Two dares at the same time!!
So much thank you DragonKiller249 and JAYALISYA for the dares!!!
At the siblings house.
All except quake and thorn: bored.bored.bored.
bored.bored.bored bored.bored.bored bored.bored.bored bored.bored.bored bored.bored.bored bored.bored.bored bored.bored.bored bored.bored.bored bored.bored.bored bored.bored.bored bored.bored.bored bored.bored.bored bored.bored.bored bored.bored.bored
Kath: aha!
Cyclone: Dont you dare do something stupid.
Kath: Unlike you. Stupid.
Others minus Quake, Kath, Thorn and Cyclone: Ohhhhhhhhhhhh.
Kath: Lol sorry Cyclone.
Cyclone: Nevermind that.
Kath: Ems! Come here!
Emma: Why?
Kath:* whispering* I dare Quake to be childish for a whole week.
Emma:okay... dare is a dare. So... Quake!!
Quake: What is it Emma?
Emma and Kath: We have a dare for you.
Quake: okay...? What is it?
Emma: Quake. You must be childish for a whole week. So no cooking, cleaning, and other house old chores.
The others: What?!
Mella: Who dared that stupid dare?!
Emma: *whisper* told ya.
Diana: hays. Dare is a Dare...So
Ashley: so you must do it.
Emma: For now Diana and I will cook us lunch.
Solar: You know how to cook?
Emma: Of course!
Solar: Be careful.
Emma: For what?
Solar: Just be careful.
Emma: Be careful.... with my heart😆 * went inside the kitchen*
Solar: *blushed*
Mella: Quake!
Quake: *look inocently* ???
Thundy: You broke the table.
Quake: Am I?
The others: hays.
Dragon: Hey guys!
The others minus Emma and Diana: Oh hi Dragon!
Dragon: * smile sheeply* where is Emma?
Thorn: in the kitchen. Cooking.
Dragon: okay? *went inside the kitchen*
*inside the kitchen*
Dragon: Emma!
Emma: oh my ghad! What?! * trow the plate*
Diana: I will clean it up.
Dragon: I have a dare!
Diana: not again...
Emma: what is it?
Dragon: I dare you all to play FNAF 4!
Diana: *turns pale* w-when?
Dragon: after we sleep.
* 9:00 o'clock pm*
Dragon: Guys! I dare all of you to play fnaf 4!!
The others minus Emma and Diana: *turns pale* w-what?
Emma: *clap her hands and turned the sofa into a pillow port* we are going to sleep in here. You know why.
The others:* noods*
Emma: lets come inside! We are all fit in here. *claps her hand and laptops appears* okay lets start.
(Okay. I just woke up so... I am really lazy to type all the names so... $[-]!9$ !! !)
*they got jumscare*
Dike: * shivering madly*
Zegon: *eyes widen * c-co-cool * shivering*
Kathclone and Emlar: *faint*
Blice: *faint*
Mellastorm: * shivering then faint*
(Am I forgeting some one?
Solar: yup!
Me: who?
Solar: berry forgetful. Thorley!
Me: ohh yeah. [Truely I make these parts so that I can remember what I forgotten.])
Thorley: *the first one to faint*
*last day of quake's dare*
(Emma and Diana was gone at the house)
The others: we are hungry.
Kath: the canned good was gone.
Ashley: crackers was gone.
Quake: okay! The dare was over! Okay. I can cook for you all.
All minus Emma and Diana: yey!
Thank you for the dares!!!
See you all in the next incoming chapters!!!!
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