Funtime chica puts her ear down on the hatch hoping to hear foxy crying but instead she hears lolibit "saying nice one foxy" she gets up and smiles
Ft.chica:this is gonna get him in such big trouble him and lonely outcasted lolibit ha I can make them think foxy is gonna betray them! She puts on a fake crying face and runs into the main hall guys!
Baby jumps up and says
C.b:what's wrong?!
Ft.chica puts out fake tears and says
Ft.chica:foxy is planning on dismantling me with lonely outcasted lolibit!
Everyone stands up what they yell
Ft.chica points down the hall to the hatch go see yourself
Foxy ask confused
Foxy:are you okay?
Foxy:What ?
still confused foxy stands up
Foxy:are you okay
She says and grabs foxy dragging him into the game lolibit:stay here
she says quietly
Lolibit:I'm gonna deal with this
Baby and ft.chica climb down
Baby turns around and says
Baby:well well, if it isn't lolibit, look I'm not gonna sing around the issue here, where is foxy!?
Lolibit gives a judgmental face while smiling
Lolibit:I'm don't know
Baby:Lying outrageous liar
baby yells
Lolibit:You said lying twice~~
lolibit says sarcastically
Baby:Lair and lying are two different words
baby says turning red with anger
Lolibit:But they mean lying so-there technically not different in lying circumstances but just different in the way there pronounced
lolibit says still smiling
Ugh baby screams
Baby:well next time you see him I'm replacing him so he can live down here with you ft,chica gets the whole Room okay
Lolibit turns around after they leave
She notices foxy has disappeared,she quickly jumps in the game and looks around
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