You Are Not Your Grade
You are not a number. You are not a letter. You are not an AB honor roll student. You are not a C-average student. You are an individual and your worth cannot be confined to a standard. You are a being capable of creativity and intelligent (yes, intelligent) thought. You are not a statistic.
You are not that confusing math problem everyone said was easy.
You are not that essay your teacher thought was bad.
You are not your failures, nor are you your successes. You are growth and ever-growing. You are learning and you are changing. A grade is stagnant, but you are a flowing river of possibility.
You are potential, you are not decided. And goddamnit, you are enough. You don't have to prove that to anybody.
Please, do not base your entire self-worth on a standardized label. Intelligence is as subjective as beauty. So why are you trying to measure the immeasurable? All a grade measures is your ability to memorize and regurgitate information. Don't let them define your life. You are still and always valuable.
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