Walking into the dark corridors, the young police officer stopped at a particular cell and saw the man who was living his life in that eight by six feet room with a metal bed in the corner.
a window allowing a little sunlight from the outside world and AARAV laying down on the bare dirty floor with his arms covering his eyes ,sat up hearing the officer come.
"Aarav" the officer called and like always aarav slowly looked up and stared at the officer.
"You are free from today aarav "the officer told and a small smile broke in his lips.
The officer stared at aarav ,it was like the first time in this 3 years aarav ever showed some emotions, he never opened his mouth from the day he surrendered himself to the police.
The court Sentenced him to 3 years of imprisonment and fine.
His company's name and his reputation in the society was crushed brutally.
He was no longer a wealthy person ,he is just a person now with heart full of love for his yamini who now would have even forgotten him.
After introducing himself as someone she knew ,aarav made every proper arrangement she needed for her highly studies and well being .
Can all the sins he did just be forgotten just like that?
Can he just live with her happily or will the guilt in him let him live happy?
He surrendered himself to the police and spent 3 years alone in that dark cell thinking and regretting each and every single thing he did with that innocent soul.
He felt the pain and helpless of yamini when he locked her all alone in the room , he felt yamini when he was hungry yet was given only little food to satisfy his hunger stomach.
And now all this ended and he was ready to get out and win his yamini back and make her all his.
He Knew it will be tough but he also knows she is all worth for the fight.
"Will you really think yamini will be single? Or what if yamini got back her memory?" The officer asked as he had an idea must have happened .
The only person aarav opened up was this officer .
"The longer you wait for something, the more you will appreciate it when it finally arrives .The harder you have to fight for something, the more priceless it becomes once you achieve it all the pain you have endure on the journey ,will make you understand it was all worth it." Aarav whispered
"If she got back her memory no one can be more happy than me ,i want her i agree but not without her concern.
I want her love not just her.
I will wait till she falls for me or if she just doesn't want me
I...i give up" aarav told and the officer nodded .
"Eating sweets is okay but if limit is crossed sweet also becomes poison mam" yamini advised and the old woman smiled sheepishly and yamini shaked her head smiling.
"Here ,take these medicines correctly and control your mouth " yamini said and the old woman nodded and walked out.
Smiling yamini washed her hands and poured a cup of coffe to herself and sat down on the couch in her room.
3 years and so many changes in her life .
Everything went perfect except the fact that she lost advik.
According to yamini ,advik passed away in that accident itself and she has no idea who aarva is except the fact that he is ayesha's friend who disappeared after that day she met him in the hospital.
She heard her parents were no longer found,they were not found anywhere and yamini gave up seacrhing them.
These three years ayesha was like a support system to yamini. she was there to yamini in every ups and downs.
With scholarship, yamini finshed her medical studies,
But she doesn't know it was aarav who arranged money
In the name of scholarship .
Yamini was now a successful doctor in ooty .
Yamini and ayesha stayed in a house and worked in the same hospital, ayesha very well knows about aarav but still she decided to stay silent ,considering yamini's health.
"Shall we move ,i am hell tired " ayesha told as she entered the cabin .
"Sure sure ,but ayesha the reception people called and infromed that someone is coming to meet you today " yamini told .
"Oh"ayesha whispered as she already know who that someone was....
Eventhough not forgiveing aarav ,ayesha was happy that atleast he was imprisoned.
"Fine yamini! You walk back home and me will attend that special patient and join you " ayesha told .
"Sure? I can wait for you ayesha i have no problem " yamini told as she stood up.
"Nah! I will manage you go " she told and yamini nodded and picked her white coat and started leaving.
Sighing!! Ayesha left to her cabin .
Getting out the hospital, yamini was on her phone booking a cab if possible when she accidentally bumped into someone.
"Ouch" she hissed rubbing her forehead and looked up to see the person who bumped into her.
The man's face was very much familar to her but she couldn't guess it at the moment.
"You okay " the man asked and she nodded slowly and kept on staring at him.
"Have we met before " asked yamini.
Nodding his head ,aarav fowarded his hand introduceing himself.
"I am aarav ,ayesha 's friend came here to meet her and we meet before too" he told.
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