The mist swarmed the ankles of the old man as he crept through the abandoned alleyways of the town of Vincent.
Despite the late hour, the heat lingered in the air, something he wasn't accustomed to.
His heavy clothing hugged his skin and a sweat had formed on his brow. The stress didn't help the perspiration either.
The moonlight cast ghastly shadows against the small town homes. These pockets of clouds threatened his every move.
Any moment could be his last if he were to be spotted.
He slung his shawl over his shoulder and wrapped the fabric closer to his body as if it would help hide him.
An alarming church bell sang through the empty streets, echoing and bouncing off the walls.
Three charms.
Exactly five hours past curfew.
His pace quickened as he maneuvered across the cobblestone roads, not making a single sound.
Once he reached two buildings with a dumpster in front and no lights, he stopped and looked around. There was an alley in between that appeared too small for anyone to fit through.
This was the right spot.
He very carefully turned his body and sideway-stepped further into the darkness. The opening grew larger and he continued moving through until it opened up completely.
The area had four walls surrounding and the night sky shone down on him.
A younger man emerged from the shadows.
"It's time," the old man whispered.
The boy merely scoffed.
"This is why you asked me to meet you? I've gotten my hopes up far too many times to have to, or even want to listen to your stories anymore."
"No," he defended. "They are not stories. This is happening. But I need your help."
The younger man gritted his teeth in frustration before sighing and shaking his head.
He dug his palms into his eyes and refused to look at the man before him.
"We've talked about the amazing idea of a free world, but... but it's not possible! How is this even going to work."
"I don't believe in magic," the young boy mumbled, rolling his eyes.
The old man smiled.
"You will when you see her."
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