Chapter 26:Daddy's Princess?
Estella Pov
When Kaden dropped me home I was nervous of my father noticing, I like Kaden a lot but my father doesn't even want me near any boys, I can't tell nobody anything because dad turns into a lecture and I don't have time for that "Hey Ella, how was Jane's?" I nodded and crashed on the couch looking at my mom upside down "Alright, she tortured Comet today, it was pretty funny seeing them fight...Mom I gotta ask you something"
mom put Elijah in his playpen as he was asleep "What's up?" I sigh and mess with my hair "Why is dad against me on dating and Comet has already? I'm 14 now the same age comet dated Vanessa" mom rolled her eyes and sat down beside me "Maybe, he doesn't want you to get hurt by a guy, your his princess his little girl and his only girl" I groan "Mom, I like a boy but I'm afraid to tell dad know why"
mom started giggling and pulled me closer to her "Well, talk with dad about it..because if I try he'll ignore me and when that happens.." I smirk a bit "He sleeps on the couch" we giggled and dad walked through the doors "Work is tiring, hello girls" he kissed my head and kissed mom "Hey daddy, so we gotta talk because it needs to be discussed" dad looked confused and sat down next to mom who looked amused
"Star, What's going on?" She shrugs and I clear my voice "Daddy, I should be allowed to date just like comet, I'm a smart girl and I know what's right and wrong" he sighs heavily and pulls my arm "Princess, we talked about dating until your 18 end of discussion" "Marco.." mother said giving him a glare "Estella, I know your at that age of feeling types of emotions but I'm not ready for you to date, because in my eyes I still see you as my little girl" I sigh
"But dad, you can trust me I'm a perfect A student, I don't get in trouble, and I always listen to you, even I don't really want to" he groans at the last part "Princess, I just don't know" I cross my arms "Well..if we're being honest I have a boyfriend, good night" dad looked at me shocked and mother had a smirked on her face "Who?! Since when have you had a boyfriend young lady?!"
I rolled my eyes "It's been 5 months now, so I assume you want to meet him and get to know him, I will arrange that and such" father looked confused and annoyed "Yes, I would love to see him, and talk to him does your brother know about him?" I nodded "Yeah, he kept it secret.." he runs his fingers through his hair and gives mom a look "5 months! How didn't we know? Did you know?"
Mom shook her head and I left upstairs as I went towards my bedroom I heard giggling and laughing as I opened Comets room I saw him and Jane making out and I slowly closed the door and went straight into my bedroom and laugh, this house is so weird...
~Time skip to the weekend~
Kaden was meeting my father for lunch, I was nervous about dad making him feel uncomfortable when I really like him "Marco relax he's bound to be a gentleman" dad looked stressed "I can't relax, what if he is the type of guy that does bad things, like going to parties and doing stuff" mother rolled her eyes and I groan "Dad, I promise you Kaden isn't like that, he's sweet and very kind and a gentleman I swear"
he took a deep breath and the door bell rang and I answered it, Kaden hugged me and kissed my cheek and shook my parents hands and hands me roses "Aw, thanks Kaden" he high fives my brother as guys always have a greeting "Comet, basketball season, you in?" My brother nods and chuckles as it quieted down we sat in the dining room, I was seated next to Kaden and sat across my dad and mom, dad just looked at him and me for a couple minutes
"Kaden, how old are you?" I groan "16 Sir" dad widen his eyes "have a job or something?" I shot glares towards my dad "Yes, part time couch in little league basketball" he nods "Good, now I have a few things to say, 1. No kissing in my presence, 2. Bring my daughter home safely whenever you guys are out and about, 3 you will refer me to Mr Diaz, or Sir, no dude it whatever what's hip, and 4. No doing the bad things, my daughter is a flower and shouldn't take advantage of"
I slammed my hands on the table "Daddy! Kaden knows, we talked about stuff like that he's not stupid, god I feel like I'm in a prison whenever your around, I can't continue this..Kaden let's go" I pulled Kaden's hand and we left the table "Ella come back here this instance!" "No! You won't even give me a chance, until you learn to trust me or you lose your Princess" his expression changed and I shake my head and wrapped myself under Kaden's arms "You okay babe?" I shrug "Let's just go..I need to think" he nods and we drive off, I didn't care where I just need a break..
Marco Pov
Ella left me there feeling like a fool, Star gave me a look and left my side also and Comet stood seated "Dad I hate picking sides but I'm with Ella on this" I looked at him "What? But have you seen how tall and older that boy was? He can take advantage of her" Comet shakes his head
"No, Kaden has been protecting Ella since she was in that fight when she was 10 years-old, he always kept her safe from bullies and people that brought harm to her, you should get to know the person before you say their bad for someone" he left me alone at the front door and I thought about, he was absolutely right, I just judged the poor kid because I freaked out because he has my baby girl, but she isn't a baby anymore and that's what she wants me to see
"I'm such an idiot" I heard a chuckle and I turn and see Jane "Yeah, your like Comet in a way..have you seen him?" I pointed towards the stairs and she walked away, how in the world did she even get inside? Reminds me of I pull my phone out I tried calling but it went to voicemail, I guess I'll let her chill out before all of this..
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