Chapter 8
"Dude. Go long," I shout to Bryce just before I release the ball.
Bryce and I have been playing together since elementary school; we just get each other because of that bond. He catches the Hail Mary pass and returns the ball with his own powerful throw.
As I jump to catch it, I see Theo walking out onto the field with Jackson and Jessica. I come down and head over to them. Bryce sees them and heads that way too.
He's closer, so he starts talking to the three of them, but I can hear the whole conversation.
"I'm gonna take the nerd squad home. They're bored," says Jessica in her usual tone.
"Wow," says Theo and Jackson in the same tone. Then, Theo adds, "I play sports too." Jackson says, "Same."
Bryce laughs, and Jessica says, "whatever you know, I love you. But I got them. Didn't want you freaking out."
I see Theo checking me out subtly as I get to the group, and I trip a little. I don't know why I lose it when he's around. I've had other people crush on me. And I've crushEd on other people. Hell, I've crushed on people crushing on me. This is different.
Theo laughs slightly at my misstep, but he's the only one that noticed, thankfully.
Bryce turns to me, "they wanna head home now."
I nod, "ok, cool. Coach says he wants to talk to the team about some stuff for the game tomorrow, but that shouldn't take too long." I look over my shoulder, and the rest of the team is starting to pack up. Coach ran us hard today but ended it with free practice. So basically, work on your skills and chat. We've worked hard this season and earned it.
Jessica nods, "I'll drop them off, then you two can bro out."
Bryce jumps on this, "done. Thanks, Jess. We need a good bro hang before the game tomorrow."
I nod and stretch out my back a bit. Theo's staring, and I realize my abs are showing. They all turn and leave, and I walk with Bryce back to the locker room. "I thought you and Megan would have something tonight?"
He shakes his head, "Nah. I told her this weekend was for the team. I wanted to scoop you up before Theo stole you away." I laugh but stop when I see his face. He says in a quiet voice, "we haven't been hanging out that much. You and Theo are like attached at the hip."
"You sound a bit jealous," I say with a smirk.
He shrugs, "what if I am?"
He heads off to the lockers, and I stop to talk to Coach Martins, a fellow wolf.
"Madison. Is your Dad going to be there tomorrow?" He asks gruffly.
"That's the plan...unless something else shows up," I say. A nice simple code word for us to discuss that rogue shifter.
"Good. I need to chat with him about some rumblings I've heard from Seattle," he says back.
"Anything I can pass on?" I ask hopefully. Scott's more likely to be elected Alpha in the future, but that doesn't mean I don't want to be a part of the pack's future.
He shakes his head with a smile, "not today, Danny boy. However, I will say your math grade is coming up nicely. C- the last time I checked."
I feel a smile cross my face. "Thanks, coach. Bryce's cousin's been tutoring me, and it's working."
"I'm proud of you," he says and slaps my shoulder. He pushes past me to the rest of the team. "Alright, boys. Be back here by 8 am. The bus leaves at 9 for Portland. The game's at 2. With your skills this time tomorrow, we'll be two-time state champs."
The guys all cheer, and they all pile out of the locker room. I head to the showers quickly.
When I'm done and leave the locker room, Bryce comes up beside me, "Dad's cool with us hanging out. I have to be home by 10."
I nod and look for Brenden. I don't want him to be left out, but he's already walking away holding Lisa's hand. His plans are set.
"So, what's the plan?" Asks Bryce quietly. He seems nervous about something, but I can't figure out why.
I shrug. "Let's get tacos and go from there. But, honestly, I could just use a bro chat. If you're game?"
"Fuck yes. Tacos and my bro. Let's go," he says and starts running to my car.
He turns 17 in about a week, and I think his Dad will get him his own car, but I don't mind playing chauffeur until then.
When we get our tacos and take a seat, I smell how nervous Bryce is. Something's on his mind, and he's worried about it. The game. Theo. Megan. School. It could be anything, really.
I give him a long look and cock my eyebrow at him.
"What?" He says as he takes a bit.
"You're nervous about something," I say and then add, "spill it."
He sighs out hard and looks around. "Are there any of your kind around here?"
I do a quick check and then shake my head.
"Ok.....what's up with you and Theo?" He says quickly.
I don't know if I'm ready to tell him the truth, so I go for the easy lie.
"What do you mean? He's just helping me study," I say as I take a bite.
"You know what I mean. You seem really into him, and he seems into you...I don't want you to hurt him on accident," he says quietly.
"I like him. He's a cool guy. Am I not supposed to like him?" I say back. I wonder if Theo really does like me.
"Don't gaslight me, Danny," he shouts and then drops his voice. "You know what I mean. You fall apart when you're around him. You trip and stumble over your words. You like touching him. Are you gay, and are you into my cousin?"
I nod....slightly. "Yes. Well...I'm bi, and I'm into Theo, but he's not into me. He would've said something or done something. It's just a crush." Bryce just glares at me. "Say something, dude. This is a big moment for me."
His glare softens for a second, "you're right. Thank you for telling me." Then he goes right back to normal. "Don't date Theo unless you're ready. He's been through the ringer with men."
"What does that mean?" I say quickly. I know his ex, and his Dad were shit, but what else.
Bryce shakes his head. "His business, but let me tell you this...Theo's been around the block cause he has low self-esteem, and I don't want you taking advantage of that and hurting him."
I'm completely offended by that, and I know my face shows it. "Fuck you. I'm not like that. You should know that after all these years."
He's quick to defend himself. "Well, I just found out you're not straight, so my previous experience with you needs to be reevaluated, but I'll say the following names, and you tell me if I'm wrong. Allison. Jenna. Rachael. Beth. Lily."
"Fuck you, man. That was different," I say quickly. Yes, I fucked around a lot last year, but that's cause I was figuring stuff out, and it was fun.
"Is it different? You weren't into them? Or you were? either way, that's not even the whole list," he says calmly. "I don't want Theo to be on that list. You're my bro, but he's family, and I need to protect him...even if he hates it."
He's right. I really did fuck around a lot last year. I know my reasons, but that doesn't change the fact that I did. "You're right...I'm sorry. I did fuck around a lot."
"You don't need to say sorry. Just know I won't let you do that to him," he says and takes a bite. His mouth is full when he continues. "I'm happy you told me. I'm happy you like Theo cause he's a great guy, and I'm pretty sure he likes you too."
"But?" I say and wave my hands for him to continue.
"But," he says with a nod. "You hurt him, and I'll break your fingers. Those girls all went into it knowing you were a fuck boy. None of them wanted to change you...well, maybe Emma."
I shrug and smile. "So if Theo knows I'm a fuckboy then it's ok?"
"No. Cause I'm telling you it's not. Same if you went after Mandy....who also still has a crush. Theo isn't in a place where he can tell the difference between a good guy and a bad one. You'd need to show him."
"When did you get so smart about relationships?" I say and kill my drink.
"Mrs. Thomas loves to talk about work and make cookies. So I've eaten a lot of cookies and learned a lot of therapy tricks in the last couple of years," he says with a proud smile.
"I'm impressed. Don't go doing that to the love of my life. I can already tell he would hate it," I say, and he throws a napkin at me. "But seriously. I don't know if Theo likes me or if I'm ready for that, but I won't make a move first without your blessing."
"A. I Heard that "first" part, but I can't stop you if Theo moves in. 2. Break up with Emma," he says in a Dad tone. "roman numeral three. I think he does...I noticed that wolf toy on his window. That's a nice touch."
"Oh, dude. Let me tell you a good story," I say with a grin.
The rest of the night goes much the same. I tell him about finding Theo in the woods and playing with him to make sure he was safe. I leave out the depression Theo was feeling. Instead, we bond over football and talk about hockey. It's a good night for us.
When I pull up to his house, he gives me a big smile. "We're going to destroy them tomorrow, man."
"Hell yes, we are," I say back, and bro hug.
I wait for him to get in the house cause I'm a gentleman and drive back home.
"Theo. I just need you to make the first move now," I say to myself as I turn around and head away from their house.
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