Chapter 31: Witch
Ella pov
I kept tossing and turning all night just thinking I have to deal with the she devil for 3 months! Have my mother lost her mind? Is she sick?! As I turn I see Marina with her sleeping mask on and sleeping soundly. I'm surprised she hasn't woken up cause of my turning. And quite frankly I don't care. I let out a deep sigh as I plan of a way to keep her away from me for the few months. I sat up and pulled my phone out and started to text my little clique. I smirked as I looked over at her. "Oh just you wait. It is I who is going to give you hell." I giggled and decided to sleep for a bit.
I was woken up with ice cold water. "Ahh!" I wiped my face as I see a cackling she witch. "Oh no. Seems like someone made a little mess. Aren't you a little grown to be wetting the bed?" I glared and groaned at her. "You!" "I heard yelling?!" We look and see Comet as he saw me. "Ella? What happened?" As I was going to speak she cut in. "Oh comet, ella was going to dump the water on me and on reflex she poured it all over herself." She's acting innocent knowing my big brother will have my back. "Estella. Why would you do that? You are so in trouble." What? But I didnt do it. "B-but-" he shook his head. "Stop. Mom said to be nice with cousin Marina. Come marina let's get breakfast." As they left she had an evil smirk and I wanted to cry. My own brother didn't even realize she tricked him. I quickly made my way towards my parents room as I got on top of their bed and started to jump. I was so mad that comet didnt believe me! I'm his little sister!
"Ella? What are you doing? Why are you soaked?" Mother said as father woke up too. "Marina drenched me with a bucket of cold water. Comet came in and she lied to him saying I did it! Mom I know I don't really like her but I would never do that." I said as my father had that knowing look. Mother sighs and pulled me closer. "Ella. I believe you. I'm sorry but I made a promise with her mother. If you like you can stay with your friend for the summer." She held my face as I smiled softly. "Can you speak with Olivia's mother first?" She nods as she kissed my cheek. "Oh honey." Dad said as he held my flushed face. "Come. Let's get you nice and warm." Dad took me out the room and walked me towards the bathroom. "Now shower and I'll be right back. Lock the door." I nodded and locked the door. I'm not stupid. Stupid marina. Stupid comet to even believe her over his own sibling. Their dead to me. After my shower my dad decided to take me directly towards Olivia's house. There her mother and my father take about the home situation. She was fine with me over. I was a pleasure to have around.
"Thank you so much. I'll drop by later with your stuff honey. I'm going to miss you squirt." I sigh. "Dad I'm a teenager stop babying me. But still treat me like a princess." He chuckles as he hugs me tightly. "You'll always be my baby. Now be good." I nodded. "Promise." As I watched my father leave my bestie came beside me. "So, what's the plan?" I smirked as we walked towards her room. As I pulled my notebook from my bag she sat across me. "Well since she has my brother against me I have to find others who would stick up for me." She smirks. "Girl you know I'll help you and I think kaden will too." I nodded. "Thanks. I just hope she doesnt interfer in our relationship. I don't know what I'll do if I lost Kaden." Just thinking about it was super painful.
"My brother is dead to me." I say as Liv and I are eating breakfast. "Wow I didnt expect comet to do that. I thought you were his baby sister that he will always protect?" I nodded. "Guess I'm not right now. Ugh that evil witch is laughing at home cause she has my room. Has my brother and probably Jane as well." I lowered my head at the thought Jane would be tricked as well. As I was going to speak the doorbell ring. "Its probably my dad with my stuff." We walked towards the door and like I said it was. "I brought as much as i could sweetie. Oh also kayden is here too." I smiled and ran towards my loving boyfriend. "Kayden!" He laughs as he held me close. "Your dad told me what happened. What a cruel thing she did to you. Are you okay?" He check my face and I nodded.
"Yeah I'm good. I'm going to be staying here for a few months. For the summer. I know I won't see you much cause of the summer camp stuff." He nods. "Yeah it sucks but it helps me with credits." I smirked. "I love you" I say as he held my face as he placed a kiss. "I love you more." I giggled as my dad pulled his arm "alright lover boy come and help." "Yes sir." He kissed me again and went to help. I giggled as I noticed Jane walking. I quickly ran towards her. "Jane!" She stops as she smiles at me. "Hey little star. What's up?" I took a deep breath. "I'm not home for the few months cause of my cousin." She raised a brow. "Uh why?" "Well earlier this morning I woke up with ice cold water all over me. I screamed and your boyfriend came in and asked what's wrong. As I was going to tell him the witch lied and he believed her over me."
Jane looked furious. "Comet believed that bitch over his sister? Oh I'm going to give him a long talk when I get over. Ella I'm so sorry. I knew I gotten weird vibes from her. Don't worry if you need help count me in." I smiled and hugged her. "Thanks Jane your the best." She giggled. "Hey want me to prank her today?" I nodded. "Yes do it." She smirks "got it. I'll call you later okay." I nodded. "Okay I'll be here." She waved and walked off as my dad came towards me. "Is jane going to the house?" I nodded. "Yup and comet is in big trouble." Dad made a face. "Oh no. Do I want to know?" I shook my head. "Okay then. Well I'm going home before anything happens. I'll call you later okay princess." I nodded.
"Alright. Bye honey." He kissed my head and gave me a hug. "Bye dad." He let go and kayden hugged me as well. "I'm gonna miss you." I giggled. "I'll see you weekends. And plus you can facetime me." He nods. "I know but I'm still gonna miss you." I giggled as he kissed me. "Hurry up!" My dad yelled as he looked at me. "I'll see you Estella." I nod as he rushes towards the car my dad is impatiently waiting. I waved as they take off as I walked in with Liv. Let's see how that turns out.
I've updated. Are you satisfied? Also I'm super sorry yall! I am really lacking on updates but there's a reason. I've been super busy with life that I barely be on here. First I lost a really good friend of mine because they did want to move on from a little slip up. Constantly wanted to talk about it when it already happened and it's done but no they didnt want to. In result they blocked me and deleted me off all their social media account. I got my wattpad suspended because I guess they reported me? Also they blocked me from here so I have no idea if they are saying I'm a horrible person or not? I lost 100 followers on my Instagram on my other account when I was so close to reaching 200 now I have 74! I was pissed off. Then after that my family decided to move and we did. It took a good 2 months to get used to the house and place everything in the correct places. We also did have internet and no tv so i didnt have access to the internet since i lost my phone charger. Lastly I've been working and busy that i come home exhausted that i just plug my phone to its charger and pass out. I'm starting to stress out again and losing weight cause of it. I rarely eat and that's a problem. Also my family and I are struggling with life in general. It's hard but we're managing. Anyways that's all and hopefully I'll update other books and finish them. After that I might make new books and actually finish them. So bye! Sorry for the little rant but it need to be done.
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