Chapter 41: Ascending
Thanks to the Dutch and the Irish volunteering to take on Lust and Gluttony, the remaining squad if Alex, Ed, Al, Kiana, Mei, Bronya, and Himeko all continued upward.
Though, not suprisingly, as they made it to the next floor, a noise was heard as Alex snapped his fingers causing fire to burst around the room.
This caused a yelp to be heard as a figure fell from the ceiling.
"Oh! That hurt dammit!" Said the figure who revealed itself to be the Homunculus Envy.
"That was a pretty crappy hiding spot." Said Ed as the others nodded.
"Doesn't matter. Now then, which of you worms are willing to die at the hands of a Homunculus? I'm hoping it'll be you! FullMetal Pipsqueak!" Said Envy with Ed immediately getting pissed.
"THE HELL DID YOU JUST CALL ME!? ALRIGHT THEN! LET ME AT HER!" Shouted Ed before Alex and Alphonse both held in the blonde alchemist back.
"C-Calm down Ed! Please!" Shouted Al.
"Calm down Edward! Listen, we gotta move on!" Said Alex.
As this scuffle happened, from the group stepped out two individuals.
These being the Valkyries Mei Raiden and Bronya Zaychik.
"You five advance. We'll take the charge this time." Said Mei bringing out her sword already coating it in electricity.
"You sure about this?" Asked Alex as Bronya looked and smiled at him.
"Don't worry Subject Alex. The Bronya and Subject Mei will be okay."
Alex chuckled and looked at Himeko. "Your their boss aren't you? Are they gonna be okay?"
"Just cause I'm their boss doesn't mean they can't make their own decisions. They're grown woman. Now let's go."
With that, Alex, Kiana, Himeko, and Al while carrying a still pissed off Ed walked onward to the next floor as Envy stares at his two opponents.
"Two on one huh? Well well, this'll be entertaining." Said a highly confident Envy.
"Bronya. Stay back for support. I'll take the lead." Said Mei.
Bronya nodded and went back at Mei charged at Envy delivering quick and precise slashes and jabs, except Envy being surprisingly agile managed to easily dodge all of them as he kicked Mei away.
As that happaned, Envy noticed a huge blast coming at him as he simply enlarged the size of his arm and placed it infront of him blocking the blast.
It blew his arm off but he managed to tank the hit.
As Envy immediately regenerated his arm back, he looked and saw where the blast came from as Bronya had already had her main weapon, Project Bunny whip out its cannon which was the one who fired the blast.
Envy's arm finished regenerating as he smirked.
"Oh I see. The purple haired one isn't confident in herself that she needs your help. Aren't I right?" Asked Envy.
"T-That isn't tru-!" Before Mei could finish speaking, Envy rushed and kicked her in the gut and tossing her away.
"Your the real threat." Said Envy as he stared down Bronya."
Bronya coldly stared at Envy not showing any emotion or saying anything.
She held a hand out as the cannon began to charge up.
Envy gave no time and immediately charged and attacked Bronya.
Bronya thanks to her simple movement moved away immediately as the cannon charged up more.
The Siberian Android kept evading until her cannon was ready. "Project Bunny. Max charge. Fire."
It went by so fast.
Envy had no time to react as the cannon hit him immediately.
As the dust settled, only Envy's legs remained as the entire top half of his body remained.
The legs fell onto their knees and onto the floor as Bronya sighed.
"Subject Mei. Don't let the enemy get into your head."
Mei nodded feeling a little upset at herself.
As Bronya walked over to help Mei up, Mei noticed something, odd.
Red electricity surrounding Envy's legs as they suddenly stood up.
"B-Bronya. The fight isn't over yet!"
Bronya turned around to see Envy's legs emit red electricity as soon, Envy's body had finished regenerating completley.
Envy groaned and cracked his neck before looking and smiling at Bronya.
"Well well. You've certainly got skill you android." Said Envy. "I didn't think I'd have to go this far."
Soon, Envy's body began to morph and change into a large beast
"W-What the hell!?" Shouted Mei as Bronya stared in shock.
"Well well! Wanna try me now!?" Shouted Envy.
Bronya quickly calmed down and closed her eyes, as she herself tranformed into Herrscher of Reason
"Ya got yourself a transformation too? Then let's have some fun!"
The huge beast jumped at lunged Reason as she moved out of the way as well as Mei.
The beast turned around and began clawing at Reason as it landed a few slashes but Reason managed to block most of them thanks to Project Bunny who had become a mech in this form.
The beast then got smacked hard in the head by Project Bunny as Reason kicked it with enough force to send the beast back.
"Dammit! You still think your better!? I'll prove you wrong!" Shouted the beast.
Reason went to charge another shot until the beast lunged.
Reason dodged but unfortunately, Project Bunny got caught by the beast as it got ripped apart and destroyed.
Thankfully, it got out one last blast as it hit the beast right in the eyes.
The beast groaned as it reverted back into normal Envy.
Envy covered his eyes in pain as Reason went over and inspected the damage to her weapon companion.
Though, in pure rage, Envy rushed over and kicked Reason hard in the face.
This caused Envy to be ontop of Reason.
"You bastard! How dare you get me in the eyes!"
Envy continuously punched Reason over and over in the face again as the damaged reverted Reason back to normal Bronya.
Suddenly, the damaged Android grabbed Envy's shoulders and headbutted the Homunculus hard causing Envy to stumble back.
This only added to Envy's rage.
As Bronya struggled to even get onto her knees, Envy rushed over and kicked her in the side as Bronya crashed against a wall.
"Alright that's it! I'm ending you now!" Shouted a furious Envy.
Right as Envy was about to walk to Bronya, he suddenly got a sharp pain through his chest as he stumbled.
"Who the!?"
He turned around to see Mei, but, Mei had changed.
Oh boy had she changed while seeing that entire fight
"What the hell!? You wanna go!? I'm in no damn mood for games!" Shouted Envy.
Mei kept quiet, a ton of electricity cracking around her, eyes glowing purple as she drew out a sword coated to the brim in lighting.
Then, she finally spoke.
"Do you wish to taste the blade, of the Herrscher Of Lightning?" Coldly said Mei.
Envy wasted no time and charged at Mei.
Mei just stepped aside and kicked the back of Envy's head sending him crashing into a table.
Envy was just being driven by pure rage as he slammed his hand through the ground as vines came out and charged at Mei.
Mei simply grabbed both vines with no effort.
"Is this all you have left? Pathetic." Said Mei as she had her electricity coarse through the vines as Envy gets shocked.
Mei then tugged at the vines and pulled them towards her as it launched Envy into the grasp of Mei's hand as she crushed Envy's neck.
No words were exchanged, as Envy had a pure look of fear stating into Mei's cold, dead eyes.
That was until Mei had reverted back to normal, life coming back into her eyes.
Envy though he was safe until Mei stabbed a sword through Envy's chest and through his Philosopher's Stone.
"Sorry. But this is your loss." Said Mei as the sword continously shocked Envy endlessly.
This caused Envy to constantly waste his stone until finally, his body gave out.
As Envy's body disintegrated, this was left on the ground
Envy's true form.
Mei grabbed Envy into her hand and just looked at it.
"Your true form. This is it."
"Well what're you waiting for? Kill me! Already! You were just kicking my ass with a cold expression on your face! You became a blood thirsty monster! Why be nice now and not kill me yet!? Listen to your gut Mei Raiden! Kill me!"
"Now I see."
"Your quite similar to a Herrscher. A species far above humanity. A species that can easily wipe out normal humans. I hate being a Herrscher. Having this cold blooded side in me. That's why I know the truth. Your jealous of humans. Aren't you? I can understand your thoughts. Humans were supposed to be nothing compared to you Homunculi. It isn't any different from a Herrscher. Us Herrschers also have that side that treat humanity as a lesser being. Yet, we're both envious of the fact that when humanity is beaten down, when they stray and fall, they face the challenges again and again. Their loved ones are always there to pick them back up. And your jealous. We're jealous. We're envious because of that. I am a Herrscher. I won't ever deny that I'm not fully human, but, I'll always cherish the humanity I have within me."
The small true form of Envy's eyes widened as it muttered one word.
Envy then struggled and got out of Mei's grasp.
"H-Hey! What're you doing!? Hold on a second!"
Mei had her other hand cover Envy only for her finger to get bitten.
Mei yelped and moved her hand back as Envy fell to the floor.
The small creature crawled away as Mei looked on, eventually helping Bronya up as she finally walked her way over to Mei.
The two then looked on in shock as the small creature put all of its arms in its mouth and forcefully pull out its own Philosopher's Stone until the stone shattered.
The creature went limp and laid down, slowly disintegrated. Envy had been defeated, but not in the way Mei and Bronya had imagined.
Only 3 enemies remained.
Chapter 41: End
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