the way to the door.
V"Well, that was easier than I thought it would be."
TC"Yeah I know, all I had to do was wait in a party room for a bit."
"What are you doing here?"
TC"I was about to ask you the same thing. And why are you with Vixen?"
"She was showing me around."
TC"Ok but Freddy showed you around the first night."
"Yes but he didn't show me the office or kids cove."
V"All I did was give him the little tour, we talked for a bit and now we're here."
TC"Sure, ok. Well anyways foxy you'd want to get back in the room, you aren't allowed out here."
"Alright." I turned and went inside and shut the door behind me.
I woke up again later, and again no one else was up. I went over to the door and opened it when toy Chica happened to be passing by.
"Hey Toy Chica."
TC"Oh hey Foxy, what's up?"
"Why are my friends always asleep when I'm up?"
TC"I couldn't tell you, I don't live in the room."
I began to leave the room and TC looked at me and asked.
TC"Where do you think you're going?"
"For a walk, if I can't talk to my friends I got nothing better to do."
TC"Seems fair."
I walked away from her down the hall towards the security guards office. That's when I heard something from one of the party rooms. I stood at the entrance looking into the dark room.
V"Hey come over here."
V"Just follow my voice."
I began walking slowly over to Vixen and she put her hand out to tap my shin. I took a knee and was at eye level with Vixen.
V"I think I know what happened to your friends."
V"Yeah, let's go check them out. Just make sure Toy Chica doesn't see us."
"Seems easy enough."
We walked out of the party room into the hallway and I checked to see if there was anyone else. It was only about 10-15 feet to the door so we made it quick and when we got in I closed the door. I turned to Vixen and said.
"Told you it's be easy. Anyways, I haven't seen them move for awhile."
V"Interesting." She flicked the lights on and she began inspecting Chica and I began inspecting Freddy. We were there for hours, checking for anything at that point.
V"Wait a minute, come look at this!"
Author's note
Hey guys, so apparently a few of my stories are actually pretty high ranking for certain categories like: daily quotes, one of my FoxyxMangle books, and my second truth or dare. So my question is, should I continue them? If you want to see then continued I would be happy to start them back up. But for now, later guys!
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