gone but not for good
Y/n:* eyes slowly turn on * ugh
???: Ah your finally awake
Y/n: who are you ?
????: It doesn't matter but what matters is that I can set my plan into action
Y/n: what are you gonna do to me
???: Shhhhhh don't worry the scooper only hurts for a second
Y/n: please no I don't want to-
Scooper:* hits Bonnie and Gos through him *
Y/n:* looks down seeing the scooper in him *
?????: * Push a button*
Scooper:* come back and keeps hitting him over and over again *
????:* Stops it * heh that's enough
Y/n:* not moving as his eyes Bink off and on then they stop blinking *
- ft.foxy pov -
Me: guys have you seen Bonnie ?
Ft.freddy: no
ballora: I haven't seen him either
Bonbon: maybe baby has seen him
Ft.foxy: I doubt it bonbon
Ft.freddy: bonbon you know she can't be trusted
Bonnet: girls I found him
Ft.foxy: take us to him
Lolbit:* shows up * what's wrong sis
Ft.foxy: Bonnie went missing bonnet found him
* Time skip to the scooping room *
Ballora: are you sure he's in there
Bonnet: I'm sure of it
Ft.foxy:* trys to open the door * it's lock * Rams it a couple times *
* As the door falls down *
Ft.freddy: it's dark it in here
Bonbon: don't worry I know where the light switch is
* A little bit after the get in the room *
Bonbon:* turns on the light *
Everyone:* gasp *
Ft.foxy:* covers her mouth with tears coming out of her eyes *
As this is what they saw their friend in the worst condition
Ballora: holy shit
Ft.freddy&lolbit: b-bonnie * with tears in there eyes
?????:* Watching from the other side of the glass* I guess it work after all * jumps down and walks away *
Ft.foxy:* walks up to Bonnie * no this can't be true * touches him as it felt real then hugs his body and breaks down in tears *
* As the others dose the same *
????: Report
????: They found him things should be back on track
????: Good now the plan is a go
- at the other pizzira -
Chira:* feels her heart break * n-no
- with Bonnie -
Bonnie:* gasp for air * where I'm I
????: Your in the code
Bonnie:* looks to see a person with a mask wearing a cloak with out the hood * who are you
?????: Relax I'm not here to hurt you
Bonnie: then who are you
????: I'm the author unfortunately you can't be brought back to life yet
Bonnie: why
????: Plot
Bonnie: damnit
?????: Anyway want to play some uno
Bonnie: sure
- back with the others
Ft.foxy:* holding Bonnie body *
Miniarna:* walks up * you ok funtime foxy
Ft.foxy:* looks at her then back the body * no I'm not i was going to confess my feeling to him but now he's gone he may been broken but he was a good friend
Miniarna:* walks up and hugs her leg * you shouldn't cry he wouldn't want you to cry
Ft.foxy:* sniff * your right
Miniarna:* smiles *
Ft.foxy:* gets up then gos to talk to the others *
Miniarna:* about to leave but sees a piece of paper and grabs it * Freddy Fazbear entrainment hmmmm I would show his to the others * walks to them *
- with Bonnie -
Bonnie: so I'm able to show up here and there but I can't stay
????: Yeah
Bonnie: then can I see my crew
????:* Nods and snaps his fingers
Bonnie:* appears as a shadow and walks around the pizzira *
Foxy:* in his cove *
Freddy:* talking to the puppet *
Chica:* talking to you chica *
Bonnie: it's good to see them doing well
Mangle:* looks at Bonnie * huh
Bonnie;* looks and turns into smoke and disappears *
?????: Welcome back
Bonnie: thanks for letting me see them
?????:* Nods *
Bonnie: what now ?
????: Go get some rest
Bonnie:* nods and walks away *
????:* Pulls out his phone then puts it away then looks at the screen * well I hope you guys enjoy this chapter of course I well fix it to be longer any way let me know what you think
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