Chapter 18: Hours of Discovery
"Haylee! Wait up!", I yelled as I tried to catch up with her. "Why should I? A 'Homeregion Hero' should be able to keep up!", she said angrily. "Haylee, are you alright? You seem a bit seething with rage." "I am, because of that new group you're in. I was born in Hoenn too! Why can't I be in the group? Also, what are you going to tell Emilee? She was born here too! But she can't be a member because her species was discovered in the Kanto and Johto regions? Same with Josh and Joey! It's...It's just not fair! We should be able to join based on where we were born, not where our species was discovered!", she said, her rage building with each sentence.
"Haylee, you have a point, but if it worked like that, then almost everyone would be able to join, and that's going to get overwhelming." She started calming down. "I suppose...I suppose you're right. I'm...I'm sorry." "No, you're fine, I see your point, Haylee.", Ellie said. "Ellie? How long were you listening?", I asked. "Long enough. I'm sorry about the recruiting situation, but Kilian's right. If we were to allow all Pokémon born in Hoenn, we would have to include almost everyone here, and that's not manageable." Haylee started looking a bit depressed.
"But, if you were to prove yourself, say in Advanced Battling, I'd be happy to let you join!" "Really? That'd be great! Thank you, Ellie!" "Don't thank me yet. You still have to prove yourself. Later!" Ellie walked around the corner and out of sight. "Come on! We still need to get to class! After you.", I said.
We got into Math and sat at our seats. Mr. Parham, the Alakazam who taught the class, started class off with a discussion about a story that was in the news, about a young Feebas who was forced into evolving into a Milotic, but died because she was too young to survive the process. "So, how old do you think any of you should be before evolving or evolving again?"
Haylee raised her hand. "Well, after I evolved early over the weekend with no visible harmful consequences, I'm really not sure when it'll be safe for me to evolve. Maybe when I'm around 15, but I truly have no idea.", Haylee said. "Well, that's a very good theory, Haylee. I feel that your estimate was almost spot on!", Mr. Parham said. "Well, I think that I should be around 19-21 to evolve into a Bisharp.", said Ben Pawniard.
The discussion continued for a few minutes before the actual lesson started. "Alright, class, today we will be learning about Number Systems. Please, get with a partner, as we will be doing a project about this." I ran to sit next to Haylee, as she was basically the only person I knew. "Well, looks like we're doing another project together.", Haylee said. "Alright class, we will be doing a project about number systems. Now, who can tell me what those are?"
"See you tomorrow, class!" Haylee and I walked out of the classroom. "So, are we going to do the project with Pokéblocks or Potion types?", Haylee asked. "I think we should do potion types, as it's more unique then changing the color." We had to make a project about Number Systems, and draw objects to represent it. "Well, see you at lunch!", I said, as Haylee and I went our separate ways. I walked down to the band room, with Raven following me. "So, are you in band too?" "Yes, sir! The flute is my life! What do you play?" "Percussion, mostly timpani and gong. Though, I guess I have to learn to ram them to play them now." Raven started laughing. "I guess that's true. It was hard for me to play when I evolved, but I got used to it." "So, did Keeton ever play an instrument?"
We got into the room and set up our instruments. I tried to warm up on the timpani, and was still able to do so like I used to, though it sounded different than before. I asked Mr. Oliver, the Swampert that directed the band about it. "Excuse me, Mr. Oliver? I think the timpanis aren't tuned properly. Can you please check?" "Sure! Let's go see!" He played the timpanis a bit before asking me to do it. I hit the timpani and the sound was so off, especially compared to Mr. Oliver's sound, that Pokémon in cheesy horror movies could see that something was wrong with it. "Okay, that's not a problem with the timpanis. I think the problem is me. I used to hit it with a small surface, but now I'm basically jumping into it, so that might be causing a difference in sound." "That's a pretty good theory. Well, until we find a way to fix this, you should just play the other instruments." "Ok then, sir!"
I went back to the other percussion instruments to see what worked and what didn't. "Okay, class, today, we will be starting our solo auditions. Would anyone like to try first?" A dozen and a half hands went up. "You, I haven't seen you before. What's your name?" "Raven, sir. I'm a new student." "Well, Raven, play a song for us. We'd like to hear you play." "Well, okay. I've been practicing this for a while."
She played a song on her flute, and did so with such grace and perfection, it seemed like she had been practicing all her life on the song. When she finished, everyone, including the arrogant students and directors, were in absolute awe with how Raven played. "Raven, I think I speak for everyone here when I say that that was the greatest performance we've ever heard!", Mr. Oliver said.
Everyone started clapping for her, causing her face to turn about 20 different shades of red in 2 seconds. "Well, all I can say is, thank you. I'm so glad that you all enjoy it." "No, no, Raven. The pleasure is all ours.", said Carlie Clefable, the Drum Major. "Okay, class, settle down. I'm sure that other people want to try out. Now, who's next?"
Raven and I walked out of the band room. "Well, Raven, it looks like you're the new Mary Sue token. You're incredibly talented and you barely know it." "Well, I am trying to work on that. But until then, I guess you're right." I started laughing, but I started to sneeze. I panicked, as I felt that I was going to use Dragonbreath as a sneeze, and I didn't want to hurt Raven. But, I couldn't look away in time, and the attack released. The purple gas enveloped Raven, but she didn't seem fazed at all. "Well, that could have been bad. Are you alright, Kilian?" "Yeah, I'm fine. Thank Arceus for you being part Fairy-type. Well, we should be getting to lunch now. Don't want the line to get too long."
We walked over to the cafeteria and got in the line. We got our trays and sat down at where my friends and I normally sat, at a table near the hallway that leads to the band and gym areas. Emilee and Haylee were already sitting there, and Keeton soon joined. Oddly enough, Joey and Valerie were sitting together, and Josh was sitting with Samantha Scyther. I had more flashbacks to the Super Hyper Beam particles, before Emilee brought me back to my senses. "Kilian? Are you alright?" "Yeah, just being forced to reminisce about the Super Hyper Beam imagery." After that, we talked about how the day had gone, the skirmish with the Bad Girl Gang, the basically group-wide invitation to the Homeregion Heroes, and Raven's amazing singing and playing abilities.
(Meanwhile, outside the school)
The Starmie had finally gotten to where Kilian was. He looked in the window and saw Raven. Her sheer power was emanating all the way to him. "That would be a good target. Now, what to show her? I know!" He generated a fake vision of events, where Raven was weakened by a shiny Mega Salamence and a Raichu, before being killed by a Shiny Gallade. He sent the image through the windows and towards Raven, but another student had gotten in the way as it was flying. The Starmie had no time to see the results or do it again, as he was arrested by a member of the MFPD on 1 account of trespassing. He teleported away, not knowing the results, and would be reprimanded for it, but that's not what everyone else saw.
(Back inside the cafeteria)
Raven was clutching her head, with a look of pain on her face. I could tell she was having a headache. But when she put her plastic fork in her mouth, I knew she had an unnatural headache. Then, her eyes went blank. We tried shaking her, but it didn't work. Eventually, she came back to us. "Raven, are you alright? You seemed like you were in a lot of pain.", Emilee asked." "It's fine, Emilee. I'm alright, guys." "No, you're not alright, Raven. Tell us what happened.", Keeton demanded.
"Okay, I'll tell you. I saw a green dragon grab me in their mouth and toss me across Meteor Falls, I saw an Raichu tackle me at high speeds while enveloped with electricity, and, worst of all, I saw a Shiny Gallade behead me, with a sad look on his face like he was doing something he didn't want to." "Wait, green dragon, Raichu, Shiny Gallade, Meteor Falls? Raven, I think you just had a vision of the future!", I said. "Maybe we turn evil and destroy you, or maybe you're the one who turns evil, Raven." "Really? That's not helping, Kilian! That just makes me feel worse!" We couldn't talk much more after that, because lunch was almost over and I needed to get to Battling Sciences.
"Well, I'm sorry about that, but I have to go to class now. Bye guys! See you in 7th hour, Emilee!" I put up my tray and walked out the cafeteria to class, meeting Josh by the library. "So, how's it going between you and Samantha?" "It's going good! I have no idea why I didn't hang out with her before! She's smart, funny, kind, she's just all around great!" "And you're sure that you aren't doing this because of the image left by the particles from our Super Hyper Beam." "No, man. We got paired up for a project in first hour and it sort of went forward from there."
"So, what are you guys talking about?" I looked over and saw Samantha hovering next to Josh. "Oh, nothing, sweet wings. So, what are you doing?" "Well, honey shell, I have Battling Sciences now, so I'm just going to the class." "Hey, that's Kilian and I's next hour! So, you wanna sit by me, cutie scythes?" I hit my head on the nearest surface, hoping it would relieve the pain of listening to them. Unfortunately, my shell got in the way, causing me no harm. I started to walk away from them, as pet names have always annoyed me, and got to Mr. Dennis' class way before them.
I sat in my normal spot and talked with other students for a bit before class started. After a few minutes, Mr. Dennis walked in, and continued the ability study. "First up, Samantha Scyther!" Samantha went up. "Now, as an aide, Simon Smeargle!" Simon stood next to Mr. Dennis. "Now, Samantha, use False Swipe!" Samantha followed, and though it looked like a clean hit, Simon was still in. He copied the move and used it on Samantha. "Now, Simon, use it again!" We cringed, thinking Samantha will get knocked out, but she still stood after the hit. She retaliated with her own False Swipe and knocked Simon out.
After giving Simon a Revive, Mr. Dennis revealed Samantha's ability. "Samantha, it seems that you have the ability of Technician. That ability give a 50% boost in power to a move with little true power. False Swipe, for instance, has an average power of 40 points, but with Technician, gets boosted to 60 points. There are many useful moves that can take advantage of this, so you'll never be out of options for attacks, Samantha." Samantha sat back down while Mr. Dennis tested Simon's ability. Simon was unable to get confused, so Mr. Dennis deduced that his ability was Own Tempo, which prevents confusion. The rest of the hour was quite uneventful, and I don't remember much of it, but what happened later in the day totally justifies it.
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