Tagged (Part 3)
Thx for the tag, Ducktaleslover and LemonDuck7!
1.) Do you have a crush?: Ehhh, I wouldn't say a crush, but I do like someone.
2.) What's your middle name?: Maria
3.) What's your height?: Ether 5' an a half or 5'1 an a half! XD I'm short for my age!
4.) What's your shoe size?: That's classified! XD
5.) What color are your eyes?: Sort of a light brown.
6.) When's the last time you cried?: Sunday, while watching the recent dub episode that came out for My Hero Academia! I LOVE MY KIDS SO MUCH!!! X,D
7.) What's your biggest fear?: That's also classified...
8.) What's the last song you listened to?: Probably the original Teen Titans' theme song last night. I haven't listened to anything yet today! XD
9.) Who's the last person you texted?: If you mean in general, then it was one of my internet friends, Gina!
10.) What's your favorite app?: Probably Discord! XD It's where the majority of my internet family/friends are! Second is Tumblr! (I don't have Wattpad as an app...sooo..)
I'm gonna be tagging anyone with brown hair that wants to do this! XD Tagging 20 people is a lot!
Byeeee!! Love ya'll!!
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