Funtime foxy's past and fluff
Well I guess I can kinda relate to that Funtime foxy says at least you didn't have to deal with chica
Lolibit looks at him and ask really? Why? What did she do to you?
Foxy puts his ears down and says well when I had our first show it was wonderful we always went on wacky adventures all the time and I was what they called the nerd or genius of the group so I solved riddles, puzzles or anything like that, I had everything, until Funtime chica appeared she framed me over and over again and soon everything from physical touch like half my room to mental like my reputation here was taken from me and given to her
Wow lolibit says you know bonnet would like that you still care for them I mean unlike Old me you will do everything for them but ask Only for love? Wow so you help them but they give all the credit to someone else what a life it must be a you know surprise at every Turn ....right I'm sorry if you hate it it's just
No it's Okay foxy says as lolibit stammered
Everything I say to you is Okay? Lolibit ask
It's your opinion foxy says smiling
Wow you know lolibit says you are different the good different your honest, calm and fluffy
Foxy stops fluffy?
Lolibit lifts up foxy's tail day starts hugging it saying you are fluff is the rest of you fluff lolibit toughs foxy's head and gives it a small pat huh she says loudly you are all fluff!
Foxy gives a little blush and says you really like fluffy stuff huh
Yes lolibit then screams I love all fluff thaings ! And animals!
Quiet down foxy says you will alert the others
Okay lolibit says laughing At least if we don't alert them we don't see chica
Foxy laughs and says yeah or her liar beak
Lolibit looks up and says I like you you know you can joke about something as long as it isn't mean or a joke they won't laugh at while still laughing
I guess she does laugh when I call her the liar foxy says Speaking of which what time even is it
Foxy and lolibit both look at each other and smirk I see I see you did there ha you made a joke about baby didn't you
Foxy laughs and says yeah she doesn't know her "TIME" tables
Ha lolibit burst into laughter
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