Tagged (Part 1)
I was tagged by a dear friend of mine, who I love so much, Starskyer!
Thx for the tag!! 💜 (First time ever uploading through phone! XD)
1.) Your nickname: Ether Izzy, CL, or Cartoon (Those are my online nicknames anyway).
2.) Your eye color: Brown, it's sorta a light brown?
3.) Your hair color: Brown
4.) One fact about you: I daydream too much! XD I sometimes tend to do it without noticing!
5.) Favorite color: Yellow!
6.) Favorite place: Probably my room? XD
7.) Favorite celebrity: Was Robin Williams, still kinda is. Stanley was pretty cool too! Now I'm starting to really like Ben Swartz!
8.) Favorite animal: Panda's and horses!!
9.) Favorite song: At the moment, not really sure! XD It's tough for me to pick a favorite!
10.) Favorite book: Probably the I Funny series by James Patterson! Funny and hits you in the feels so many times!
That seems to be it!
Tagging: Gymasticsgirl12 _thatsweetness and to anyone else that would like to do this! XD And to those I tagged, you can do it if you want to! You don't have to!!
To those who are waiting on that next oneshot, it's gonna be a while, cuz I combined request and am rewriting a fic related to those requests! This fic is a pretty long one, so it'll take me a while. So I hope to get it done soon! 😅
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