Alot Of Explaining To Do
Areums POV
The entire room was filled with students. Everyone was chatting about what happened. Anne had gone missing and so all afternoon activites were put on hold. It didn't seem like anyone gave a damn as they were chatting among themselves like no one had gone missing.
"Do you think they'll find her"? I ask Cianne nervously my leg shaking from my ongoing nerves.
"We can only hope. Once our parents find out about this we ain't going on anymore trips" Cianne says with a grin. I should have known better than to confide in her. Rolling my eyes I shift my gaze around the room.
Marcus sits at a table with his usual group of friends. As if he felt me staring his green eyes meet mine and he shoots me a small smile. I smile back before looking away.
I sit back in my chair trying to rid any negative thoughts. I knew Anne had to be okay but this was so unlike her. Anne was never one to just go off on her own or put herself in immediate danger. I know Anne and something about this situation seemed fishy to me.
Just then a blank face Souline makes her way towards the table me and Cianne were sitting at. "Well if it isn't the dramatic queen" Cianne says with a giant smirk.
"Whatever Cianne. I didn't come over here for your bullshit" Souline snaps. I arch an eyebrow wondering just how these two were so close at one point.
"Why did you come over here"? I ask arching a brow.
"A little friend of mine told me she saw you talking to Anne before she disappeared". Confused I look over at Cianne who wears a serious face.
"Umm I don't know who told you that but I haven't seen or spoken to Anne since we arrived here" I say crossing my arms. Just then I see Ariel and her posse of brown ponytails walk up towards us.
"Give it up Areum! We all know you are responsible for Anne going missing! And because of you there's no way we are leaving this place anytime soon"! Her whiny voice rings in my ears and I feel an incoming headache.
"This is bullshit! I was with Areum all day and we ain't see or speak to Anne. So I suggest you take your whiny ass back to your own table"! Cianne sneers with a wave of her hand.
"Once the coach hears about this you'll wish you never crossed me" Ariel threatens. Just as she is about to turn around Cianne grabs hold of her ponytail.
"Try me bitch" Cianne screams. And that's when fists start flying. I try and hold Cianne back as she lunges forward trying to claw Ariel's face off.
Despite her small frame her strength was extraordinary. "Cianne calm down it's not worth it"! I say trying my best to hold her back. But my pleas go unheard. I watch as Souline all but runs from the scene.
"WHAT IS GOING ON OVER HERE! BREAK IT UP BREAK IT UP, HAVE A SEAT"! The coach screams while blowing his whistle. Cianne stops her fit of rage. I didn't even notice the amount of students that had circled around us that was now dispersing.
"All of you follow me at once"!
I knew when I got home I would be in some deep shit.
"I don't know what has gotten into you kids but this is highschool not kindergarten! Since you want to use your hands on each other I thought of a better way to put them to some good use. You all will be helping in the cafeteria and I don't want to hear any complaints"!
I hear Cianne suck her teeth. I roll my eyes in anger. None of this would have happened if she had better control over her temper.
"I will not go anywhere near that sorry excuse of a cafeteria"! Ariel whines while stomping her feet. Her brown ponytail is a mess and I can see a faint scratch on her cheek.
"You will and because you want to complain all of you will be getting a weeks worth of detention"! The coach screams.
I can tell he's had enough of us.
I groan glaring hard at Ariel. This girl just doesn't know when to keep her mouth shut!
We all leave the room. "This is all your fault for acting like some rabid dog"! Ariel sneers. I can tell Cianne is ready to swing again so this time I step in.
"Give it a rest Ariel. We are already in a load of shit". I grab hold of Ciannes arm pulling her away before she can retaliate. We were already in a ton of trouble and now I had to figure out an excuse food enough so that my parents wont freak out.
"At this point I'm ready to go home" Cianne groans crossing her arms. We make our way back to room where the other students were. Everyone stares at us hard and its obvious they are talking about us.
We go back to our table and sit down. As the day passes by their is no sign of Anne still. We were scheduled to leave tomorrow morning but we weren't leaving anytime soon. As the day came to an end we made our way back to our assigned rooms.
"Let's hope they find Anne soon. I can't stay here another day" Cianne complains.
"Not only that but I've got a lot of explaining to do to my parents" I say with a groan. I wanted nothing more than to go home and lay in my own bed. But at the same time I didn't want to face my parents just yet.
We turn the lights off and not a second later I hear Ciannes loud snores. Just as I roll over I hear light tapping against the window. At first I ignore it thinking it's probably a tree branch knocking on with window due to the wind.
But the tapping becomes persistent. Confused I slowly get off my bed tiptoeing towards the window as to not wake Cianne. I grab a shoe just in case it's a wild animal trying to get in.
But as I get closer I see fire red hair. Confused a face becomes visible and it's Anne! I quickly open the window, Anne is that you"?! I whisper yell as I stick my head out the window.
"Yes just please let me in. It's freezing out here" she whispers back. I immediately step back to watch her climb into our bedroom.
"You've got a lot of explaining to do" I state crossing my arms.
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