I dont know what to title...
Lyckalight_13! Meh twin! Thanks for the dare!!!
Okay lets start!!!!
( I kind a ship all Mella's ship except for sean and... and...
Solar: and?
Me: aha! Killer.
Solar: Forgetful...
Me: No Im not!
Solar: yes you are.. when did you saw me on screen...?
Me: boboiboy the movie... why?
Solar: see! You really forgot that I am on the teaser on boboiboy galaxy finale!
Me: ohhh... right... *smile sheeply*
Solar: Tsk.
Me: cold...)
At the siblings house
The girls except Emma: boring...
Quake: *at the kitchen*
Thorn: *at the backyard*
Thundy: (thunderstorm: Stop calling me like that! Me: I want to! Your name was so so long! I am lazy to type so... nah. Thundy: stubborn.. Me 😝) * at his room*
Solar: *at the backyard helping Thorn*
Cyclone: *at blaze's room playing with blaze*
Blaze: *at his room playing with cyclone*
Few minutes later...
Emma: Im home!!! *slam yhe door*
Mella: the door!
Emma: opps sorry... * holding a softdrink*
Kath: hey why you have a softdrink? You want your voice to be crack?
The other girls minus Mella, Kath and Emma: yeah...
Emma: My voice is crack now... cause I have a cold so thats why I used my throat than my diaphram... my teacher said just drink softdrink that isn't cold. And yeah... where are the boys?
Ashley: thorn and solar is in the backyard.
Diana: quake is in the kitchen.
Mella: Thundy is in his room... reading.
Kath: cyclone and blaze is in blaze's room. Playing video games.
Emma: dont answer where is ice. I know the answer. Probably sleeping. But where is Dragon and Zero?
The other girls minus Emma: dunno...
Door: Ding Dong!!!
Emma: I will get it!
Delivery: Ms. Some one ordered a 7 drink and a pizza. So here is your order Ms.
Emma: okay...? Thank you! Guys free food!
The girls: Yey.
The ate the free food.
The girls: * turned small and neko * aish! Guys! * then their voice turned squeaky* ahhhh!
Mella: I think that free food have some poition that make us small and neko.
Emma: lessoned learned. Dont take free food.
Kath: what now?
Ashley: dunno
Diana: aish...
Few moments later...
The boys went to the living room. ( okay the girls was under the mini table)
Quake:where are the girls?
The others: dunno.
Mella: get off your stinky foot out of here!
Thundy: do you guys hear that?
Blaze: hear what?
(At the girls situation)
Mella: they are here.
Ashley: so what now?
Mella: *almost steped by thundy* get off your stinky feet out of here!
Emma: I got a plan.
(Back at the boys)
The girls: BOYS!!
The boys: huh... * listen to the sound*
The girls: Boys down here! ( the girls height was 3-4 inches so the siblings dont see them under the table.
Ice: why are you girls under the table? You can unhide your self and went to the tv.
Blaze: or climb the table then shout.
Me: dunno)
The boys: * sees the girls and get their couples except blice* awwwww.
Thorn: so cute~ *pats ashley's head*
Ashley: grrrrrr
Thundy: *tickles Mella*
Mella: stop pfft- stop!
Quake: kyut...
Diana: thank you.
Solar: kaaawaii~ * tickles Emma*
Emma: grrrrrr
The girls suddenly turned to normal ( remember the girls was in the palms of the boys.)
The boys minus blice: * catches a couple in a bridal style*
Quake: * kisses Diana's forhead* your really cute.
Diana: *blushed*
Thorn: *kisses Ashley's nose*
Ashley: * blushed *
Thundy: * kissed Mella's lips*
Mella and Emma: *faint*
The other girls minus the boys and Mella and Emma: * nosebleed*
Solar: * kissed Emma's forhead * I will bring Emma to her room. *went to Emma's room*
Quake: wait where is dragon and zero?
The other except for Emlar: dunno
Mella: strange...
To be countinued...
Shout out to:
See ya guys in the next incoming chapters!!!
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