Helpping Fins
They all speak the same language, when the izuku doesn't know what they're saying, he just can't hear them
Izuku POV
I was listening to carefully to the waves crashing over and over and the seagulls chirp and the rustling of the sand of the unknown creature walking towards me. I twitch my tail causing the ropes that were wrapped tightly around my tail to rub up against my skills causing pain. I quickly stopped forgetting about the rustling sound I had just heard. I dare not open my eyes.
Until I heard the sound again. Unable to do anything about it I lay there awaiting death buy whatever creature was there. Then I heard it, an unknown voice talking to something and almost instantaneously a muffled voice spoke back. In there quick conversation something about a heavy fish carrying device was mentioned. I knew this was meant for me.My eyes open filled in utter Terror and panic staring at what sat in front of me, it was a human.
My blood ran cold with Terror as I watched the human place the unknown device in a carrying satchel. He then turned to me and we made eye contact and for a brief moment everything went still, and I looked him over. The pants he had on were not the kind that formed when mermaids or merman summoned to their legs. So I knew he was not in a transformation, knowing this I looked down at his hand which was holding a dagger. I stared at the dagger with absolute Terror and tried to free myself from the ropes. The human blinked a few times, before gently placing his weapon down at his side and putting his hands up in the air to show me that he was not a threat. At that I relaxed, I didn't realize how tense I was until then because the slight movement scraped up against the ropes causing more pain. The human scooted slightly closer to me almost silently. This sudden action startled me slightly causing me to jolt and whimper when one of my decorative fins rubbed up against a piece of rope giving me rope burn or carpet burn. Which earned Cry of pain.
I opened up my eyes to see the human lunging at me with the knife in hand I closed my eyes Tighter and screamed for help, hoping kacchan was nearby. I prepared myself for it all to end but it never came...
Instead I was greeted with the sound of the knife slicing through the ropes and the relief of them loosening from the tight grasp they had on me. Now knowing that he was not going for the kill and wanted to help me I calmed. myself breathing in and out in and out in and out as he cut through the ropes. As the ropes became undone my fins had room to stretch(resulting in tail above).
The process of removing the ropes had me on edge afraid he would accidentally cut me, but he didn't he Cut the Ropes like a pro as if he had done this a million times before.
I looked up at his face while he continue to work on freeing my hands. He to have split hair the large marking on the side of his face , which I found odd because humans don't get our things like that only need do. When he had removed the last rope his eyes traveled to mine. We sat like that and stared at each other for a while oh, it was not every day you got to see the other species up close. Until two other humans appeared. The tallest one stared directly at me expression unreadable due to an object on his face. And the other a shorter rounded face girl. She stared at my tail, then looked me over with a growing Shimmer in her eye and begin unexpectedly jumping up and down while squealing a high-pitched fangirl squeal. The sudden high-pitched sound startled me causing me to flinch which in turn move my tail which made her only squeal more. Much to the annoyance of the white and red haired human.
He swiftly stood up and walked over to the other two. I rolled onto my stomach now free of my shackles. The group of humans huddled together and began speaking to each other. I took advantage of them being distracted and attempted to escape by running into the ocean. But my hopes little way as I turned to the Sea only to find it was a good 10 feet away which is a lot when you don't have legs. Fortunately I was the most equipped mermaid for this task, because I never had been able to summon my legs whenever I was beached or on land I had to pull myself back into the water. This was a basic skill all mermaids had to learn. But I was exceptionally well at it even better then kacchan. Although he never had a use for it to begin with..
I began wriggling my tail back and forth and pulling myself through the sand with my arm. Only to have all my efforts become in vain when I heard a sharp gasp and something warm wrap around the base of my tail right above my fin. Then the unknown Force began pulling me back through the sand closer to the humans. Now in a state of panic I thrashed around trying to get on my back. When I felt two more of the same Force wrap around my tail and begin pulling me backwards. Then one grabbed my arms pulling them behind my back while still on my stomach. Using something much softer to wrap my arms up and pin them so I cannot move. I was then flipped onto my side and had a dry towel thrown on my head to prevent me from seeing. Something is that for some reason calm me down instantly. They then stop pulling me through the sand and I felt two large arms go underneath my back and hoist me up into the air. My tail was also being carried by most likely the female human. They walk through the sand up the dune. I hadn't even realized it but after they put the blanket over my head I became a lot more calm. The third Pair of Hands slid underneath my shoulders and I was lowered into hammock of some kind. The female began speaking too quickly for me to understand as a loud thud shook the resting-place place I laid in. And I was immediately overcome with emotional and physical exhaustion and passed out.
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