The Adoption of Naegi by Koyo-Te
Needs to be read in Landscape!!!
Now far across the ocean lays a land of teeming shores
Where lived an ancient warrior clan of men with crooked swords.
Who fiercely trained their mortal forms and strengthened hard their backs,
And used yet every hour gave to hone their battle craft.
To feudal liege they honor yield along with very life,
And pledged to march on orders beyed to meet his foes in strife.
Where often men in battle met with cruel and bitter end
When Shogun served yet bid them go and down to death did send.
But none amidst their ranks would flee or wander far from lord
For every warrior's born to die by either self or sword.
On gilded leash these men were kept by comfort lives were bought,
And held a rank above their folk that many others sought.
For wealth and privilege men did gain through facing down their foes,
And lived a life that's filled with death though thing did grant them woe.
Yet on by duty trained from birth they ever far were drove,
And still the pride of warring law their hearts to battle goad.
Amongst them all was favored clan yet one so high in deed
Who always bent to Shogun's will and worked to fill his needs.
And age on age their house was held and son by son was sired
Who all a talent bore for blade no greater skill desired
In all of Nihon's homely halls across it's rolling lands
No greater warriors shogun found in all the other clans.
Yet day did come when babe was born to chieftain lord of home
Who bore no strength or skill with arms that any kin could hone.
So years did pass and thing they knew did greater grow in eyes,
And child of high and chiefly liege did quick become despised.
Till finally elders council called to speak to fate of boy
In hopes to rid themselves of child through harsh but cunning ploy.
In wooden fortress warriors met like eastern lords of old,
From ages past before these men, here planed they battles bold.
Against the child in halls of war the leading elders plot
And thought on all the secret ways that will of clan be wrought.
For long they vied in stately court deciding fate of boy,
And many men inside those halls did voice a many ploy.
Yet none prevailed or forced their will, though trained in speech and tact
Not one did sway the others' view on any single act.
So great impasse did fall on plans they made to rid the child
For none inside their ancient halls could think of thing so vile,
But rose amidst the men yet one who told them all his thoughts
Of way their princely house might gain the thing of which they sought.
"Pounding drums and bamboo flutes
Signal well and our eastern roots
Telling all to still their voice
Low so clansmen make their choice.
Hear me well my fellow kin
Time has come to plan our sin.
Boy we speak of's frail and weak
Filled with manners very meek.
Better lord our house will need
Far in time when all will heed
Will of future chief in war
Off when sent to battling chore.
Surely men should slay the child
Lo though act be very vile.
Babe will ruin all our plan
Bringing hurt on whole of clan."
And voices raised in great discord that's stoked by words of fiend
For many men his point yet saw though sorrow great it brings.
Yet liege and father silent sat his will unknown to all
He neither words nor motion made though chaos great did sprawl.
For deep in soul though loving clan and wanting well for sake
Of all who sat inside it's hall now bound to family's fate
Did still his heart yet soften great for sake of boy he sired,
And looked inside himself for way to spare him fate so dire.
Then after long from thought he rose to tell them all his plan
On way to save the sickly boy along with rest of clan.
"My kin and fellow clansmen I do bid you to hear your chief
Though my heart is always with you still this thing does bring me grief.
He's the only son I've sired though for part he's poorly made
Still our blood and marrow's gave him should we grant him then the grave?
Now hear this plan I've made that my heart has surely wrought
For never such a thing has my mind yet dared or thought.
Now far from comely carven fortress a man that's of our flesh
Though long he's been forgotten it's said in ways of war he was the best.
On many siege he led us and fought at front of line
No greater warrior that's of man could any man yet find.
So long his days did prosper though trade was way of death,
And long his blade he fostered with the ease of drawing breath.
But flesh by war was stricken and man was carven down
Though with blade he was so fearsome still he courage never found
To lift his hand against himself though thing's for sake of clan,
And bore not the courage man did need that's fitting of a man.
I bid you go and fetch him and bring him once again
To whittled hall of fortress before my seat to stand.
That man may take the child and make of him a sordid heir
Thus easing all our tension and ending all our cares."
For long a hush did fall on host in midst of warring hall
Who long had never thought of man that lived in peasant sprawl.
Yet still the thought of staying hand did pleasant sound to ears
To men who swore to honor hold and wicked acts did fear.
So out they sent their heralds fast to hut where man abodes,
And fast on mighty warring steeds the message men now rode.
To tell warrior come to court and gain his feudal chore
So skill of man to boy be kept and deep in mind be bore.
So out he went now dressed as clan to ancient carven halls
To heed his fellow clansmen's needs and answer quick their call.
At doors of ancient fortress stood the kin reviled by clan
Who soon before their council held would deep in judgment stand.
Inside he tread to sounds of gasp at sight they all beheld
On one who current walked the halls where warring kinsmen dwelled.
From elbow joint his arm was struck removed in gruesome way
That surely kept the man now come from path of warring ways.
Yet still like warring man he stood before their crushing gaze,
And bore a form that's hard though broke this making tempers raise.
"Broken form and vainest pride
Speaks of honor told as lie.
Living on though serving self
Only thing that's brought by health
Bore by man that current stands
'Fore the council held by clan.
Bend your knee and know you place
Stood before these halls you grace."
Then sudden warring man did speak and told with little tact
In sounding voice that dared the clannish council rise and act.
With solemn will and haunted gaze of one who's looked on war
He glared through all the huddled mass a thing that surely tore
Resolve of men who current judged and tried to work their will
Though harden great by years they trained for time their hearts were stilled
By aura racing through the halls where current council's held
Though owning well the vantage gave by field where warriors dwelled.
"Silence of council and stench of a plot
Rise in the air now revealing your thoughts.
Secret's not way that our forbear's did work
Great though conviction's led to their hurt.
Hide not your desires nor bridle your speech
All of your orders I'm bidden to meet.
Tell me your purpose and tell me your plan
Bound am I still to the service of clan.
Hasten your dealings and speak of the thing
Vile enough that to hall you did bring
Man from the village in which he has dwelt
Bidding his time with the hardships he's dealt.
Gaining no help from his fellows or kin
Lo though so little dishonor or sins
Servant against you had ever yet made
Even so hard you do treat him as bade.
Still I will follow your orders now gave
Such is the path of the Samurai way..."
Now hearing words the man had spoke a fool the fiend now felt
To see the warriors turn of speech and change of mood it dealt.
For all the council set in hall had blushed in shame at words
When hearing things the man had spoke their conscience greatly stirred.
Yet still the whole of hall was bound by scheming plot and ways,
And none did dare too far from path to ever leave nor stray.
So up now stood the fiend to talk and conscience turn aside
In hopes his cunning way with words their secret shame might hide.
"Hollow words and empty acts
Made by man like things are fact.
Judgements easy made from far
Outside hold from which your barred
Look not down on plans we made
Made for sake of clansmen's grave
Things we've sought will grant us life
Helping all in ways of strife.
Easing paths in ways of war
Lending help in feudal chores."
But man refused to bow to things that foe had brazen spoke,
And stood yet tall as though his form was never scarred or broke.
To challenge man who made that speech that none yet dared defy
Across the hall he met his gaze with harden glint in eye.
Then raised his voice to speak his peace that men might see his cause
Though knowing thoughts he current held would fail to give them pause,
But still he ever onward pressed and deep in heart conspired
To prod their shame in front of all though act could prove most dire.
"Weeping of ancestors howling of winds
Brought on this hall by the councilmen's sins.
Way of the Samurai's never in dark
Hidden intention's are far from our part.
Bushido's code is what steers us on path
Stoking our courage and focusing wrath.
Never it speaks of your sneaking and words
Whispered in quiet in fear you'll be heard."
Then sudden up his foe did spring with hand now rest on blade
Now bearing anger deep in heart and manner very grave
To speak in answer telling man to mind his wagging tongue
Before yet soon his saber great in heart would deep be plunged.
"Misspoke words and misplaced pride
Tells of man that needs to die
Dare you speak of ancient code
Inside keep of warriors' bode?
Daring live though death by hand's
Thing that warring law commands?
Speak you sure of lawful acts
Only judging other's tact?"
Now warring man they called to hall did know the challenge gave,
And also placed his hand on sword then daring great the grave.
For both now drove by wounded pride would rise their foe to meet,
And each the other man would fight in prompted dueling feat.
So silence filled the councils halls and all with baited breath
Did watch as pair of warring men did tempt the maw of death.
Then sudden raised the warrior chief from seat at head of hall
With sounding voice as trumpet blast for peace the man did call,
And bid them both to take their seat forestalling bloody means
That either man would current use to settle dispute seen
By all the clan that council held, thus raising stakes for fight
Ensuring one would leave there dead and all for sake of spite.
"Councils halls that are comely carved are hardly place for war,
And hold improper airs for men who seek to settle score.
So swallow now your wrath and pride and both your seats do take
Especially one that does not know what council bids as fate.
For judgement man has given knowing not for sure our cause
Thinking to much of manners, with neither thought nor pause.
So yield to my will and hear our chore as you yourself have claimed
Your honor bound to follow through on any favor named
By feudal lord that owns your life and bids your every work
Though things I ask and seek, may lead to man's own hurt."
Then both did calm before their lord now knowing well his reign
Though leaving path that led to war did bring their prides to pain,
And one now took his former seat with rest of council held
Inside the mighty fortress halls where men at present dwelled.
The other man though closest kin did kneel his head to floor
As foreign men from Nihon's lands were bid to do as chore
When greeting one of higher rank this manner all did take
As feudal lords did grant them all to show this sign as fate
Of one who worked as master's serf and met their noble will,
For all who served though serving well were bid to do this still.
Then spoke the man at present kneeled inside their vaunted keep,
And bid the noble lord to tell what feudal chore he seeks.
"Posture of service and voice that is calm
Lend I now lord in the hopes it's a balm.
Healing the fraction I former did bring
Deep in the halls of a Samurai king.
Tell me now favor your highness has sought
Sure to be done if it's thing I can wrought."
Now Daimyo seeing humbled stance began to speak his claim
In hopes that favor asked by lord would any offense tame.
When seeing boon that council sought from former warring man
Though thing was secret wrought unfitting warring clan.
"A son to the clan has been born a boy my body sired
And though my flesh and though my blood his skills are not desired.
For his frame is to unfitting to skillful wield that famous blade
That all do use who follow the path of the Samurai way.
But our hearts are too hurt and grieved to raise our hand on boy
Though the ways of clan are warring and our manners seldom coy.
So off we sent to fetch you with our men on fastest steeds
To seek from man a favor we've seldom asked or need.
To take this child we give you as heir to all your home
Though far from family fortress we've bid you ever roam.
To spare us all a king unfit to lead us in the raids,
That warring men have been bid to do since the times of ancient days.
Yet also to spare us the need to harm him and stay him from our hands
To help retain the vaunted honor of the Hototogisu clan.
So tell us now what says you who sits inside my carven halls
Will you spare the boy his death and yet answer council's call?"
Now warrior's heart did start though body never quaked or moved
For great and hard he train his form to still as thing behooved
The man on fields of battles great to never lose his will
To onward go and fight for lord though act may get him killed.
Yet still he's sorely tempted to raise from floor on which he knelt
To gaze on face of warring men who great surprise had dealt,
And see what manner came to few who all at council set
That looked and hoped that former friend their secret plot abets.
Yet still as man had former state he's bound by ancient code,
And ever further warring law his will did onward goad
To meet the want of feudal lord though thing was mundane task
Still man would yield his service well and do as lord had ask.
"Favor of lord and the Samurai code
Bid me to do as my Daimyo goads.
Taking the boy as an heir to my home
Far from the place where our clan does yet roam.
Stilling my heart to now grant you the task
Giving it just as the council has asked.
Raising the child to the best of my skill
Lo though for war is the knowledge I'll deal."
Now hearing words the king did raise his hand to serving man,
And bid him fetch the boy to bring before the rest of clan.
That child becomes the lawful heir of all another owns
Thus saving boy in spring of life from death by blade he's honed.
And shortly out with child he walks, a boy that greatly weeps
At fact his father found the fate that warring king did seek.
Now down before the former marshal child was hasty set
There down at feet in manner made that plan they made abets.
So boy as heir was made before the host of fortress hall,
By use of ancient customs that far in distant times did sprawl.
Then up they rose from seat once chore their grant was finally done
To leave from ancient fortress and follow former course he'd run.
But lo before they saddled or left the grounds on which they stayed
Did blood and flesh that sired the child yet rise to have his say.
"Now weep you not my child but go with man as kin
And serve in place that is far from home as your king does send.
There learn from man his skills and the proper way of life
For we few are yet bidden to spend our days in the battle's strife.
Mourn not for the home that birthed you nor yearn for it's restful ease
Though thinking long on these things may shortly heart yet please.
But live in the land you're given and the house though not from which begot
For these things by feudal will and hand are for certain wrought."
Now hearing king they winded on roads that led from carven home
To distant peasant place their sent from fortress far to roam.
And both their hearts they still now knowing little future bring
For father given feudal child by will of eastern king...
Hey guys!!! Please vote and comment!!! If I have any readers from Japan I would love to know what you think.
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