Chapter 22
The bear's been running for about 15 minutes at this point. I've given up trying to escape. Its clawed hand digs into my back and side from time to time, almost like it's making sure I'm still here. I stopped yelling for help...I stopped hitting and kicking it...I even tried to pull its hair. Nothing stopped it from its mission....which is eating me.
We hit the woods around town pretty quickly, and now I'm just waiting for the end....and I'm not crying. Maybe I'm out of tears, finally.
I feel it starting to slow down and look around to see we've entered a clearing in the woods. The moon's bright but not full, the rocks along two sides mean I can't just run that way. The other open side leads up a hill, so I'll be too slow going that way. Not that I could outrun it.
It grabs me hard and drops me to the ground. I let out an involuntary "ummmff" as the air leaves my body for a second. I look up and can't help the whimper that leaves my body as I look up at it.
It's huge. Big red eyes and a face more like a dog than a bear...I see the sharp claws and teeth, and I know I'm doomed.
Except it doesn't attack. It just walks around and stares at me as I look at it.
I lean up and feel a little brave, "what do you want?" Of course, it's stupid to ask an animal that, but it isn't an animal; it's something else.
It licks its teeth and moans out, "you."
"Fucccck," I groan, "go on Then. just get it over with."
Much like with the wolves that found me in the woods, the creature reacts like a human and actually laughs, "Teddy, if I wanted to kill you. I'd have done it already."
"If you don't want me dead.....wait. You called me Teddy," I say as the statement really dawns on me. "What are you."
I hear cracking, and I have to believe it's from its body as it gets smaller. Smaller and less hairy. The claws retract. The red eyes disappear, and a human face starts to form.
As the face settles, I realize that I know that face....."Christian?" I say in a breathy tone as my ex-boyfriend smiles and tilts his head at me.
I feel the blood leave my head, and suddenly I'm out like a light.
"Oh god," I think to myself, and I wake up. "Let it be a dream."
I feel dirt and leaves under me, so I know I'm not dreaming.
I open my eyes and see Chris standing right where he was, just smiling. "Might've been a lot to take in, but I'm glad you know."
"What...what's happening?" I ask as I sit up.
He shakes his head at me, "Tedward, you're the smart one. What do you think's happening?"
"Are...are you a werewolf?" I ask.
He smiles again, "kind of. More of a werewolf than your boyfriend anyways. We prefer the term shifter cause we can change when we want."
"Danny?" I mumble. "He's like you?"
"He wishes," laughs Chris.
"So you're more of a werewolf?" I ask. Trying to piece it all together.
"Well...kind of. We aren't bound by the full moon. Silver isn't anything special, but I don't mind using my abilities to their FULL extent," he says and steps closer to me.
I tilt my head just as it registers, "you mean...killing people?"
He shrugs, "sometimes it has to happen, Teddy bear."
"And you don't want to kill me?" I ask. Really just trying to buy time for myself.
He shrugs again, "wouldn't be my first choice."
"And why should I believe that," I ask as I get to my feet and brush off my pants.
"Like I said. I could've killed you a dozen times this year. A million more when we were dating. I had you in some pretty compromised positions," he says with a wink.
I roll my eyes at that line, "it wasn't that good."
His grin drops, and his face flashes with anger. "Watch it. I said I didn't want to kill you. Not that I couldn't."
"It seems like you won't kill me," I say in a defiant tone. "Like you actually can't."
In less than a heartbeat, he's on me. His eyes are red again, but his face is normal. "Don't. Test. Me. Teddy," he growls and then slides a crawled thumb across my cheek, and I feel it slice my skin.
I don't even try to contain my scream that leaves my body.
I drop to the ground and cup my bleeding face with my good hand.
It's bleeding a lot...and I know I'll have a scar. "You're an asshole," I hiss at him after a few minutes of pulling myself back together.
"Don't worry. You'll heal. I've got plans for you, Teddy boy," he says as he walks around me.
I gasp out over the pain but manage to say, "what do you mean?"
"Well, my boy," he says and pulls me up to look at my face. "You're either born this way or made...and I plan on making you like me."
"Why now?" I ask, "'ve done it at any point."
He pauses for a second, "back in Seattle, you felt comfy and safe even if you're Dad hit you. You wouldn't have wanted this. As of tonight, your Uncle hates you. Your cousins hate you. Your boyfriend hates you. Hell, even your Mom didn't want you. I
heard your Uncle talking to her."
"Fuck you," I snap at him. He starts laughing as I hear a branch snap in the distance. Maybe I'm about to be saved.
"Ted," he starts. "I don't hate you. I miss you. You did all that on your own. But that won't happen with me, handsome." He walks over to me, "I've really missed you."
He cups my chin in his hands and tilts my head up.....just like Danny did, and kisses me. I can see my blood on his face in the moonlight as he pulls away.
"See. Wasn't that nice," asks Chris with a big grin.
Before I can say anything in response, he's tackled to the side by a massive shape. In the commotion, I get knocked sideways and land next to a pile of rocks. I manage to get a good look at the scene, and once again, I think I'm about to faint.
I heard Theo scream all the way from the park, but Dad couldn't hear it. I don't really understand what my new form gives me in terms of skills or power, but I can hear better than an alpha. I'm running faster than ever before, and most importantly. I can smell Theo.
I run through the woods until I find the trail the asshole used to carry him off.
Now, I have to be smart. The breeze is blowing towards me, so I won't give it away with my scent. I can hear them talking. Theo's voice is trying to sound defiant, but I can hear his fear.
"Theo...I'm coming," I think to myself.
As I get closer, I start to listen more closely.
"Well, my boy," says the ex, and I watch him pull Theo up towards him. I feel my stomach drop as I see the cut on Theo's face. "You're either born this way or made...and I plan on making you like me."
"Fuck," I think to myself. "He's gonna bite him."
"Why now?" Asks Theo, "'ve done it at any point."
The asshole doesn't answer right away, "back in Seattle, you felt comfy and safe even if you're Dad hit you. You wouldn't have wanted this. As of tonight, your Uncle hates you. Your cousins hate you. Your boyfriend hates you. Hell, even your Mom didn't want you. I heard your Uncle talking to her."
"Fuck you," snaps Theo. I'm so proud of him right now. The ex starts laughing as I step on a branch, but thankfully he didn't notice. I'm a lot bigger than before and need to be careful.
"Ted," says the ex. "I don't hate you. I miss you. You did all that on your own. But that won't happen with me, handsome." He walks over to Theo and then adds, "I've really missed you."
He lifts Theo's chin in his hands and leans in for a kiss. That's when I actually lose it.
"See. Wasn't that nice," asks the tool seconds before I tackle him.
I do a quick glance that Theo's ok. He moving but clearly shaken up.
I put myself between him and the ex, who is quickly transforming now.
"Well. Well. The boyfriend is here to try and save the day," growls monster.
"Danny?" Whispers a terrified Theo. I can hear the soft padding of feet, meaning the rest of the pack is closing in.
"Don't touch him," I growl back and move my hands to show my razor-sharp claws.
"Nice claws. Too bad you've never used them before," says the ex with an evil smile. "I don't know how you did it, but I know you're no match for me, kiddo."
I think back to what Dad said all those months ago and say what's on my mind, "if you don't know what I am, then how do you know you're a match for me." I hear Theo shifting behind me, " Theo get behind something. So you'll be safe."
The ex laughs, "Teddy. Don't worry. It'll just be us soon enough."
"Fuck You, Chris," snaps Theo. "I'm not going back with you even if you bite me."
"Yeah, Chris....he's mine," I say with a growl. I regret the words as soon as I say them, but I need him to know I'm not backing down.
"If you're not mine, then I'll just have to kill you after your boyfriend. I'll eat him and get his strength and use it to kill you," snaps Chris. "Call it poetic justice."
I let out a roar and hear Theo duck for cover as I charge at Chris. He's quick, but I'm faster. He drops down to stab my stomach, but I give him a right hook to the face and slash his chest with my claws.
In return, the roar he lets out is so powerful I feel my body vibrate, but I give one back. I move to hit him in the neck when he kicks off of my chest and sends me back into the rock wall by Theo.
I groan out and give him what I hope is a sad look...not a scary one cause I look like a monster. He flinches at that but still smiles. I see him holding a rock in his hand, so he plans on fighting if I don't make it.
I scan the woods and see 8 pack members, including Dad, two mountain lions, and the one moose shifter in town. I know there are more out there, but I need to focus. I've got the backup even if this guy's got the strength of 5 of us thanks to his recent diet.
I groan my way back up to my feet and gesture for Chris to come and get me. He's all too happy to oblige. He tries to jump and tackle me, but years of football have given me some skills that being a shifter can't teach, and I twist out of the way. He dives right by me and slams into the rock wall. Theo's scrambling out of the way when Chris grabs him by the foot and yanks.
"Ahhhhhh," shouts Theo as he kicks him in the face, but now Chris is up, and I'm watching him hold his prize upside down. Theo's still struggling to get away.
I start to move forward when Chris holds up his other hands, " don't move. I'll drop him on the rocks, and he'll bleed out while we fight."
He's right. I can't do shit as long as he has Theo like that. It's at that moment that Theo speaks up, "Chris?" We both look at him. "You're right. I need to be like you. I want you to bite me."
Chris gives an evil smile as he pulls Theo's leg closer to his mouth. That's when Theo shouts out, "wait. Put me down. I don't want to be upside down for this."
Chris shrugs and puts him down. When Theo stands up, I see both his fists are clenched, but he's clearly holding a rock.
"That little sneak," I think to myself and almost smile, but I don't. Instead, I shift myself and get ready for what's about to happen.
Chris lowers his jaw closer and closer to his shaking neck. That's when Theo strikes, smashing the rock into the side of his face.
And I'm off.
The clawed hand made contact with my chest, and I'm flying. I didn't expect the rock to work, let alone work that well, but I got him in the eye, and he's screaming. I can feel a cut on my neck, but I don't have time to think about it. Then, something big and hairy catches me without much warning, and I realize it's Danny. He set me down, pushed me back to run, and then charged at Chris in one motion.
The two of them are just massive beasts going after each other hard. Screaming, howling, and clawing.
I hear a throat clear behind me, and I wipe around to see Mr. Madison...naked.....surrounded by wolves and a moose.
"Theo," he says calmly. "I'm gonna need you to get on Mr. Patterson here. He's gonna run you home with Brenden and his family."
"Mr. Patterson? My gym teacher?" I ask just as one of the monsters hits a tree with a big thud.
"Yes. Now hurry," he snaps, and the moose lowers himself for me to climb on. Then, as he turns to run, I see Mr. Madison turn into a damn wolf, and he and the rest of them run off to help Danny.
Before the fight vanishes behind the trees, I see Chris is on the ground, and Danny is kicking his ass as the wolves start in....with a mountain lion helping out. "What the fuck," I whisper to myself and hold on for dear life.
I can't hear the roars over the sound of a moose running in the woods, but from time to time, I see a Wolf running alongside, and after maybe 10 minutes, I can see the house.
Mr. fucking gym teacher, lets me climb off his back, and I give him a polite and terrified, " thank you." He nods and lumbers off.
That's when I see Brenden in all his glory, and I Avert my eyes, "Jesus. I'm seeing a lot of unwanted dick tonight."
He laughs, "that's what you're worried about? Not your ex trying to kill you?"
"Beyond that, I guess. But, look, you're my friend, and yes, I like what I see, but I don't wanna see it," I snap back. He covers himself for me, and that's when we hear a roar through the trees. "Is Danny ok?" I ask quickly and turn back to the woods.
Brenden grabs my shoulder, "that was Danny.....Ummm, he killed your ex."
I'm too broken from tonight to feel anything, so I just nod.
"You should go home. Your Uncle's there with paramedics to look you over," he says quietly. I turn to leave when he stops me, "I meant what I said, Theo. You're my friend. Ok. I'm here for you, with or without Danny. And I think you're gonna want to talk."
I pull him into a hug, "thank you, Brenden. Thank you for saving me."
His eyes open wide for a second, "tell the paramedics we have about 20 coming. They'll know what that means."
I give a confused look, and he just jerks his head towards the house. So I start heading there, and when I turn back, it's just a big brown wolf looking at me.
My head hurts from all of this.
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