Chapter 3: Important Phone Call
One week after my hellacious beating of Murphy's Law, I was scheduled for a match against one of them, Drew Gulak. Alexa was by my side holding my arm.
Alexa: be careful babe.
Alex: don't worry; he's just a cruiserweight anyway.
Alexa giggled.
Alexa: that was savage, babe.
Alex: thanks babe
Production staff: Alex, you're up.
Alex: okay thank you.
I turned to Alexa.
Alex: I gotta go babe.
Alexa: be careful
We gave each other a kiss. As I went to the gorilla, Alexa sat down with Nia, Sasha and Bayley.
(In the ring)
Cole: Auditore dominating in this match against Gulak.
Graves: yeah, but the other members of Murphy's Law are at ringside. Auditore must have eyes in the back of his head.
As I leveled Gulak with Randy's hanging DDT. I gave him a gun hand gesture which made the crowd cheered a bit.
Graves: Gulak is in trouble AKO!
As I pinned Gulak, I instantly rolled out of the ring to avoid another ambush by Murphy and his goons.
Announcer: here is your winner, the Universal Champion Alex Auditore.
Graves: Auditore with the victory tonight. That might derail the Law's dominance.
Cole: and the way Alex had his hand in that gesture before striking Gulak perplexes me.
Graves: I don't know about that Cole, but Alex may bit off more than he can chew. He escapes Murphy for now, but as Murphy mentioned the war has just begun.
I grabbed a mic.
Alex: Murphy! You should teach your little stooges how to win matches. Next week I will bring my backup and trust me mate, these three men will make you and your group's lives a living hell.
I walked backstage and I met up with the girls. Alexa ran and hugged me.
Alexa: congrats babe. That will make Murphy think twice of messing with you
Alex: thanks babe, his little goon got exactly what he deserved.
Nia: Alex, the way you had your hand in the gun gesture, it surprised me.
Sasha: me too
Alex: that it just a mind game for Murphy.
Alexa: what does it mean babe?
Alex: you'll find out soon, and Murphy will soon feel their wrath.
(At the hotel it was 11:30 p.m.)
Alexa changed into her night clothes, but I was still up.
Alexa: coming to bed babe?
Alex: yeah, but I'm going to make an important phone call. It will be quick
Alexa: okay
I went outside to the balcony, and I dialed the number.
Alex: hey man, it's me.
Unknown: Alex, it's been a long time brother. What's up?
Alex: do you remember what you guys said before I left for WWE?
Unknown: yeah man.
Alex: I need your help.
Unknown: say no more my brother, we're on our way.
Alex: see you guys at Raw.
Unknown: will see you there my brother, too sweet.
Alex: too sweet
I hanged up the phone and I went back inside and got in the bed with Alexa.
Alexa: who did you call babe?
Alex: some old friends and my backup
Alexa: Murphy is in big trouble
Alex: oh yeah. Let's get some sleep now
We cuddled in bed and slept peacefully.
Voice 1: hey Alex, if you need any help, we're just a phone call away.
Alex: thanks man
Voice 2: good luck in WWE dude
Alex: thanks
Voice 3: say hi to AJ, Luke and Karl for us okay?
Alex: I will man. See you guys soon.
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