Chapter 25: True Feelings
3 Years later..
Comet Pov
It's been awhile since I actually hung out with Jane, she was in mind for all these years but everytime I go see her, she's never home or she's with Axel, me and Vanessa broke up sophomore year, I couldn't take her anymore and a lot of girls were after me but I didn't care because they weren't Jane "Comet, can you drive me home today"
I groan as I looked down at my little sister Estella, she grew up a bit but was still short for a freshman, her best friend Liv has a crush on me which is cute but I would never date her friends, but Ella is secretly dating Kaden behind our dear old dads back, I use that against her when it comes to their relationship, if I was her I would be honest with dad instead of keeping a secret "Why not ask you boyfriend, he has a ride?"
She punched my chest which hurt now "You know why! Yes it no?" I nodded and she walked off, I shook my head as I opened my locker I see Jane alone, finally I could talk to her "Jane, you been?" She closed her locker slowly and looked at my blue eyes "Good, I'm sorry you and Vanessa broke up" "that was years ago, hey come over my place today, let's have a game session, just like old times?"
She smirked and chuckled "Sure, later Diaz" she walks off, she's changed so much..her hair is short and she dresses mature but still dark, but she just confuses me, like she ignores me for years and this is my only time I could get her to realize but she has someone else that makes her happy..
Time skip-
As we got home I was greeted by little Elijah, he was laughing while running around the house "Mom, we're home" I walked into the kitchen seeing her cooking "Hey, um Elijah has a doctors appointment, can you get him dressed" I heard screaming and things being thrown to the ground "Sure..were we that bad?" Mom shook her head "Nope, and I'm glad you two were calm and collected kids, but I blame myself I was a troublemaker when I was younger, you have no idea"
I giggled and went to dress my little brother "Mom, I'm heading out with some friends!" I saw what my little sister was wearing and I gave her a look "Estella? Go change right now, if you dad sees you like that-" she was cut off when dad walked through the door "What in the world are you wearing? Go change right now, please"
I finished putting Elijah his shirt and picked him up "Hey dad, how was work?" He looked stressed and he kissed Elijah head and went towards mom and just hugged her, she motioned us to leave and I did, I sat down with him and watched TV, I heard my phone go off and I smiled
(Jane<3» Hey, omw so set up dork :p)
I giggled and texted her back, as I looked at Elijah he was on the tablet playing a game, after a few minutes mom came and picked him up "Alright let's go little guy, later comet..hey you work tomorrow?" I nodded she sigh and left "Alright, bye" as I set up I heard the door knock and I jumped over the couch almost tripping and falling on my face, as I stood up I saw Estella laughing at me
"Your an embarrassment" I rolled my eyes and answered the door and their stood Jane, my best friend..I kinda blushed a bit while she smirked and punched my arm "You okay dude? Kinda staring at me a bit, hey Ella you look nice, you going know" Ella nodded and she left and Jane walked towards the living room and sat down, I walked slowly trying not to act like a fool "Okay..obviously you need to tell me-" I cut her off with a kiss and I soon regretted it when she looked horrified and our faces were red "I like you.."
I managed to say and she began laughing but stopped " After years, I've been waiting for you for so long that I just moved on..and here we kissed me bringing back all the memories we shared..Comet I will always love-" she covered her mouth and I smiled "You love me?" She groans and throws a pillow at me and dashes out but I pulled her while she struggled getting out from my grip "Comet let go! I shouldn't have said it! Please!"
I held tight until she stopped struggling and held her head down, I turn her around and raise her face where her eyes had tears streaming, I wiped them away "I'm sorry..but now I understand just took me some time to figure it out..Jane you can hate me all you like buy just know I won't give up even if you block or change your number" she chuckles and wipes her face "Axel broke up with me..two days ago, he found a girl around his age and isn't interested in me..shocker nobody is"
I smiled "Hey, I'm still interested in you, I still kept that promise and I tend to keep it, butt face" she scoffs and hits my chest "Turd..I missed you comet" she wrapped herself in my arms and I held tight "Me too, so back to old things?" I said as I pulled a controller "You know I'm gonna roast you, right?" I chuckled "Alright, let's make it interesting, if I win you have to go on a date with me, if you win I'll be your servant for a week" she gave me her evil smirk "Comet Diaz, as my servant for a week? Doesn't that sound like fun? Alright..if you do win I'll give you a kiss"
I pulled her closer "What if you kissed me now?" She giggled "Are you scared that you'll lose? If it is then, nope" our noses touch and I saw her smile as I lean I felt her finger on my lips "Nice try, you may be cute but your not slick Diaz, now let's play" she moved away and sat at the couch and I did as well, as we played, I just glancing at her, she was so focus and determined to win "Are you even trying?"
I put down my controller and pulled her fave and kisser her passionately, she slowly dropped the controller and wrapped around my neck "You cheated!" I laughed causing her to blush "No I didn't, but it's a win now I'm your servant for a week, what do you want my first task to be?" She smirked and I was a little bit afraid of her choices "I have something in mind"
Next day~
"Oh pool boy, more ice tea" I sigh and felt embarrassed, I was in my swim trunks and shirtless, and I was her pool boy, she was enjoying it along with my little sister Estella "Hurry up, I'm thirsty" I glare at her "Why is she here?" "Jane is like a sister, so she invited me, now shut up and give me my ice tea" I groan and brought them their drinks as it got darker Ella left with Kaden and I stayed with Jane at her pool "You went pretty hard on me Jane, you treated me like a servant, and I have 6 more days...kill me"
I rubbed my shoulders and I felt her massage them "Well, I was getting even for the years you wanted Vanessa those years, and for saying I was your sister" I sigh "That's fair, are your parents okay? Last time they were fighting" she shrugs "They're fine, mom is hopelessly in love with dad, but they'll never break" I nodded and grabbed her hand, "Jane, promise me we won't be like that?" She blushed and pushed me into the pool "Us, i wasn't aware there was even an us, you didn't even ask me properly"
I swam towards her "Where are my manners?" As I held her arms I pulled into the water which caused me to laugh and she splashed me "Your such a butt muncher!" I came closer and pulled her closer "Jane, will you be my girlfriend, for real this time no joke" she giggles "Yes" she pulled my face and kissed me, as we did I heard someone clear their throat and we look and it's her dad " what's up?" He glared at us and motioned us to get out
"So, are you two together?" He asked and Jane nodded and so did I "I'm only gonna tell you, especially you Diaz if you even laugh a finger on my daughter I will crush your skull" I gulped and nodded "Y-yes..sir" I said scared for my life "I have ground rules, no kissing in my presence, no hand holding and at least 3 feet apart, got it" Jane got mad "Dad! I'm not alright with your rules, I'm 17 not a little girl anymore we know what's right and wrong" he sighs and pulls her into a hug
"That's my girl, well I gotta go..see you pumpkin, Diaz" he said sternly at me as he left Jane tackled me on the ground "He finally left, sorry about him" I shake my head, "it's cool..hey you know what I just realized?" She smirked "Your my girlfriend..and your beautiful, and amazing, and creative" she leans and kisses me "I am your girlfriend, and you are cute, funny and a turd" "hey I'm not a turd, you are" she giggles "We're finally together" "I know"
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