-CH 9- Under the rain II
The rain got heavier and it was banging on her window, Kyle seemed so tense, he hated this weather so much, especially when it's with her... again.
The thunder thundered really loudly, he got even more tensed up that he involuntarily tightened his grip on her hand, she looked at him when she felt how tense he was, so she didn't apply the sanitizer in case it hurt him and he got more irritated.
"Is everything okay?" She asked softly
"I promise it won't hurt. I'll make it as quick as possible,"
He looked at her and tilted his head a bit confused.
"Hurt? Uh... that, I don't feel anything... it's fine, " he mumbled.
"Are you sure?"
She nodded and then started to clean his wounds. They looked pretty messy and random, so she kinda figured out how they happened.
"I am almost done..." she said as she continued to take care of his battered hand, wiping away the now dry blood.
She could see him trying his best not to show any sign of pain or discomfort, but some soft whimpers accidentally slipped from his mouth when she accidentally touched a sensitive spot.
"C-can you be more gentle...." He breathed. She nodded and tried to be more gentle with her touch, but it still hurt.
"I freaking drank alcohol so it won't hurt. Why do I still feel pain..." He muttered annoyingly.
"You did what?" She said as she finished cleaning the wounds and placed the now bloody cotton on the coffee table. Then she started to prepare some bandages.
"Ugh, shut up... Do you wanna make fun of me? Or judge me for drinking at an illegal age." He said while looking at the ceiling with his head relaxed into the couch, and his eyes half closed.
"N-No! That's not why I asked. I mean... I mean, can I ask what happened... you really don't look fine at all tbh..." she started bandaging his hand up while focusing on being as gentle as possible.
"Nothing happened. I am fine..." He said, then rolled his eyes.
"Nothing? You wanna tell me that people randomly go out in a rainy storm and drink alcohol then hurt themselves?!" Her tone was a bit sharper but not like an angry one, more of a concerned one.
"Listen.... I'd rather not talk about it at all... I'll leave as soon as the storm is over, so... so it doesn't matter anyway. " he pulled his now fully bandaged hand away from hers and looked at it. It was professionally done and secure. He smiled a smile that barely reached his eyes.
"You're the weirdest person I've ever met, Kyle... your actions all are so... reckless and-" he didn't let her finish and cut her off.
"Pffft Oh please... reckless? What's really reckless is bringing a man who you barely knew to your house as if it was normal..." He said in a bit of a sarcastic way, which meant he was feeling slightly better now.
"What was I supposed to do then!? Your dumbass was bleeding and almost fainted, and it's raining cats and dogs outside" she murmured, and she knew he was totally right it was a very stupid move of her, she felt really embarrassed about it.
He sensed the hesitation in her voice, so he decided to tease her a bit. He stood up and smirked at her darkly.
"Heh? What's wrong with you why are you-" she didn't get a chance to finish her sentence as he leaned forward and placed a hand next to her on the couch, he got a bit closer and stared right into her eyes with a bigger smirk.
She felt alerted and tried to back away but there was no where to go, she clutched the sheets of the couch and her breathing became shallower, she could feel her heart beating really fast and only then she realized how fucked up she was.
"W-what do you think you're D-doing, huh!?" She managed to say between her fast breaths.
He couldn't hold it much longer, so he burst into laughter and backed away. Yeah, now that was the normal Kyle, stupid and annoying.
"You really believed that!?" He giggled,
She got so irritated by his stupid prank.
"Shut up! That's not funny, not funny at all!" A faint pink blush appeared on her cheeks, and he knew he got under her skin, but man, the sound of his laugh was very energetic. He looked so cute when he smiled like that.
"Alright, alright! Sorry, I was just teasing, " he said but covered his mouth with his hand because he couldn't stop laughing.
She got very annoyed and threw a pillow at him to shut him up. He caught it before it hit his face. It only made him laugh harder.
"Omg, you're so childish! Stop laughing!" She yelled, feeling really frustrated now.
"Make me," He said with a shrug, then smirked and threw himself into the couch.
That faint blush became more visible now. The way his damp hair flew when he sat down was so cute it was hard not to stare, he was weirdo but at least he was handsome.
"Uh this jacket is wet it's making me cold bro" he said then took off his blue jacket and threw it aside, he was now wearing a black t-shirt but it was a bit wet to so it showed a bit of his abs. (My pookie is hot)
She got really confused now. One minute, he's dying and depressed as hell. The other he's laughing and mocking her and the other, he asks for weird requests like hugs.
She looked out of the window and saw that the rain had stopped now.
"Don't you think it's time for you to leave? I mean, the rain stopped so.."
"Ugh, how cruel are you kicking me out? You're lucky because a handsome guy like me even agrees to stay here, " he said sarcastically, with a cocky smile.
"Seriously, you should go home... it's 10pm already, " she said annoyingly while crossing her arms and tapping her foot.
"It's almost midnight and that son of a b*tch didn't come home yet?!" Shouted his father who was fuming with rage, he could kill Kyle if he saw him right now from how mad he was, he hated when people disobeyed him, he picked his phone and called him but no answer, he rang again but still no answer...
His aunt on the other hand was so worried about him, all the bad scenarios of what might have happened jumped into her head. She prayed that he at least came home safe, but even if he came home... his father is not going to let him go off that easily. It was almost safer if he didn't come back at all.
"Try calling him again, Mike.... maybe he didn't hear it or something, " she said with a voice filled with worry
"I swear to God I'll break his face if I saw him! How f*cking dare he!?" His father growled darkly (I hate you Mike)
"Your phone keeps buzzing, why aren't you picking it up? Maybe it's important." Ani said to him as she was preparing something in the kitchen, oh yeah he convinced her somehow to stay for two more hours because he didn't want to go home at all and she reluctantly agreed, it's not like she had much of a choice anyway.
"Uh it's probably just something stupid.... forget it" he shrugged nonchalantly.
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