Chapter 5
Mrs. Anderson hands back our math tests the same way every time. First, she gives us a weak smile. Second comes the sigh when she makes eye contact with a few of us, usually me. Then, last but not least, she hands them back and "whispers" something to each of us.
"Good job," she says to Britney Hanna in front of me. The whisper is loud enough for everyone to hear. Good or bad.
"Mr. Madison. Talk to me after class," is all she says as the test slides my way.
I let out an annoyed huff as the class giggles. I'm a Junior in a sophomore math class; I should be better than this. I've always been bad at math. Always. It's the one subject I really can't understand. Thankfully Theo helped me study last weekend for this one. Maybe I didn't understand it as much as I thought.
I flip the test over, and I'm shocked to see a C+. My best grade to date.
"Then why does she want to see me?" I mumble to myself and check the clock. 5 minutes to the end of class. Then I can see Theo in history....glorious adorable Theo.
"Now, class. We'll have a quiz next week to cover the lessons from this one. You know the drill. It could be any day next week, so study," she says over the groans. "Some of you did much better than normal on this last test, so please keep up the good work."
The bell rings seconds after she finishes speaking. It's Friday with two periods to go before the Homecoming game and the dance tomorrow. We're all ready to escape.
I swing my messenger bag over my chest and fix my football Jersey. I gotta look good when I see my man later, but first, the cryptic Mrs. Anderson is waiting for me.
"You wanted to talk to me?" I say quietly. Some kids are still in the classroom, and I know they're listening in on this. I'm a popular jock; some people like to see me suffer.
"Yes, thank you," she says with a genuine smile. "You did quite well on the test. You're best score yet."
I look at the holdouts and see they're disappointed, "yes, ma'am. I've been working my butt off this year. It's still hard, but I think it'll work."
"Who's your tutor?" She asks without preamble.
"Uhhh," is all I'm able to say as she caught me off guard.
"Your homework this week had different handwriting where someone was clearly helping you with the basic formulas. I know you didn't cheat on the test, but I'm curious who it might be," she says and points to my homework on her desk.
"Oh...uh Bryce's cousin, Theo. He's been helping me. Seeing as I'm at their house a lot," I say, not really sure where this is going.
"Ohhh, the new boy. He's one of Mr. Kramer's students," she says. Referring to another math teacher who probably just does the advanced classes. "Well. It's working. Please keep it up. You need to keep getting a 75 or higher on every test and quiz to save your grade."
"Yeesh. Ok. I can do that," I say quietly. I managed to bomb the first test so badly that she called home to make sure I wasn't sick that day. Thankfully dad said I was, so she let me do it again. I went from 22% to 31%, and that was mostly guessing.
"You can do this, Danny. I believe in you. Looking at the homework, however, Theo's explaining it to you is clicking," she says with a smile. "Ask him to come see me. I want to talk about how he's explaining it so I can help you more in class."
"Yes, ma'am. I will," I say as the first warning Bell goes off. I have two minutes to get across the school.
"Here's a pass for class," she says. "Good luck tonight, Danny. I'll be rooting for you like always."
As I head out the door, I'm stunned a bit. I actually have a chance of impressing her, she doesn't actually hate me, and Theo is so brilliant a teacher needs his help.
I might kiss that boy today. He's basically saved my ass.
I watch Danny literally slide into history class 5 minutes late.
He's out of breath, so he was actually trying to be on time today.
"Danny! You're late again," says Mr. Hastings in an annoyed voice.
"Yes, sir, but I have a pass this time," he says with a cocky smile and hands the pink slip to our teacher. He heads to his desk next to mine and beams at me.
"Well, you lucked out today. I can't get the overhead to work. I'll be right back. Don't get too loud, please," groans Mr. Hastings, and he heads out the door.
"Why are you so happy," says Jessica as he takes a seat. The two cousins are actually quite friendly even if they bicker like an old married couple.
"Cause I got a C+ on my math test," he says and tosses me the test.
"A C +, and you look like you conquered the world?" She muses.
"Hey, that's my best yet," he snaps. "Plus, it's all thanks to Theo. Mrs. Anderson wants to talk to you btw."
"Why," I ask, thumbing through his test. I can see where he got close to the right answer on another ten or so questions. So he's actually close to a true B.
"She said that if you can teach me, then maybe she can use what you did with other kids. So basically, you're a better teacher," he says and then gives me a light punch.
I nod my head and make a mental note to see her after school.
Jessica turns back to her phone now that making fun of Danny has lost its appeal. He's still staring at me. He does that a lot, but I see him staring off all the time, so I don't think It means anything really.
"What's up?" I ask.
He shrugs. "Nothing. Just excited for the game tonight and the dance."
"Should be a blast for you. I won't be there," I say back with an eye roll.
This gets everyone's attention around me.
Emma Smith, who's Danny's date tomorrow.....cause he's straight, speaks up. "You're not going to the dance? But you'll miss out on the fun."
"Yeah, plus you can watch Danny dance with two left feet," says Jessica. Even Danny laughs at that one.
"No date. So I'd be a third wheel," I say back. Let that be the end of it.
"What about Adam?" Says Emma.
"Who's Adam?" Asks Danny in a concerned voice. His tone surprises me.
"Adam Smith, he's a sophomore in the GSA club, and Emma and I have pottery with him," I say, and she nods. "He didn't ask me out. He's just a nice guy."
Danny calms down slightly before speaking in a strangely defeated voice, "well, come tomorrow, and maybe something'll happen."
Mr. Hastings walks back in with a scowl, and all of us stop talking. " I hate these overheads. They never work when I need them too. Ok. New plan. We're starting your history projects today. 5-minute Presentations with PowerPoints on an influential person in US history. 5 page paper on how they influenced their world then and our world now. I'll be passing around the hat. I want you to start working on it. No sense giving you too much today seeing as the Homecoming Assembly takes over last period. Be productive."
He smiles at the sea of groans that meet him, and he hands a velvet top hat to me first to pick. I pull out my name and pass the hat to Emma behind me.
"Who'd you get?" Asks Danny.
I look at the paper, " I got someone named John Muir. And you?."
"Neil Armstrong. At least I know who he is," he says with a laugh. I give him another eye roll and start googling my person.
"Oh, hey. My guy was into saving forests and stuff," I say with a quiet smile. Danny gives me a smile, and Jessica makes an over-the-top face, confirming that she doesn't care.
I turn back to my notebook and start writing out what I've found. Reading about him makes Me want to go for a hike this weekend. Maybe I can convince the guys to go on Sunday.
"Theo!!!!!! Are you ready yet?" Shouts Uncle Mason from downstairs.
I groan and look at my failed attempt at my tie. Actually, my 5th failed attempt. "Almost."
"We'll hurry up. The Guys are here," he shouts. I hear Bryce and Jackson stampeding down the stairs.
I check myself in the mirror. I don't have much to work with clothes-wise. Khaki pants that Aunt Tasha got for me today and a blue button-up of my own. The tie is Bryce's, and it doesn't match. I look like a mess, and I don't wanna go tonight. I fix my hair one last time, make the wavy part on the top look extra fluffy, and wish I wasn't wearing contacts.
I head downstairs and listen to everyone having fun in the kitchen. When I walk into the room, I'm hit with a wave of cheers.
"Theo. You don't have your glasses on," shouts Emma with a smile, "you look good."
"What's up with the tie, T?" Asks Danny with a smile, and Emma wraps her arms around his waist.
"I can't tie it," I say with a shrug.
"I can help with that," he says quickly and brushes Emma off of him. "Come on. I'll help."
I follow him down the hall to the bathroom, and he gestures for me to go in first. I give him a weird look, and he smiles, "I'm not gonna do anything weird. I just need the mirror."
I shrug and go in. He lines me up in the mirror, and then as if my wildest dreams were coming true, he stands right behind me. "Now. Stand still. I have to do it like I'm doing it to myself," he says quietly and wraps his arms around me.
I can feel my breath catch in my chest, but I don't think Danny noticed. He's taller than me, by about six inches, so he towers over me. He's working on his project with skilled hands. "You've done this before, it seems," I say with a laugh.
"What? Wrap my arms around a man in a bathroom?" He says back, making eye contact and smiling. "Can't say it's happened a lot actually, but I know how to tie a tie. Unlike some smart guy I know."
"Well, I can't be perfect," I say, and he flips the tie around.
"All done," he says with a flourish. "Handsome. Stunning. A golden prince ready to take on the night."
"Shut up," I say and push him back. "Let's go."
He follows me out to the kitchen, and I see Bryce Brenden and Jackson are talking to their Dates and some guy I've never seen standing next to Jessica.
"Theo, this is Carter. He goes to Seaside," she says as she introduces me. "Ok. Picture time, and then let's eat."
Aunt Tasha and the other parents jump at this, and we all head out the front lawn. I can see 2 other houses doing the same thing. Our town is small, and a lot of kids live on the block.
I slam to a stop. I just called it "our town." It's been about two months, and it's starting to feel like my home. I can't help but smile.
"Theo. Get over there," says Uncle Mason with a smile. Maybe he's reading my mind.
I line up with them, and parents bark orders around for us all.
After about twenty minutes, we hop into the massive van Uncle Mason got last summer when Bryce, Jackson, and Mandy had competitions in Portland, and their old car was too small.
"Boys. Come here for a second," shouts Uncle Mason. The three of us head over to him. "You three be safe tonight. Bryce- no drinking, and don't deny it. You've done it before. I'm not dumb." Bryce shrugs with a smile. "Jackson- you're curfew is pushed back to midnight like theirs for tonight. Theo- have fun. Let loose. Enjoy yourself."
"Wait. I get told off, and he gets told to have fun?" Says Bryce in an annoyed fashion.
"Bryce, you have no problem opening up and having fun. Theo is still working on it, and I want that to keep happening. You need to not drink cause you're the only one allowed to drive," he says to his oldest son. "Theo. Jackson. Go to the van. I have one last thing for Bryce."
We nod and head to the van. Danny and Brenden are smirking as we walk up. "What's so funny?"
"Just Bryce getting told off for drinking. We do it together, so it's just funny that he got told off," says Brenden, and the bros share a fist bump.
I shake my head and hop into the first row with Carter and Jessica. Danny puts his hand on my shoulder as he climbs in after me, and I can't tell but think I saw him wink. I need to stop crushing. This could actually be bad for my health, but also, I don't care.
"Where'd Theo wander off to?" I shout to Bryce as he and Megan walk over. Brenden and Lisa, the senior he's been crushing on, walk up behind them. "Didn't your Dad say to keep an eye on him?" I give Megan a curt nod. I have no problems with her, she's part of my pack, but I don't love that she's dating my friend.
Bryce gives me a weird look and then remembers I have super hearing when I want to. "Yeah. He's out in the courtyard talking to that Adam kid."
"Ohhhhhh really," shouts Emma. "They'd be so cute together." She pulls my arm around her shoulder and smiles up at me. "Don't you think so?"
I try to cover up the emotional pain I'm feeling and just give her a big doopy grin. "Yuppppp. So cute."
Bryce laughs, but Brenden sees through it. He spends more time around Me than anyone, and He knows my feelings.
Emma just rolls her eyes and looks at the girls, "straight boys are always so scared to admit stuff like that." The others nod and smile at their respective dates.
On the other side of the gym, I spot Jessica and Carter heading out to the courtyard. Dad told me to keep an eye out to make sure she's safe, but really it's Carter who needs the protection. He might be a shifter too, but she's a hunter of men.
"I'm hot. Let's go outside and come back in for the last songs," I shout to the group. They all nod. "Seeing as we have to stay to help Bryce clean this all up."
"Shouldn't the Homecoming Prince get out of clean-up duty," asks Megan with a smile.
He grins back and leads the way out of the gym, wearing his crown and sash. "I was President before I was a prince, my sweet. Duty comes first."
I make a gagging sound to the amusement of everyone, even Bryce.
The courtyard is one of my favorite places in school on a typical day, but tonight it's even better. Our school sits on the edge of the woods, and there isn't a lot of light pollution so we can see a lot of stars.
I spot Theo in a second, standing awkwardly with a shorter guy. Average height. Red hair and glasses. He seems nervous. I can smell it from here, which is impressive given how many nervous people there are out here; he's a deer shifter, so he's always nervous. I quickly scan the courtyard and spot 15 other shifters; most of them are part of our Astoria pack or the Seaside pack like Carter.
The only outsiders are a pair of mountain lion shifters that live in the area. They leave us alone. We leave them alone. Usually, shifters live in towns of this size. Easy to blend in with the humans and lots of nature around to enjoy our animal side. Dad said our pack is getting rather large, but we won't need to split up as long as he can keep the peace.
After last weekend, Dad made a special visit to the Cat shifters to ask if they knew something. They said they didn't, but I don't know if we should believe them. They moved here about 10 years ago and have made it a point to annoy our pack by marking their territory deep inside our own. Does it mean that they would let a shifter in their space and be ok without knowing details? Probably not, but they don't have to tell us anything.
Theo wanders over at some point as I'm running through all the ways the cats annoy me. "Hey, Theo. How's your boyfriend doing?" Says Emma with a giggle. I look around and see that Adam is nowhere to be seen. Theo does the same thing.
"He's not my boyfriend. He's too nice for me anyway, which is part of the problem," he says with a shrug.
"How can that be a problem?" Asks Bryce.
"It's a problem cause I'm clearly not over my ex, who was an asshole. Once a nice guy isn't a problem, that's when I'll be ready to date....or whatever," he says with a grin.
"Or whatever? You slut," says his taller DUMBER cousin, and he pulls him into a headlock.
Over his laughter, I can feel the wind changing, and suddenly I can smell it. That shifter is back. Brenden, Lisa, and Megan smell it too, and they wipe around looking for it.
All around the courtyard, I can see the rest of the shifters smelling it and getting restless. The cats don't like it either. Ok, so they were telling the truth. They don't know what it is either.
Theo seems to have picked up on Brenden and me looking around, and he matches the pose and looks out into the forest. "Hey, look! What's that" he says and points.
All shifter eyes follow his finger, and I see it, just at the edge of the tree line. It's a massive shadow, but it's there.
"Is that a bear?" Asks Bryce pulling Megan in closer. He doesn't know she's part of the pack, but it's cute that he's protective.
"What if it's actually bigfoot?" Says Theo with a laugh. I'm shocked when he starts to walk towards it. He's still a football field away from it, but he's a brave guy. I grab his shoulder, and he looks up at me. "Ouch. What?"
I must have grabbed him hard. " sorry. But don't go over there. It's not safe."
Bryce nods, and I see Mr. Kramer talking to the cats. They're pointing at the creature, and he pulls out his phone and calls the Sheriff's office.
"We should get inside. I don't like the look of that thing," I say and guide Emma behind me.
Theo's still staring at it. "I feel like I've seen that before someplace," he says quietly to himself. He yelps when Brenden grabs him, and the rest of the shifters herd their human friends inside.
The last time I see it is when it wanders further along the tree line and moves into the forest as the deputies pull into the parking lot.
"What the hell was that?" Asks Brenden.
I just shrug and see a few other shifters looking at me, including the two cats and a freshman girl who's a coyote shifter.
"I don't like it. Whatever it is," I say and turn back to the party inside.
My Teddy was the first to spot me. He's still with his wolf friends, but he saw me. He wanted to come back to me.
His wolf buddy stopped him. It was stupid of me to have gone to the school, but I wanted to see him before I head back north. There are a lot of shifters in this town. I smelled at least a dozen wolves, some cats, and a few others, but as always, Teddy was the strongest smell.
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