I wanna laugh.
Oi, if any of you see these guys, please give them a good scolding.
I've never, in my whole life, done or said anything to them.
Then, on one fateful day (note sarcasm) they decided to suprise us with a wonderful suprise.
While playing with two of my friends and my two brothers, they decided to be 'ninjas' and climbed up a park bench.
They then threw a fucking water balloon at us.
My friends spotted them a split second before I did, but it was too late when they yelled.
Splash. I was the only one in my group that was freaking drenched.
They laughed and ran away.
Am I cursed? It seems that I've been so unlucky this year. Karma is a bitch.
My friends didn't know that I was drenched because it was only my back that was wet...including my legs...
They chased after the laughing people, yelling.
Then, I took the opportunity to go upstairs to my house and tell my parents.
But ya know what my parents said?
They said "Go call police lah. You useless meh?"
Those were the exact words they said.
I just got angry at that moment and went outside on the 10th floor, outside my house and watched them appear once more on the second floor park.
Nobody noticed me cause i was so high up, and weirdly, i could hear everything they said....no, yelled.
They told my friends and bros to fuck off and all that stuff....i won't go into the details.
My friends and bros dunno where I was at, but they just went upstairs to the 10th floor and went in the house.
Once they were gone, the laughing ppl then finally noticed me and pointed at me, who was so high up.
I laughed and went in the house at that moment they started to scream at me.
Then, my friends and bros came in the house and told me everything they saw.
I already knew so I just told them that I was wet at my back.
Their faces were shocked, as they thought the water balloon did Not hit anyone.
We just forgot it and went downstairs to ride our bikes.
We thought we were safe but....we spoke too soon.
WS, one of my bros, and I were behind the pillar so that group didn't see us.
They saw WK, my other bro, and SS, one of my other friend only.
Julia, my other friend, was still upstairs.
So...they ganged up on them without WS and me knowing.
I was almost out of the area with WS when I heard SS yell that they were threatening WK at the elevator.
I was seriously pissed off so I frigging cycled back at the speed of light while muttering "I'll kill them with a kitchen knife." Funny, right?
I could hear them jeering just a few meters away, and they didn't see me yet.
I wanted to go there and kill them....(literally im not kidding here)
But SS and WS stopped me.
We then heard Julia, and she came with WK to us a few seconds later.
They told us that those malay people surrounded WK and threatened to punch his nose until it was disfigured.
I wanted to laugh so bad. They can punch?! What shit is that? They barely look like they had the strength, but there imitation didn't work as well.
But, something struck me. I SAW THEM BEFORE.
They were from my school...Ive seen 3 of them before.
Once we got back, after cycling, I did my research. It turns out, that they were from my school.
Two of them were the same age as me.
The third one was 9, 2 years younger than me.
Ah, I could charge them now! I have so many reasons!
1. They threatened WK.
2. They damaged public property when they tried to scare us.
3. They threw some sort of water balloon or something at me. Now I'm all sticky and wet.
4. They cursed, while lil' kids are not supposed to curse.
There's so much more that they did, but I don't wanna go to the parts that were worse.
So, I'm gonna go to school tomorrow, confirm them, get information, and hope that they don't lie to the principal, or headmaster, as some of you call it.
If they do, Imma give them my death glare.
Nobody's have actually seen it before(maybe my friends), but if looks can kill, they'll be dead already, actually, they would have already died a million more times.
Or, should I kill them afterwards?
My hands are itching to run upstairs and grab the kitchen knife to stab them to death.
I'm not that innocent as I seem.
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