Where Is Anne?
Areums POV
"Wow and here I thought we would actually get some quality breakfast" Cianne groans grabbing a bagel. It was the next day after our little scavenger hunt. We were only able to find one thing on the list which meant that we unfortunately lost.
At least we found out that the prize wasn't actually money. It was a free quiz pass.
The group that won were Anne, Souline, and whoever the two girls were on their team. "Well at least we get free breakfast" I shrug grabbing a banana. I make my way to an empty table, the cabin we were staying at wasn't all that bad.
It had a small room where us students were to take our meals.
"Ugh I couldn't sleep at all last night. Especially with those darn bugs flying in through the window" Cianne complains smothering her bagel in cream cheese.
"I told you to close the window. You refused to listen" I say peeling open my banana. My eyes search around the small room. Just then I see Souline head first in her phone come in.
"How long do you think Souline is going to ignore me" I ask watching her grab damn near everything onto her plate.
"Not sure and I don't care. You shouldn't either remember what I told you. Let her be petty she'll give up eventually" Cianne says with a wave of her hand.
I go back to eating, biting into a green apple. Just then I see Marcus walk in his eyes meeting mine for a second. He sends me a wave along with a jaw dropping smile and I feel my heart beating loudly in my ears.
After yesterday I finally decided I would give things a chance. That is if Marcus even wanted to go that far with me. I was ready to give my heart out again even if the thought still scared me.
I was willing to put the past behind me and focus on what's to come. I wasn't ready to admit things outloud yet but I knew eventually I would tell Cianne and hopefully Souline and Anne.
Speaking of which the thought of Anne suddenly comes to mind. "Hey have you seen Anne or don't tell me she's ignoring me too" I say rolling my eyes.
"Nope I haven't seen her either. She's probably somewhere around here" Cianne waves off. We go back to our minimal chatter waiting for the announcement of the agenda for today.
"Alright for today we are going to have another competition. The director of the cabin has been nice enough to set up an obstacle course for you guys. I want you to use your head but more importantly use teamwork. Remember teamwork makes the dream work, off you go"!
We all form our groups from yesterday. "If I would have known we would actually have to participate I would have stayed home" Ciane grumbles.
We walk slowly towards the first obstacle course. "You do know this was a mandatory trip right"? I ask arching a brow.
"Yeah yeah whatever" she grumbles pushing me forward. The first obstacle course actually wasn't that bad. All we had to do was hop into each of the squares made out of sticks.
I make it out in one piece but the smart can't be said for Cianne. "That was just the first one" I say when I see how hard she's panting.
"Bitch you know we can't all be athletic like you" she says in between pants. Shaking my head I look behind her to see Marcus swiftly moving through the obstacle course. His dark hair moving swiftly as he jumps from one box to another.
I'm captivated by his strong build. I felt myself drooling and I quickly look away before anyone notices. Once Marcus and Trevor are across we head towards the second obstacle course.
"This looks easy. It's basically like monkey bars" I say with a shrug. I almost laugh at Ciannes terrified expression.
"Uhh you guys can go ahead" Cianne says nervously. I cross my arms giving her a knowing look.
"Cianne you have to do this, or else we are automatically eliminated". She continues staring at the obstacle course with a scared look.
"How about me and Areum go together. Trevor you stay back with Cianne for emotional support" Marcus says with a grin.
Trevor glares hard at Marcus. "Now wait a second I did"-
"So it's settled! Let's go Areum" Marcus says with a wide grin. He pulls me closer towards the obstacle course. I look back to see Trevor And Cianne bickering.
Poor Trevor, he didn't know Cianne like I did. "Ok so stand in front of me and I'll lift you up" Marcus says grabbing my attention. My eyes meet his and I can't help but be captivated by his handsome looks.
"I... I think I got it" I say standing in front of him. He moves slightly back giving me some space. I take a deep breath before jumping as high as I can to reach the bars but my hand slips.
I barely touch the bar. A wave of embarrassment crosses my face as I hear giggling behind me. I know other people are waiting for their turn and we are only holding up the line.
I'm immediately surprised when I feel hands on my waist. I turn my head to face A grinning Marcus. "I knew you would need a hand".
The oxygen in my lungs seems to disappear. Just as Marcus is about to lift me a whistle blown by our hysterical coach.
I immediately feel my heart drop.
My bestfriend was missing.
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