"Heejae, you need a break," Anika said on the fifth day since the eventful day. Heejae ignored her friend and continued sipping on her espresso. She had lost count of how many cups she had had since morning but it was the fuel that kept her working.
"Ignoring? Seriously?" Anika rubbed her forehead, plopping down in a chair. "For fuck's sake, Jae! You haven't slept more than two hours in the last three days. Look at your dark circles. You look horrendous."
Heejae sighed, looking away from the computer screen and finally acknowledging her partner. "Anika, I told you, I'm totally fine. There's a lot of work to do and I need to get it done."
"That work is supposed to be done by your assistant. She's literally down the street in the club probably playing billiards while you do her work. This is unacceptable and I'm not letting you overwork yourself all because of a man who couldn't keep it in his pants."
"Anika..." she tried arguing but the other woman wasn't having any of it. "Save it, Miss Park. Now collect your things, tidy up yourself because there's someone who will be here in a few to get you out of here."
Heejae frowned, confused by her words but like a well planned act, a head poked in from behind her door. "I was called?" he said rather than ask as he grinned showing his perfect teeth, his eyes sparkling with mischief.
Heejae groaned, running a hand over her tired face. "Him? Really?" she asked Anika incredulously, watching with a slack jaw as her friend shrugged and moved to hug her brother.
"I never knew I would feel unwelcomed by my own sister," Heejung said dramatically, draping his arm tightly around Anika. "Atleast I have this girl, who is definitely more like the sister I always wanted." His taunting tone made Anika giggle, while Heejae could only roll her eyes at him.
"Oh, piss off. I never wanted a brother like you either. Now, get out of my cabin. I have work to do."
"Oh, no, you don't," Anika added quickly, pulling the plug of the computer. "The hell!" Heejae couldn't hep but exclaim in shock as her best friend and brother totally stood against her. "All the work is gone..."
"Your assistant will get it done," Heejung said, making the shocked woman stand with a firm grip on her elbow. "Right now, you need to get out of here and relax your mind." Anika helped her putting on her coat and push her out of the office without any further delay.
With a defeated sigh and slacking her shoulders, Heejae followed behind her brother, who was half dragging her. When they were in Heejung's car, then only did he release his grip on her.
A heavy silence blanketed them, no one willing to speak. Heejung let his attention stay on the road while Heejae leaned against the window and sighed, her brain starting to conjure unwanted thoughts and images. Most of them were of how she'd bicker with him and then they'd kiss and make up, making her miss him all the more. But then, she'd remember how he broke his promise over a fake rumour and her heart would break all over again.
"Will you stop sighing?" Heejung sighed as he stopped the car near the Han river, and totally done with how much she had been sighing. "I can't help it," she said, removing her seatbelt. "You won't understand."
Heejae leaned over the car hood, uncaring of how hot it was and stared ahead, watching the people bustling around them. "Here," her brother said softly, coming beside her and passing her a cigarette. She chuckled, "Couldn't find weed?"
"Shut up and just light it up if you want," he said holding out the lighter to her after lighting his own cigarette.
Shaking her head, she lit the cigarette and took a deep puff of it, getting used to the burning feeling in her chest. It had been a long time since she stopped smoking, atleast this kind anyway. She still opted to get high once in a while instead of this but it was something she had always done with her brother.
"So, Anika told me you ended everything with that guy after you saw him with someone else."
"That's right," she confirmed with a wry smile. "I don't understand how I got so attached to him knowing he wasn't even my type."
"Types are overrated," Heejung said, rubbing her back soothingly. "It's something to satisfy our stupid, fantasy loving mind, nothing much. You can fall for anyone, knowing they aren't good people. Toxic relationships wouldn't exist if people always chose the right type."
"I guess, but I just... I just miss him so m-much," she broke down on the last word but it wasn't as bad as the first time. She was able to control her emotions far quicker. "It's okay, Jae-Jae. I know it must hurt and trust me when I say that I wouldn't hesitate killing that guy but I care more about you. I can't see you beating yourself up like this. You need to get him out of your mind. In a proper way," he added the last after remembering her techniques to forget something.
Heejae giggled. "I would very much like to get him out of my mind but I don't know how, except continue working. I can't even sleep because he keeps appearing in my dreams."
"Why don't you spend time with your friends or me or come home. Dad's back for a few days," he suggested, looking for a reaction. The woman only shrugged, taking the last puff of her cigarette and extinguishing it.
She would have liked to meet her father who was always away from home, more specifically her mother under the pretence of business trips. She and her brother had long ago found out about his mistress and honestly, they didn't even mind as long as he looked happy and not one step away from suicide with their mother. Her mother always brought the worst out of the people.
But not Yoongi. Yoongi inspired people, he inspired her to work harder. He had always been a dedicated person, doing absolutely anything for his dream. She had admired this quality since they had met each other, in the starting of both of their careers. But that was also the time when he used to flippantly ignore or insult her, leading to a shared dislike for each other.
With another long suffering sigh floating away with the evening wind, Heejae realised it was going to be a gigantic challenge to try and forget the enigma that was Min Yoongi. However, she was determined to do it. She couldn't keep living like this, looking like a living ghost, trampled under the shiny, expensive shoes of a man. She was better than that. She was better than drowning in her sorrow over what could have been. She hadn't reached here today by moping infront of anyone and everyone.
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