The cold that had seemed mild at first now numbed his face and extremities. What residual heat he had absorbed in the lodge was gone, it had been his buffer, but unwittingly he had squandered it believing his thick winter jacket and boots equal to the task of preserving his body heat.
Aarav sat down near the camp fire staring at buring fire infront of him.
He too had a fire in him just like this .
But now all he feels is life less and emotion less ,the same way how yamini felt every day.
Standing up from the ground ,aarav had no idea what to do ! His team is been tracking yamuna and this time he is being extra extra careful after knowing yamini and yamuna look alike.and to add more flavor in his cup of ice creams ,he very well know yamini and advik are staying in ooty.
Getting out from his house in ooty,he looked around the fog which was covering the beautiful hills ,the sun was about to set and the sky was a kinda was yellowish mixed with orange .
For some unknown resons ,his heart longed to see yamini,his eyes were still searching her,he need her but can't have her.
After a hardest battle between his heart and mind wheather to see her or not aarva decided to atleast see her from far.
Taking a deep breath ,he started walking towards their hotel.
He was completely changed,his long untrimmed beard,black circles under his eyes, uneven hairs told different stories.
He stood silently hidden infront of her hotel/house and waited for her to come out she was no where to be seen......
Cold wind stalked her through the mountain passes like a specter death, the bitter wind laughed as it tore right to her heart and turned her blood to icy sludge. Her muscles began to ache and grind like the cogs in old machine and she sat silently looking at fishes in the pond and lost in thoughts.
Just a year and so many times have already happened in her life,she doesn't wanna forget it nor
wanna move on. She wants to know the truth but can't.
"Dear...." she heard a concerned voice and she slightly turned back and saw a old grandma sitting right behind her with a sweet smile in her face.
Yamini greeted her with the same sweet smile and slowly turned back towards the pond .
"Are you okay dear"the old lady asked with concerned ,whole gently moving her hands up and down in her hairs and yamini smiled .
"I DON'T KNOW grandma"she whispered and smiled again
"Its should not hurt again but its hurting "she again whispered.
"If it still hurts then it still matters dear , you know sometimes time heals things be patient. "The old lady told
And yamini smiled again
"I need to leave grandma bye"she told and started leaving.
Its been 3 days since she has been visiting this pond and she already got a old friend .
As she started walking the Cold wind licked her face and crept under her clothes, spreading across her skin like the lacy tide on a frigid winter beach. With pink lips tinged with slight red and gently chattering teeth she wrapped her duppata around her shoulders and head and continued walking .
As she started walking ,she noticed a very very familar face, a face which she can't forget even in her next life.
Its him...
A painful lump formed in his throat seeing her stare at him.
It was so werid for him to feel the pain in his chest and stomach ,he felt like a big huge rock placed on his stomach and thousands of needles poking his heart seeing her.
He slowly gulped the lump and turned to leave .
As he started walking,he heard her sweet voice calling him . A unknown kinda of happiness filled him and broke in a swcond knowing and understanding he should not turn back instead go away as far and as fast as possible and he did too.
"Aarav...."yamini finally for the last time called his name looking around ,then realized he escaped.
She placed her fingers on her head and gently massaged it looking around and without any other will or way ,she walked back to the house.
"You came back ,here have this"advik told giving her a cup of coffe .
"Adi,i saw aarav "yamini told and adi looked at her confused and shocked.
"Shit,let's go away from here as soon as possible go get ready "advik literally yelled but yamini stood still.
"What happened yamini move fast he may trance you easily "advik yelled
"He..he saw " yamini whispered and advik stood still
"What did he do"advik asked
"He..he went away from my sight as soon as i spotted him"yamini told
"He..he just let me go "yamini added
"Th..there is something wrong,he is planning something big let's get out from here first "advik told and held her hands and started walking but yamini was stubborn ,dhe didn't move from her place.
"What happened yamu"advik asked
"Didn't you promise, you will let me meet aarav once before the surgery "yamini asked
"Thi...this is the right time i guess "yamini added
"Don't talk rubbish yamu,let's talk about this later now move "advik told
"No...i won't move from here ,adi listen i...i need to know what happened in the past ,i am a human being i too have feeling and rights like other !!let me atleast die peacefully after knowing the truth please..."she whispered
Advik looked around with his one hand in his hip and the other scratching his neck.
"I am leaving to meet him adi..."yamini told and started leaving .
All this bravery was filled by him.she was slowly changing into a warrior .
Advik held her hands which made her stop.
"Please adi,not any more ,i wanna know the past by hrook or crook" yamini told not turning back.
"Hell no,i am not gone leave you meet him"advik told and yamini turned back to face him and was about to talk when he placed his finger on his lips telling her to be silent .
"I am not gone leave you alone to his place "advik added .
"Which means tou are coming??"yamini asked and advik told and yamini smiled.
"Thank you..."she whispered looking down
1125 WORDS 🤧
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