Chapter Eleven
There is a flash as the time machine appears once more over stormy water, a grey cat falls out of it, yowling in fear and in anger.
Yellowfang: Why is it always water??!!
She lands with a splash in the ocean and scramples to the shore, wincing as she lands on her injured paw. She looks around.
Yellowfang: Wikipedia, where are you? And where are we?
Wikipedia zips toward Yellowfang, stifling a purr as she glares at her dripping wet fur. He suddenly concentrates, and a look of alarm appears on his face.
Wikipedia: Oh dear.
Yellowfang: What?
Wikipedia: We, ahem, may have landed in the story of Andromeda. She...well..let's leave.
Yellowfang: What is it? Does she die?
Wikipedia: Well, no, but almost...we should really leave. *he glances at the water apprehensively*
Yellowfang: *shrugs* If she doesn't die, I dont see what the big deal is. Where is she?
Wikipedia: *gestures with his tail at a rock, where a girl is visible chained to it* But don't go-
Yellowfang is already gone, paddling toward the rock.
Wikipedia: *rolls eyes* I thought you didn't like getting wet...
Yellowfang makes it to the rock, where Andromeda looks down at her curiously. Wikipedia flies toward Yellowfang, ducking behind Andromeda hurriedly.
Andromeda: Is that thou, oh Great Hecate? Have you come to free me? *she sighs* But alas, I do not think it so. Did the Gods send thou to harras me? Oh Gods! how is it fair that I am punished for my mother's stupidity? Have mercy, oh Gods, and sendeth thou saviour to me.
Yellowfang: *flattered by Andromeda's assumption as her as a goddes, but confused* Um...what?
Wikipedia: *from behind Andromeeda* We have to GO!
Yellowfang: But she seems so nice...
Andromeda's gaze suddenly fixes on something in the water, and she trembles.
Andromeda: *turns to Yellowfang* Oh Great Hecate, if that is thou, fleeeth! for the monster approacheth. *point to the water*
Yellowfang follows Andromeda's finger to the sea monster, and her fur fluffs up in terror.
Wikipedia: Come ON!
Yellowfang slowly paddles away from Andromeda, then speeds up as the monster approaches. She turns to Wikipedia.
Yellowfang: *worried* You did say she doesn't die, right?
Wikipedia: She doesn't, but we might if we don't HURRY!
Yellowfang: Gee, sorry.
Yellowfang continues swimming at a normal pace. Annoyed, Wikipedia dives down and snatches her up.
Yellowfang: HEY! YOU--
Yellowfang cuts off as she notices a man with strange, winged shoes fly down to Andromeda, take something out of a bag, and somehow turns the monster, whivh is lunging at Andromeda, into stone. After approximately twenty seconds of conversation, the two embrace and kiss passionately.
Yellowfang: *rubs eyes with paws* Eww. They just's like fanfic love-at-first-sight logic. Does it talk about this...kiss in the myth, Wikipedia?
Wikipedia: *shrugs, speaking through Yellowfang's scruff* Nope. Artistic liberty, I suppose.
Yellowfang suddenly notices the head and stares at it in shock.
Yellowfang: Who's he? And what's he...holding?
Wikipedia lets go of Yellowfang where she hangs suspended in a pool of blue light, and begins to tell the entire mythology of Perseus.
Wikipedia: *in a bored voice* That's Perseus. He is the son of Zeus and Danae, who was put into a box with her son and floated to another island, where the king tried to seduce Danae. Perseus who at this point was a grown man never let hm come near her. The king therefore hated Perseus, and invited him and Dane to a banquet. He asked him what present Perseus had brought to humiliate him, and Perseus was embarassed becuase he didn't have anything. He then promised to get the king any present he desired, who then asked for the head of Medusa, and evil--
Yellowfang: *with her paws over her ears* Blah blah blah blah-- wait. Who's Medusa?
Wikipedia: Medusa is a moster who did not actually kill anyone other than the people who tried to kill her, which in my opinion is--
Yellowfang: Monster. Got it. Done. Now SHUT YOUR MUZZLE.
Wikipedia: *ignoring her* With the shoes of Hermes, the Cap of Hades, and a strong sword, Perseus managed to get the head of Medusa, which can turn anything that looks at it into stone. That is what killed the--
Yellowfang: *interrupting* Could it turn us into stone?
Wikipedia: *amused* Me, no. *purrs* I'm a robot. But you, quite possibly.
Yellowfang: What! I must hide... *looks down*
Far below, Perseus and Andromeda are still kissing. They ignore the fifty foot stone monster behind them, along with the flying cats, and forget that Perseus is still holding the head, which is fortunately facing backwards.
Yellowfang: Ewwww. Get me OUT of here!
Wikipedia: *rolls his eyes* I though you'd never ask.
The two cats and the time machine disappear in a poof of blue light.
Written by Ember, who (you guessed it) is also a Percy Jackson fan. ;)
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