Chapter 3
The barn was finally clean and egg-free, and Apple Jack and Rainbow Dash were heading out to the Pigpen when Wynona the dog ran towards them and jumped onto Rainbow Dash, knocking her over and started licking her face. Rainbow broke out into a fit of laughter at the doggo kisses and tried to push the dog away from her face and Apple Jack watched the scene in awe for a moment before she realised her best friend – or maybe it's girlfriend now – needed some help.
She grabbed Wynona by the collar and pulled her off Rainbow Dash. She gave the dog a pat on the head and Wynona barked happily. "You alright, Dash?" she had to ask to make sure. "Not too much slobber for you, I hope?"
"Nah," Rainbow Dash said as she wiped the saliva off her face with a smile and stood back up onto her hooveS. "Wynona is alright, she's not the first dog I've known. I love dogs! Wish they had wings, though, as that would be awesome!"
Apple Jack grimaced at the thought of Wynona having wings. She'd be crashing into walls, and doors, and she'd most likely dive-bomb every pony she saw for pats and cuddles. Wynona without wings can already be a bit too much to deal with some days with her zooming around, knocking things over, and tripping every pony over.
Wynona barked and chased after something, that something meowed loudly and then hissed. Apple Jack whipped her head around to figure out who hissed; Rarity's cat Opalescence was running away from Wynona and had run up an apple tree. She continued to hiss and swat in Wynona's direction from the branch she sat on.
"Uh, oh," Rainbow Dash said with a panicked tone, biting her lip with worry at why in celestia is a posh cat in a farm where it'll get dirty. "What's Opal doing here?"
"Darn it, Wynona," Apple Jack muttered under her breath and galloped off over to the two pets. Rainbow Dash followed, zooming past the farm pony and tried to get Opalescence down from the tree but the white kitty only hissed and swatted towards Rainbow Dash.
"Fine," Rainbow Dash snapped at Opalescence, crossing her arms with annoyance and turning her back to the kitty. "Stay up there. See if I care." Opalescence hissed at her again, nearly scratching at Rainbow's wing but the Pegasus flew away just in time. Apple Jack snorted at the two as she pulled Wynona away from the tree by the collar again.
"Opal?! Oh, Opal? Where's my wittle darling Opalescence!" came Rarity's voice from somewhere around. She came from around the barn, trotting around until she saw Rainbow Dash and Apple Jack, then noticed Wynona barking up at the tree and Opal hissing. "Oh, my poor baby Opal! Mommy Rarity's coming to rescue you!"
She galloped up to them and the tree and placed her front hooves on the tree's trunk, looking up into the tree branches and pouting at her kitty. "Oh, Opal. Come down from there!" Using her unicorn magic she grabbed at Opalescence, who hissed again and scratched at thin air as she came floating down to Rarity.
"Why is Opal here, Rarity?" Apple Jack asks rather curiously, putting an arm around Wynona to steady her and make sure she doesn't run off. "She never leaves your Boutique; she's an indoor cat, so being outside is a tad bit risky."
"Yes, well, w-we were on a walk!" Rarity says quickly, her eye twitching. "I stopped and found a lovely assortment of flowers and I guess I got distracted so Opal here walked off on an adventure of her own! Didn't you, my darling fluffy wuffy cutie-patutie pie!" She rubbed her nose with Opal's, giggling and grinning.
Apple Jack raised an eyebrow in disbelief. She knew Rarity was not telling the truth. "Right," she said rather slowly. "Well, Dash and I have a Pig Pen to clean out which I know you wouldn't dare help out with so why don't you take your, er, darlin' fluffy wuffy cutie-patutie pie and head on home?"
Rainbow Dash chuckled at the way Apple Jack said all that. "Your darling fluffy wuffy? Oh, great Celestia." She then burst out laughing, falling onto her back and Wynona jumped out of AJ's hoof and on Rainbow with a bark and started licking her face.
"Oh, my," Rarity said with a giggle as Apple Jack pulled Wynona off Rainbow Dash once again. "I guess I should go. You two enjoy your date tonight! Kisses!" She waved goodbye and headed home, Opalescent in the air with her little furry arms crossed, not looking very happy at all.
"Ah, yes, the date later tonight and how you were going to say something about how my eyes sparkle," Rainbow said, grinning as she stood back onto her hooves and fluttered her eyelashes flirtatiously at Apple Jack, who rolled her eyes as that is something Rainbow Dash definitely does not do because she's only seen Rarity do such a thing, yet she smiled because it was rather cute.
"Careful now, don't get too eager or I might just let Wynona go all over you like a bunch of flies on freshly-made apple fritters," Apple Jack said smoothly with a wink. Wynona looked happily between Rainbow Dash and Apple Jack.
"Why can't it be you going all over me?" Rainbow Dash said, smirking. "Or at least down on me." She wriggled her eyebrows suggestively.
Apple Jack snorted when the thought came into her mind but then she shook her head. She grew very aware of who could be listening now. "Simmer down, Sally!" she snapped quietly, looking around their surroundings cautiously. "I don't need Apple Bloom, Big Mac or Granny Smith hearin' all that! Any pony that's around for that matter."
"They'll be hearing a lot more coming from your bedroom in the future," Rainbow added, smirking and Apple Jack looked her way with a how dare you glare and released Wynona from her grip. Rainbow saw this and quickly flew up to the branch Opalescence was on, "Alright, sorry! I'll stop with the fun talk! Just keep Wynona from any more face kisses. Please!"
Apple Jack grinned, "Why must it be in the future, sugarcube, when it can be very soon?" She winked again, and Rainbow's eyes glinted with mischief, and she chuckled as she covered her reddening face with her hooves.
"My goodness, you can flirt," Rainbow mutters under her hooves, her face feeling as if she could cook eggs on it from how warm she feels. Wynona barked, saw something in the distance and ran off towards whatever she saw, and Rainbow Dash took that as an opportunity to come down from the tree. She sat at the base of the tree, cheeks still red and her gaze down at the blades of grass.
Apple Jack sat in front of her, and they locked eyes for a second until Rainbow Dash looked back down at the blades of grass and saw a worm wriggling its way across some grass. She picked the little guy up in her hoof and showed him to AJ, "I'll name him Turbo!"
"You're gonna name a worm Turbo?" Apple Jack drawled, a brow raising slowly. She's glad the topic changed even if she liked how spicy the conversation was going before. "It's a cute name though."
"So, can I have him? He and Tank will be the best of friends!" Rainbow said, rather excitingly, beaming happily. "I can already see it being a reality! You'll really like Tank and how cool he is, Turbo!"
"I don't see why you can't have him," Apple Jack said, holding in a laugh behind a fond smile. "Although, seein' as he's a worm and all he does is eat and poop dirt all day then maybe you should just leave him to do just that. It's in his nature."
"Aw, but look at his cute little face!" Rainbow Dash cooed and shoved the worm towards AJ's face, her smile growing. "Look at its eyes!"
Apple Jack leant away from the worm, and bringing her hoof up she gently pushed Rainbow's hoof away from her, "The only cute little face I see is yours, sugarcube." Smirking at the shade of red appearing on the Pegasus's cheeks, she nuzzled her nose into the other pony's warm cheek. "Now, c'mon, we still have chores to do."
"I am not cute!" Rainbow Dash muttered, trying to be annoyed but all she felt was, well, mush. Not a bad kind of mush a good kind of mush! She feels as if she's melting on the inside, which she does find strange, but it feels nice. "I am fierce! I am dangerous, and I am-."
"-Cute," Apple Jack cuts her off and she leans away from Rainbow's soft warm cheek, blushing with a tiny smile. Rainbow looked her way with a loving smile and a slight head tilt, and Apple Jack pressed a quick kiss to Rainbow Dash's lips before she got up and trotted away. Rainbow Dash watched her go, stunned and very happy, her smile softening and her heart bursting with love.
Placing Turbo carefully onto a patch of grass, she began drawing in a small area of dirt with her hoof and she realised with great horror that she's fallen in love. Rainbow Dash does not fall in love. That's for all the ponies who like all that lovey-dovey stuff. Yuck! It's not her thing.
While yes, long walks through a park or just anywhere in general when the sun is shining (or the moon, if it's a nightly walk) and the birds are chirping and it's a nice sunny day with Apple Jack sounds incredible – no, AWESOME!! She's just not the type of pony who likes public affection. She's ok with holding hooves if they go out in public and maybe a hug or two (only if she has to depart ways for whatever reason) but nothing more than that.
She realised then she had drawn a love heart in the dirt while she was daydreaming of future dates with AJ. Not knowing how to feel about that, although she was cringing on the inside, she just left it there because looking at it made her feel so warm inside. Why is love so confusing and weird?
A crack brought Rainbow Dash out of her daydreams, and she jumped up into the air, looking down at where the noise came from and felt relief when she saw Apple Bloom, her yellow hoof raised over a small twig she had snapped. "It's just you, Apple Bloom! Thank Celestia!" she said with relief, wiping her forehead over. "I'm glad I didn't go defensive-mode and start swinging my hooves at you!"
"Me too," Apple Bloom said with a grimace at getting fear punched. "You really jumped! What were you so deep in thought about? If you don't mind me asking, that is." She smiled and sat down.
Rainbow Dash lowered herself back to the ground, sitting next to the little filly. "What was I thinking about? Oh... ha-ha! Your um, your sister," she says rather quickly, looking back at the heart she drew in the dirt earlier.
Apple Bloom grinned, but her focus came to the area of dirt Rainbow Dash was looking down at and she realised what it was. She giggled at how smiley Rainbow was. "I should probably tell you that Apple Jack talks about you a lot. You're mentioned every time at dinner – none of us are bothered by it but it makes Apple Jack happy, so we ask her about you. She can go on for hours about you."
"Really?" Rainbow Dash said, smirking as she'd definitely bring this up with Apple Jack sometime. "Is there anything else I should know?"
"Yes!" Apple Bloom said with a chuckle, looking back at the older pony. "I'll tell you-"
"No!" came the quick voice of Apple Jack. She glared at her little sister, "Apple Bloom, kindly piss off. I don't need you telling Rainbow things I've said without my consent. If I want her to know, I'll tell her."
Apple Bloom rolled her eyes, "Fine, Apple Jack," she mutters. "I'm leaving. Oh, and I will be telling Granny Smith what you just said so I believe you won't be getting any Apple Crumble for dessert tonight!"
Apple Jack grunted, but then she remembered who she was having dinner with tonight and grinned. "Fine!" she shouts back at Apple Bloom galloping off back towards the Barn. She looked back at Rainbow Dash who seemed quite confused. "I figured out what Rarity was doing here. I caught Twilight and Rarity heading up towards the hills behind Sweet Apple Acres with a bunch of food and decorations floating in the air. I think they're planning something."
"Oh, awesome!" Rainbow Dash said excitingly, beaming as she flew up into the air and her eyes twinkled that familiar Twinkle that Apple Jack always adores to see. "I wonder if it's a Party?"
"Well, I sure didn't see Pinky anywhere, Party or no party," Apple Jack said with a shrug. She sat down, looking up at the Pegasus "Anyway, whatever they're planning I'm sure they'll tell us later. We still have one more thing to do, or I can do it, and you can watch me. After, we can relax."
Rainbow Dash laughed. "Nah, I'll help!" she said and flew slowly down to Apple Jack, sitting next to her, her wings spread out wide. "Oh, but what about dinner? Only if we can, of course," she added with a soft tone of assurance and a chuckle. "No pressure at all! I'm just very happy that today happened. We could do dinner another time!"
Apple Jack laughed nervously and rubbed the back of her neck; she did ask Granny Smith what was for dinner tonight and she thankfully made enough for an extra mouth. However, Granny Smith did mention Twilight Sparkle and the rest of her friends hsd something they were planning. That's when Big Mac entered the kitchen and Apple Bloom was no were to be seen.
Rainbow Dash put her wing around AJ in a side-hug, "It's ok if nothing was planned, you know," she said softly, placing her hoof next to Aj's. "We could just order a pizza or two and eat somewhere on your property. We'd be under the stars and there would be apple trees and apples that we can pelt at each other! It'll be exactly like how you described this morning!"
"That does sound real nice," Apple Jack said, thinking about it all as she stared into the twinkling rubellite eyes of Rainbow Dash and their hooves touched gently. She sure would love to share a pizza with Rainbow Dash, all alone somewhere, just the two of them. Someplace they won't get disturbed. "What flavour pizza would you prefer? Wait, I know-Hawaiian."
"Yep, that's correct!" Rainbow Dash said with a nod and licked her lips at the thought of pizza, mmmmm. "Barbeque chicken for you?"
"You bet your boots, yes!" Apple Jack said, beaming, and Rainbow giggled at the country motto. Her smile faltered and turned into a smirk when she realised Rainbow had giggled. Rainbow Dash never giggles. It's so not like her! She felt satisfied knowing she got such a reaction out of the sportsy Pegasus. "I still don't know how you can eat pineapple on pizza. Pineapple is a fruit; therefore, it doesn't belong on pizza! You wouldn't put a banana on pizza, would you?"
"Because Hawaiian pizza is delicious!" Rainbow Dash said with pride at sticking up to her favourite pizza flavour as if it were a competition. "Yeah, yeah, it's a fruit. But it's so good on a pizza with ham and cheese. You should try it! You have tried it, haven't you?"
"Have you tried a Barbecue Chicken pizza though?" Apple Jack had to ask because who hasn't tried such a delicious delicacy before. "I'd say it's much better than a Hawaiian pizza! All that Barbecue and cheesy goodness on chicken! De-licious!" Rainbow rolled her eyes.
"You didn't even answer my question!" Rainbow Dash said at once, and Apple Jack looked up at the apple tree above her, squinting her eyes at the voice she most certainly heard coming from above them. "What are you looking at?" Rainbow looked up at the tree as well, trying to figure out what caught AJ's attention since she wasn't paying any attention to her anymore.
"Pinkie, we know you're up there," Apple Jack said with a small smile, wondering how long that pony has been up there for and how much of her and Rainbow's sweet-talk she has heard. She darn hoped she didn't hear all of it. So, there must be a party somewhere then if Pinkie's here. It's probably what's being planned.
"Pinkie?" Rainbow Dash said, glancing from Apple Jack to the tree branches above them and back to AJ again.
"Oh!" said the high-pitched bubbly voice of Pinkie Pie. She poked her head out of the apple tree's bushy branches and grinned down at her best friends. "Hello, besties! I'm just here as a messenger and to tell you both to head up to the tallest hill of Sweet Apple Acres for dinner around six! Which is..." She pulled out her hoof from out of the bushes, then stuffed it in her mane and felt around for a second before pulling out a pocket watch and checked the time. She gasped loudly, "It's in thirty minutes! You should start heading up now!" She put the pocket watch back inside her mane and disappeared back inside the tree's branches and leaves.
Apple Jack and Rainbow Dash looked at each other for a moment, blushing and smiling like idiots in love before they said at the same time, "Did you plan this?"
"Nope, I sure didn't," Apple Jack said with a soft chuckle, rubbing the back of her neck. "I thought maybe you did?"
"No, I didn't," Rainbow said, her smile widening as she shook her head. "I wish I did. I mean, we could still get pizza and chill."
"We could do pizza and chill tomorrow," Apple Jack suggested rather quickly, their hooves touching once more, sending a group of butterflies to flutter around inside AJ's stomach. "Unless you'd like to wait a few more days, which I'm more than happy to, until we plan another date. That's if you'd like to take this slow."
"Oh, trust me when I say I don't mind what we do and when we do it," Rainbow said happily, her wing around AJ softly caressing the farm pony's shoulder and Apple Jack shivered pleasantly at the touch. "As long as I get to see you every day, or every few days then I'd be happy. Which reminds me, I'll be training with my fellow Wonderbolts tomorrow morning if you'd like to come watch us practice."
"I'd love to!" Apple Jack said, rubbing at her sore cheeks from smiling too much today. It's all Rainbow's fault. "Afterwards, we can get fruit smoothies and hay fries together!"
"Cool, sounds like a date!" Rainbow grins.
"That's because it is, silly!" came Pinkie Pie's voice again. Her head slowly emerged out of the tree's branches again. She giggled. "Enough of this lovely talk! You two have something waiting for you!"
"Thanks, Pinkie," Apple Jack says gratefully, looking up at her. "And thanks to whoever planned this."
"That would be Twilight's doing," Pinkie says, and she fell out of the tree, but Rainbow swooped in and saved her. Pinkie grinned and hugged Rainbow around the neck before she let go when safely back on the ground. "She planned this because she felt bad for what happened today with the body-swapping spell and the fact that you spilt your heart out to Rarity, who was actually Rainbow Dash, about your feelings for Dashy!"
Rainbow chuckled at the memory, putting a hoof back around AJ. She quite enjoyed hearing AJ confess her feelings to her. It honestly, not to sound sappy at all, seemed like a dream come true. "Twilight really didn't have to go and do any of that for us, but we thank her for thinking about it." She added, eyes twinkling and grinning wide, "Anyway, I'll race you up to that hill, AJ!"
"Oh, it's on!" Apple Jack said with her own excited grin, getting to her hooves ready to start galloping away. "Last one there has to-"
"-Pay for the pizzas whenever we have that pizza date," Rainbow cut her off quickly and AJ nodded at the idea.
"On your marks!" said Pinkie Pie, and AJ and Rainbow Dash stood side-by-side with each other and started stretching out their legs. "Get set!" Rainbow winked at AJ who rolled her eyes and adjusted her cowgirl hat on her head. "GO!"
"By the way," Rainbow Dash said as they started galloping off. "I actually think banana on pizza sounds yummy!"
"What?!" Apple Jack said with disdain. "Ew!"
Rainbow Dash grinned. "What? It sounds pretty much like Peanut Butter on toast with banana! Nice and hearty!" She licked her lips.
"You weirdo," Apple Jack laughed. When Rainbow glared her way, she nervously smiled and added, "My weirdo. Is that better, sugarcube?"
Rainbow Dash didn't want to admit it, but yes, that was much nicer. She was only being playful, though. It's what makes their friendship, er, relationship so much fun! "Much better, darling." She tried to sound like Rarity there and AJ rolled her eyes. The country pony wasn't impressed. "Er, sweetheart?"
AJ looked her way and nodded, redness appearing back on her cheeks, "That one I do like, honey." Rainbow laughed, blushing too and she sped forward past the country pony, but AJ doesn't lose when it comes to races and sped forth too. She grabbed onto Rainbow's tail with her teeth and pulled her back.
"Oi!" Rainbow snapped, glaring at AJ beside her. Apple Jack chuckled, yee-haw'd and galloped away but Rainbow decided to play dirty. She grabbed AJ's tail and pulled her back too, causing the farm pony to stumble behind her, but then she tripped over Rainbow's leg and fell over. Rainbow Dash laughed loudly, flying up into the air and looking down at Apple Jack on the ground. "Are you ok, Apple smack?" She grinned; she did that on purpose.
Apple Jack grunted as she managed to stand up and dust herself off, giving Rainbow an angry look while doing so. "That ain't funny, Rainbow crash," she muttered and fixed her hat on her head.
"Oh, how dare you!" Rainbow said at once, but she had a smile on her face. It's an old name she used to get called. It used to bother her but now it's just funny.
AJ then smirked; she was enjoying their time together, but their friends had planned something for them both. She knew if they kept play fighting and bickering, their dinner would probably go cold. "Let's go have some dinner, sugarcube. Oh, and let's try not to start a food fight." She chuckled at the memories of their past food fights and how messy it'd get. "We shouldn't waste the food."
Rainbow nodded, and winked, "I mean, I'll try not to throw something at your pretty face but that won't stop me from having a little fun."
Apple Jack chuckled and blushed. "Of course, it won't. The last one up the hill has to clean Granny Smith's dentures!" Rainbow grimaced at the thought of doing that which made AJ smile, and together, they both continued their race up the hill.
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