Chapter 2
The knock on my door gets my attention. I roll over and see Dad standing there shirtless. There's nothing out of the ordinary there; we're a fit family, and he just got back from the woods.
"What's up, Pop?" I ask with a smile.
He sighs before he asks the question on his mind. "What's up with you? And don't say nothing. I can hear your heart right now."
"It's not nothing, but I don't wanna talk about it. Yet. Is that ok?" I say back. Maybe if I'm honest, he'll let it go.
"I guess it'll have to be, but whatever it is, you need to calm down about it. You're stressing yourself out," he says and walks down the hall to shower. His wolf runs in the woods always make him sweat, and Mom hates it.
He's right, though. Theo's on my mind today, and I hate it. I like it, but I hate it. I'm bi, and I know it. I'm sure Dad knows it too, but no one else does. I've liked guys before, but damn, the second I saw him, my heart skipped a beat. I really don't get what's happening.
I whip out my phone and text Bryce
Me- yo B. How was it today?
He answers me right away, so he was looking at his phone. Probably talking to a girl he wants to hook up with.
Bryce- it was ok. He's super quiet. I think he hates it here.
Me- I think he just needs to get use to it. Am I picking you up in the morning?
Bryce- Nah, Dad's taking us. He has to do paperwork for Theo.
Me-are you gonna need a ride after?
Bryce- no clue, I'll ask.
Bryce- why do you care? Do you have a problem with him?
Me- what no!?
Me- I'm just trying to help. What would I have a problem with anyways?
Bryce- cause Theo's gay? I don't know. We've never talked about it.
"Shit," I mumble to myself. Should I tell him?
Me-zero problems with gay people. I just want him to be happy, and I want you to not stress.
Bryce- :) ok cool. He'll probably hang out with us after school until he makes some friends.
Me-perfection. Night bro
Bryce- night
"I should've told him," I think so myself. "But then he'd know I've got a crush on his cousin....who I don't even know."
"Ugh....." I groan out and then stifle the sound. I don't need the rest of the family hearing my pain.
I hit the lights and tried to sleep. I can already tell it's going to be a long night.
Uncle Mason's talking to the principal about something....not I know he's telling him about my Dad and everything. Bryce and Jackson are hanging out with me in the cafeteria by the main office. What little I've seen of school seems nice; Bryce and Jackson told me all about their friends and the stuff they like to do, so I can kind of pick my own path.
Bryce's on student council and is a total jock; Jackson's a drama guy and plays tennis. Based on the number of people waving at them from a distance, I think the two brothers are pretty popular. I've struggled with popularity in the past; back home, Mom and Dad's problems were open secrets, so kids stayed away. Usually, the guys from my team would be cool but distant. Of course, the fact that I was the smartest kid in class helped a bit.
Uncle Mason seems to be wrapping up his conversation as he shakes the principal's hand and walks our way.
I feel my cousins sit up straighter as he comes over. Then, he gives us all a smile, "you three look good together."
Bryce and Jackson give him a weak smile, but I don't have the energy for one.
"Ok, Theo. Here's your schedule. You have two classes with Bryce, so that's good. Bryce, you got a pass to miss first period to show him around the school," says Uncle Mason.
"Score," says Bryce, and he holds up his hand for a high five. I don't leave him hanging.
"You've got some tough classes, kiddo," he says to me and hands me the paper.
The three of us lean over and read it over.
First Period- Dodgeball
"We have that one together," says Bryce with a grin.
Second Period- AP Calculus
3rd Period-AP Biology
4th Period- AP Language and Composition
"And that one. Danny and Brenden, too," he says quickly.
5th Period-pottery
"You have that one with me," says Jackson
6th Period- German 3
7th Period- AP US History
8th Period-Study Hall
"Danny and Brenden are in your last two classes," says Bryce. "So you've got some built-in friends."
Uncle Mason looks at the three of us, and he pulls us in close. "Ok. You're family and family sticks together. Theo hangout at the football field until the end of the day. I'll come pick you all up after I get off," his boys nod, and then he looks at me. "Theo. I know you've been through a lot, but I love you. If this gets overwhelming, text me or Tasha, ok?" I nod. "Good. Ok. Have a good day. Be good. Learn stuff. I love you."
With that, he heads off into the growing crowds. Jackson speaks first, "well, I have to get ready for first period, unlike you two." Then, he heads down the hall.
"Ok. Let's get this tour started," says Bryce, and I follow his lead.
The school is pretty basic. He shows me to our locker and is excited to share with me, but I don't know if that's just a front. Who'd want to suddenly have a new kid in your life? He introduces me to all his friends, lots of jocks, and cheerleaders. Danny and Brenden make appearances; Danny seems to be the bright and bubbly popular jock I pegged him as on Saturday.
I spot Danny more than once staring at me, and it makes me a little nervous; he's a bigger guy, and if he has a problem with gay guys, I could be in trouble.
The rest of the day goes by quickly, I have a calculus test on Friday, but the teacher won't hold a low score against me. My English class is packed, but Bryce cleared a desk for me to sit with him. At lunch, I again sit with the football team and experience what is clearly years of friendship and not for the first time that day feel entirely out of place.
When I get to history class, I'm weighed down by books and reading to get caught upon. I'm also not shocked to see Danny smiling and waving me over to the empty desk next to him.
"Hey, hey. How's your first day going," he says with an over-the-top grin.
I shrug, "as good as can be expected when you're starting school a month late with a black eye."
His eyes drift to the bruise on my arm, and I reflexively cover it with my hand.
"I'm sure it's a lot, but at least it's almost over. You a big football fan? Cause Bryce told me you'll watch practice today. It should be fun, right?" He rattles the series of Statements and questions without a breathe. He seems nervous.
A girl sitting behind him rolls her eyes at him. So I'm not alone in thinking he's a bit much.
"You ok? You seem nervous," I ask.
"Of course. Why? What's wrong?" He says back quickly, looking concerned.
"Cause you're kind of coming on little strong, and I don't really know you," I say back, and the girl stifles a laugh.
Danny's red for a second before he says, "Shut it, Jess. Yeah, I'm fine. I'm always like this."
I nod and look at her and then him before I speak. "And what is this?"
"Hopelessly adorable and full of energy," he says and bats his eyes at me. "Everyone likes me. I'm a likable guy, right?" He turns to the other student sitting around us. Most nod with gusto. Some just nod and smile. Jess shakes her head.
"Ignore my cousin. He's nervous cause you're new, and he wants to impress you," she says and throws a ball of paper at Danny.
Danny gives her an annoyed look for a second and then turns back to me. "I'll dial it back. Don't wanna scare you off."
His phone buzzes, and I see it's a text. He reads it. Looks back at his cousin and then texts something back. This time her phone buzzes.
Not sure what I'm missing there, but the back and forth texting seems to be a fight of some sort.
I look around the classroom and just wait for the class to start. I'll work on my math homework during their practice.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see Danny looking at me again, but he's quick to look away.
To say today's practice didn't go well for me would be an understatement.
I kept seeing Theo in the bleachers working away on homework, and I weirdly wanted to impress him. Jess was right, and that's always annoying. He didn't even really look up to watch, and that bothered me.
"Dude! What's your fucking problem today?" Yells Bryce as we walk off the field together. Brenden's in tow, also looking annoyed. When I don't answer right away, he hits me with his helmet.
"Fuck. That hurts, asshole," I snap back, and he steps back. He actually looks scared for a second.
He recovers quickly, "then Answer the question, dipshit. What's up?"
I look around and see Theo is packing up his backpack. I shake my head, "nothing. I...I didn't sleep well, and I've got a lot on my mind."
"You should go for a run tonight," says Brenden helpfully. He's right; I should. His family was out the other night with us, so he knows I shouldn't be stressed.
I nod, "maybe. I'll try and focus more."
Bryce seems won over for now. "Ok, good. You know you can talk to me...I might not know, but I'm your friend."
I smile at him and nod. Bryce found out about me by accident three years ago when he snuck into my bedroom. His aunt, who I now know is Theo's Mom, had come to town and was fucking shit up at their house. He needed to escape. He climbed up the rainspout to my bedroom window and waited....and waited...then Watched as we all came home and transformed in the backyard. Dad was furious but got over it in time.
We jog into the locker room, and I quickly change. Theo might be up at the field still. He seems to be moving at a slow pace today.
As I walk outside, I see I am not so lucky.
"Danny! How was practice?" Asks Sheriff Collins adjusting his uniform. Theo's awkwardly standing next to him now.
I sigh out and trudge over. "It wasn't my best day. I've got a lot on my mind." I feel my eyes flick over to Theo, who's checking me out in my bro tank. "I....uh... I...sorry. I just keep spacing out."
Sheriff Collins and Theo both smile at me being tongue-tied. It's the same smile.
"It's cool that you two look alike," I say without thinking. The pair look at each other again and maybe see what I see.
Sheriff Collins answers for them, "well, Theo's Mom is my twin."
"Nice. identical?" I ask and then frown when they start laughing. "What's so funny?"
"You can't be identical twins and not be the same sex," says Theo.
"Oh....duh," I say back sheepishly.
"It's ok, kiddo. You've got other talents," says the Sheriff with a wink. "She and I have the same eye color and hair color. Theo's Dad is darker than me, I think."
Theo doesn't look happy with this conversation now but nods.
"Thankfully, he looks more like his Mom," he says and pulls Theo into a side hug. "You get to enjoy my brown eyes."
Bryce walks out and is joined by his brother, who was here for tennis. I don't think I've really paid attention, but they both have blue eyes like their Mom. Maybe that's why they smell like her and not their Dad.
"You three ready to go?" Asks their Dad, and he looks between the three cousins. They all nod.
"See you around, Danny," says Theo as he starts to walk off.
"Go run in the woods," says Bryce Loudly. "It always clears your head."
"Be careful though, Danny," shouts his Dad from the other side of the car. "They spotted some wolves in the forest the other day."
"I'll be ok," I shout with a knowing look at Bryce, who smiles. My eyes fall on Theo for a second. He pushes his glasses up his nose a bit but smiles back at me before they drive off.
"Fuck....I've got it bad," I groan.
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