Chapter 16: Best Oops Ever
(At the A-Couple Residence)
With WrestleMania coming closer than ever, Alex was in focus mode to end The Miz's WWE title reign inside Satan's Structure.
However, over the past few weeks, Alexa was feeling a bit nauseous, had body aches and had some weird food cravings. Alex stuck by her side and even stopped his workout to be at his wife's side. While Alex was downstairs working out, the Goddess sneakily called upon via Zoom, Randy and Kim Orton.
Randy: Alexa hey
Kim: hey there Lexi, what brings the call?
Alexa: Randy, Kim, I've been feeling nauseous for a few weeks and I kept throwing up
The Ortons gasped at what the Goddess said.
Randy: Alexa, are you?
Kim: did you take the test yet, girl?
Alexa: that's my initial thought exactly! And Kim, I did took a test...
Kim: Lexi, what's the result?
Alexa tearfully smiled and showed the result of the pregnancy test as positive to Randy and Kim.
Randy: whoa! Alex is gonna be a dad!
Kim: ahhh! We're so happy for you Lex, did you tell Alex already?
Alexa: not yet, I'm gonna surprise him!
Kim: this is so exciting for the two of you!
Randy: I can see Alex being a great father to your child
Kim: what of your match at WrestleMania?
Alexa: I can still do the match, my bump hasn't formed yet. Becky and Carmella did wrestle while pregnant before taking time off
Randy: that is a good point
Kim: how will you tell Alex, Lex?
Alexa: after our date at Disneyland
Kim: that is the perfect time
Randy: and knowing Alex, he'll be fine and he'll do great as a dad
Alexa: I know he'll be, Alex is the nicest and most loving person I have ever met in my life
The Goddess ended the video chat and hides the pregnancy test in their room as Alex came upstairs after finishing up with his workout. Alexa blushed and fanned herself with her hand.
Alexa: can my hubby get anymore hotter?
Alex smirked and flexed his muscles which made Alexa fall backward on the couch.
Alex: we still have Disneyland to go later
Alexa: oh I am so excited already!
Alex smiled as Alexa's inner child came out.
Alex: give me a few minutes to wash up
Alexa then smirked and teased him.
Alexa: can I watch you?
Alex: why watch when you can join me instead?
He said as he fired back with a mischievous smirk on his face while Alexa blushed, gasped and was speechless as the Pharaoh got her where he wants.
Alex smirked and carried Alexa to their bathroom where the washed up while also getting all handsy with each other.
(Time skip)
Alex and Alexa had only one hour to relax before leaving for their date at Disneyland. So for now, they watched whatever they can find on Netflix. Alexa melted as she saw Alex's hand gently rubbed on her stomach, but wanting to keep the surprise intact and will plan to tell him once they come home from Disneyland later.
Alexa then giggled and playfully shook her head as she saw Alex's other hand touch and caress on her thigh. She then place a loving kiss on his cheek and lips.
Alex: aww, what was that for?
Alexa: you just being you and being so loving
Alex: I'm so lucky to marry you
Alexa: I'm even lucky to have you in my life, hubby
She said with a smile as she kissed his cheeks and lips while she snuggles into his arms, while in her mind, she was excited to tell the news of her pregnancy to the Pharaoh later.
(Some time later)
The A-Couple were all ready for their Disneyland date, and Alex couldn't help but smile as he waited for Alexa to pick out her Disney ears for the day.
Alex: wear the sparkly one, wifey
Alexa: aww, you know me too well, hubby
The Goddess picked out the sparkly Disney ears to wear.
Alexa: now I'm ready!
Alex chuckled and the A-Couple left their home and drove off to the Magical Place on Earth. As they drove, the Philippine Pharaoh had one hand on the steering wheel while his other hand was resting on Alexa's thigh.
The Goddess couldn't help but to take a picture of Alex's hand on her leg and posted it on her story with the caption: Warm Love ❤
She then hugged his arm and laid on his shoulder as she relaxed as the passenger Goddess.
Alexa: hubby, we need to ride Splash Mountain
Alex: right! It's gonna have its farewell, let's go do that first when we get there
Alexa: whatever happened to my hubby who was too afraid of tall, scary fast rides?
Alex: since he met a cute and hot Goddess who helped him conquered his fear of roller coasters
Alexa: aww, that would be me
She said as she kissed him as the couple arrived at Disneyland. They exited their car and immediately start off their agenda by riding on what is Splash Mountain's last hurrah.
(A few minutes later)
After getting a little wet from Splash Mountain and having a great time, the A-Couple have crossed one of their date activities of their Disneyland list.
They walked around the park while eating Mickey Mouse shaped pretzels.
Alexa: I'm happy that I'm here in Disneyland, but I'm really happy because I'm with you
Alex: you deserve the world, wifey
He smiled and gave the Goddess a loving kiss on her lips, in which she smiled and kissed him back with love and passion.
The A-Couple ended their Disneyland date by walking to the main castle and admiring the magical sight before heading back home with Alexa looking to surprise and tell Alex of their lifechanging news.
(Back at the A-Couple house)
As Alexa saw Alex playing WWE 2K23, she took the opportunity to go upstairs and put the pregnancy test, ultrasound picture and a piece of baby clothing in a small box along with two Yu-Gi-Oh cards Alex was looking for his collection. Alexa took a deep breath and smiled as she placed the two sleeved cards face down and carried the box downstairs.
Alex: 1... 2... 3! And that's game!
Alexa giggled as she sat down beside her husband.
Alexa: what wat the match, hubby?
Alex: oh it was a mixed gender tag match between the greatest alliance in the world, you and Randy Orton
Alexa giggled.
Alexa: I hope you'll be in WWE 2K24
Alex: oh for sure. Ooh, what's the cute little box you have there?
Alexa: this is a present for you, hubby
She said with a smile.
Alex: ooh a present? Let's see... Christmas has passed and my birthday is not until July, so...
Alexa: just a present for being the best hubby ever
Alex: aww you're such a sweet wifey
Alexa: go ahead and open it, hubby
Alex smiled and proceeded to take the two face down cards first and gasped as he flipped them over.
Alex: Borreload Savage Dragon and Number F0: Utopic Draco Future! I've been looking for these!
Alexa giggled and kissed his cheek.
Alexa: you looked so cute when you were frustrated from opening packs
Alex: those packs are a gamble, but thanks for tracking these down for me, babe
Alexa: of course babe
Then Alex proceeded to untie and open the box while Alexa had her hands over her mouth while tearfully smiling.
The Pharaoh was in awe as he pulled out the baby clothing and the ultrasound picture, but the biggest surprise was the pregnancy test with the positive result.
Alex: Lexi... are you pregnant?
Alexa smiled and tearfully nodded as she placed her hands on his cheeks.
Alexa: yes babe, we're gonna be parents
Alex: I'm gonna be a dad
Alex was also tearing up in happiness as he hugged and kissed Alexa, which made her smile and melt into his arms. He then placed his hand on her stomach and gently rubs it while the Goddess placed her hand on top of his.
Alex: oh, what about your match?
Alexa: I can still do it
Alex: when are you due?
Alexa: by December
Alex smiled and leaned in to give Alexa's stomach a kiss while she stroked his hair.
Alex: hey there little one, I'm your dad; you don't know yet, but you will
He smiled as he kissed Alexa's stomach. Then the A-Couple went upstairs and slept through the night as they prepare for not only WrestleMania, but also the start of the major chapter of their lives together as parents for their child.
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