♤Contest Challenge #1~ PoppyFlower8
You need to right [write] a short story about someone you wish to be and express you[r] feelings[.] It needs to be good [.]
The least words you can have is 500 and the most is 5000.
I hope you enjoy.
This is the story of someone I would wish to be. Hope you like it! ♡
One glorious morning, when the birds chirp, and the squirrels crack their nuts, I wake up for a whole new day. I ask my mother: "May we watch Frozen today?" I love that movie so much, even in the spring time! My mom replies: "Sure sweetie. Just make sure to turn off the TV when you're done." I say back: "Thanks Mom!" So I go to the TV room (Family room), put the movie Frozen in, and turn the TV on to watch it. It goes through all the begging adds, then I press play! Here we go! "*picking the ice* all the cold and winter air and mountain rain combining, these icey cubes lay loud and clear and the frozen harbor mining, so cut through the heart cold and clear. Strick for a love and strick for here. Break the ice there's danger here. Break the ice apart, beware the frozen... heart! Ah, ho, Watch your step, let it go. Beautiful, powerful, dangerous, cold, ice is a magic that we controll, stronger than one, stronger than 10, stronger than 100 men ho!" I Sing with the TV in the begging. I love all the songs in this show, even if I don't sing them correctly :) ooooo! I love this next part! "Elsa! Pssst, Elsa! Wake up! Go back to sleep Anna! I just cant! The skies awake, so I'm awake, so we have to play! Go play by yourself! Hmm! Do you want to build a snowman?" The TV says. Then I see them running down the stairs with Elsa saying shhhh all the way down. " Do the magic do the magic!" I hear ana say. Huuu. I wish I could be Elsa. She has some cool powers! If I had snow powers I would have so much fun... the only part is..."Anna! Momma, poppa!" Screams Elsa on the TV. That! I would want to learn how to control my powers, and not hurt anyone. Kind of like in the end of the show where she makes all the snow dissapear, with her love for her sister anna. I also wish I could be Elsa because then I would have a sister! I have always wanted a sister! (The audio on here is the Beggining song (frozen heart if you want to listen, I know I didn't write the song right in my book, as I said above hehe)
"Mom! Is there anyway that I can be Elsa? You know like in this picture? Not the cold Elsa, because I don't like winter, but the spring Elsa." I ask my mom, while the TV is still playing. "Hmmmm. You want to be Elsa hu?" My mom says. "Yes I really do." I say back. "Well, I'll tell you what, come with me to Joans, the fabric store, to pick out some fabric, I will make you an Elsa costume." "Really? Thanks mom!" Well... at least I get to pretend. "No problem sweetie, but let's go now so I can finish your costume today!" "Ok mom. I'm ready, let me just turn off the TV :)" "Good idea." My mom answers. Off they go, to Joans to buy the fabric they need. "What color do you want the dress to be, honey?" My mom asks when we get in the store. "I want it like the picture... so green." I reply. "Ok, here's the green fabric, let's get this one, feel it just to make sure it feels good." "Ok mom," I reply, "it feels good." "Ok, now let me get the other materials we will need and I will buy them." "Ok!" Then they buy the materials, and go home to start the dress. "Ok you can be my little helper Amber." My mom says. "Ok," I say. "Can you hand me the scissors to start out with?" My mom asks. "Sure thing here you go!" Snip! Snip! Snip! "Next can you plug in my sewing machine?" "Yep!" I reply, "plugged in." "Great! I'm going to sew it all together now, you can go play if you want." "Ok mom, see you later!" She works on the dress for about 5 hours. "Huuuu! Finally I'm finished. Now I can show her the finished product."
It is about 3pm here, now. My mom has shown me the dress and I love it so much! I am wearing it right now:) I ask my mom: "Can I turn Frozen back on?" She replies: "Sure!" I turn on the TV and decided to skip to the part where Elsa sings "Let it go." I wanted to act it out with her, in my new dress. "The snow glows white on this mountain tonight, not a footprint to be seen. A kingdom of isolation, and it looks like, I'm the queen. The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside, couldn't keep it in, heaven knows I tried. Don't let them in, don't let them see, be the good girl you've always had to be, conceal, don't feel, don't let them know. Well now they know! Let it go! Let it go! Can't hold it back anymore. Let it go! Let it go! Turn away, and slam the door! I don't care what they're going to say, let the storm rage on! The cold never bothered me anyway!" Says the TV and me together. "And woah! What.... what is happening to me?" I say as I dissapear into the TV! "This is amazing! My wish came true! I think I'm going to be Elsa!" I say as I'm finally in the TV. Well, I better enjoy it while I'm here.... even though I'm the winter Elsa... oh well! I continue the song: "It's funny how some distance, makes everything seem small! And the fears that once controlled me...." ooo I'm feeling it now! "Can't get to me at all! It's time to see what I can do, to test the limits and break through! No right, no wrong, no rules for me! I'm free! Let it go! Let it go! I am one with the wind and sky! Let it go! Let it goooo! You'll never see me cry! Here I stand! And here I'll stay! Let the storm rage on!" This is so much fun! I love being Elsa! But....I kind of also miss my mom. I wonder how I can get back. Well, let me just finish singing my song:) "My power flurries through the air into the ground, my soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around! And what thought crystallizes like an icey blast! I'm never going back, the past is in the past! Let it go! Let it go! And I'll rise like the break of dawn! Let it go! Let it gooo! That perfect girl is gone! Here I stand in the light of day! Let the storm rage on!!!!!! The cold never bothered me anyways." Hu? "The cold never bothered me anyways..." what!? I thought after I had finished the song I would go back to my house. This stinks! (The audio on here, is if you want to listen to the "let it go" song :D)
*wakes up in bed* what!? I thought that was for real!!! Was it really a dream? "Mom!" I yell. "Yes?" She yells back. "Do you know where my green frozen dress is?" "It should be in your closet." "Oh ok, thanks." So it wasn't a dream? I'm confused... let me look in my closet... nope! It wasn't a dream at all, it's here, and the TV is still playing from the part it left off at!? This is weird... I... I was just in th..at.. how... did I get here? Hmmmmmm.......................... oh well, that can be another story for another day :) I still enjoyed being Elsa... I kind of wish I was still in the TV. Poof! Uh-oh. Here we go again!!!!!
Hope you liked my story of: Elsa (who I wished to be) Dream Come True ♡♡
Guess what? I won this contest!! Thank you poppyflower8!! Love♡ you all!!!!
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