Chapter 28: To Be King
(This book is back in business!)
December 26th. 5 Days Left
Alex couldn't sleep. He didn't know why this time.
He was sure his life was together as his mom came back.
A part of his uncomfortably was obviously his father still being alive and the fact that he hadn't told Akari yet that her boyfriend, Alex's father as they never got married thankfully, was still alive.
At this point, Alex had already told Roy and Riza about the whole ordeal and eventually Bradley found out as he had eavesdropped on one of their conversations though Bradley admitted that he knew well before Alex knew.
Why he kept it a secret for so long is something Alex didn't understand but he didn't question it.
Right now, he currently sat on his apartment's couch just thinking many things until his mom came in and sat next to him, putting her arm around him for a side hug.
"You okay Alex?" Asked Akari.
"Y-Yeah mom. I'm fine."
"That face says the opposite. Your thinking about things."
"Damn. You know me well."
"I rasied you young man. Of course I know my own child that well. Now tell me, what's wrong?"
"I, honestly don't know. I thought things would be fine know that my life is back together, but, I still have that feeling that something wrong is gonna happen."
"You have it too?"
"Of course. I'm the goddess of time. I don't exactly know what'll happen in the future but I can get a faint feeling for it. And I also have that feeling of something going wrong."
"Has there ever been a time where it was wrong?"
"On a few occasions. Just keep your hopes high and things will go good."
Alex smiled and returned his mother's side hug.
"I swear. Your positivty is a power of its own."
"I myself am a power. After all I'm considered the mom of the world, though, you'll always be my only child. Your perfect." She gave Alex a kiss on the cheek and he gave her one back as they had another embrace.
Alex had never felt so safe in life until now.
"Just ease up okay? I'm sure this feeling will blow over."
Alex nodded as Akari smiled and walked over to her room as Alex walked into his and saw Admin Book still there.
"Has Akari not seen you yet?"
"She has but decided to leave me here."
"She just wanted to leave me here. I forget I used to stress her out."
"I wonder why." Jokingly said Alex as he laid on the bed and slept.
December 27th. 4 Days Left
"Bradley. I got those papers you needed."
"Excellent Alex. Bring them in."
The door opened to show Alex walking into Bradley's office the decent stack of papers.
"Place them over there. I'll work on them soon."
Alex nodded and placed the papers off to the side.
"Well, if that's all I'll be heading out now."
As Alex turned to leave, Bradley called out.
"One second kid. Come, have a seat."
Alex nodded and sat in front of Bradley.
He never told anyone, though is was obvious in HQ that no one respected Bradley more than Alex himself.
Bradley not only gave Alex a job to sustain his life, but he also taught Alez everything he had.
Swordsmanship, techniques, skills, and knowledge.
Many people had given Bradley and Alex the typical sensei-student/teacher-protege relationship even though Bradley had stated that Alex wouldn't be his protege as he believed Alex would carve his own path while carrying on his legacy.
Bradley cleared his throat and spoke.
"So, in 4 days, you gotta fight your father don't you?"
"Y-Yeah. I do."
"Well, obviously I can't relate. I never had any parents since the beginning of my life. Though, I do get your mindset. This story needs closure for sure."
"But, I'm not sure I can bring closure. Who knows how much stronger he's gotten in 6 years."
"Are you implying you haven't gotten stronger in 6 years?"
"N-No sir I'm not! I-I'm really grateful for everything you've taught me in the past 6 years! I-it's just..."
"Just what?'
"I just can't trust myself. Not with what's at stake here."
Bradley sighed and got up, looking at the sunset from his window.
"While it's good to think well of yourself, always remember to ground your expectations to be humble. I've raised you well boy."
"Alex. When the day comes, obviously your Uncle Roy Mustang will succeed me as the next Führer of Black Ops HQ. Even though Roy will succeed me by title, you'll be the one to carry on and continue my legacy. No matter what I say, my spirit and will of fire will transfer to you when mine burns out. Yours will grow stronger. A teacher doesn't always need a protege to carry on their legacy."
Alex rarely got these deep, personal speeches from Bradley.
What he was hearing, meant a lot to him.
"As you are willing to carry my legacy without completely copying my path, is all that I need."
Alex got up.
"Führer King Bradley. I promise, you won't be forgotten. I'll carry your legacy and keep your will burning white hot."
"No. My will is gonna be yours. You'll keep your will of fire burning white hot. Keep living. Keep going, and be greater."
"Right! I will!" Alex said excitedly as he walked out.
Bradley chuckled a little before sighing.
"I feel a little guilty now. But I needed to excite him. I'm sorry boy, I need no distractions for what's next."
12 AM. December 28th. 3 Days Left
Sitting on a cliff was the man in the cloak, Alex's father.
He just sat there, hood lowered as he just started into the distance which was just endless sea with sharp jagged cliff sides along the edges.
He continued to look on ahead until he closed his eyes sensing a presence from behind him in the forest.
He sat up.
"Of all people to see me, it just had to be you..." He said as he turned around to face the figure. "Wrath, or, should I refer to you as Bradley?"
Bradley smiled and chuckled before lifting the eyepatch over his left eye to reveal a unique symbol replacing a normal human iris.
An Ouroboros Symbol.
"What you refer to me doesn't matter, Akira." Said Bradley, revealing Alex's father name.
"And what makes you say that Bradley?"
Bradley didn't say a word and instead drew out one of his swords.
Akira just chuckled and laughed. "Oh Bradley please. Your the LAST person I'd expect that would pick a fight with me."
Bradley continued to stay quiet.
"Come on Bradley. Your smart and wise aren't ya? Back away slowly. You'll be making the biggest mistake of your life old ma-."
Before he could even finish talking, Akira had suddenly be stabbed by Bradley's sword through the chest and he got pinned to a tree as Bradley pushed is sword deeper through the chest and eventually through the tree keeping him stuck there.
"You forget my dear old friend Akira, many people fall for my age and get immediately wiped out. Ishval should be an example after all, or, have all these years living rotten your head!"
Bradley went for a punch, only for one of Akira's hands to stop it, and another hand held foward at his face.
"Almighty Push!"
And just like that, Bradley was sent flying back, crashing into a tree and falling down, groaning to stand up as Akira simply removed the sword and stepped back down to the ground.
"You forget Bradley. Without Alchemy..." Said Akira as he stuck his palm out again. "Your out of my league. Universal Pull!"
And again, Bradley immediately got trusted into Akira'a grasp as he grabbes Bradley's neck and just slammed him hard into the ground.
Bradley laid there panting as Akira stood over him, though, Bradley had a smirk on his face.
"Smirking when I have the upper hand? You truly aren't human."
"Hey Akira. Watch out for rain."
The moment Akira looked up to look, a sword had stabbed deep into Akira's left shoulder. Deep enough to render it unresponsive and useless.
Akira reacted in pain as Bradley kicked him off.
Bradley stood up and caught the sword Akira had tossed at him.
"Y-You. Your just an old man with no Alchemy! Eventually enough that Philosopher's Stone powering your body will soon run out of energy and I'll be certain of victory! Do you really think you can win!?" Shouted Akira.
Bradley merely gave his usual smile.
"Why don't we find out?"
Bradley pulled out his second sword and immediately dashed at Akira.
Akira attempted a Almighty Push but Bradley at such a blistering speed it was too late as he stayed up close in Akira's face delivering tons of sword swings and attacks, all cutting up Akira easily.
"After getting hit by your attacks, I now know how they work!" Said Bradley as he kicked Akira away.
"Your repel and attract forced are indeed strong when it comed to vertical reach, but with horizontal, they're pitiful!"
Akirs tried a Universal Pull only for Bradley to purposely dash foward.
This caused the speed Bradley was attracted at to be too damn fast for Akira to react as he barely dodged a sword stab.
"You really think I need Alchemy to beat you Akira? If so, then your such a fool."
Bradley charged again at Akira as he simply stuck his palm out, shouting no words as something came out from his palm
The back rod was suddenly ejected out of the palm at a high speed to Bradley.
Bradley had merely moved out of the way and jumped for a huge swing at Akira as he smirked.
"Almighty Push!"
Again in an instant, Akira's palm sent Bradley flying away, yet, the black rod and changed course, coming back as it sliced directly through Bradley left shoulder.
He crashed into a tree, but was given no time to rest.
"Universal Pull!"
Bradley was brought towards him, unable to move as Akira ejected another black rod that directly cut through Bradley's right abdomen as Akira again grabbed his neck and slammed him down.
This time, Akira didn't look up and instinctively grabbed Bradley's sword which he has again thrown up.
"What works once won't work twice Bradley. You of all people should understand that."
Akira didn't notice Bradley slowly reaching into his pocket.
Though, he did see Bradley hold something, that was pinless.
"What're you?" Akira then noticed one second too late.
"A grena-!"
An explosion occured as Akira was sent back tumbling away, having injuries and burns all over him as he struggled to get up.
Out from the explosion, Akira didn't see Bradley anymore.
All he saw now, was Wrath
Bradley lost his blue jacket in the explosion but he didn't lose any fire as he was just getting started.
"Y-You! Your insane!" Shouted Akira, removing his cloak as it got too damaged and destroyed cause of the grenade explosion.
Bradley just responded by charging at a defenseless Akira and continuously stabbed and sliced him all over.
It continued on for a few minuted before Bradley pinned Akira by stabbing both his sword in an X formation through his neck.
"Well, this was a fun run. Wasn't it Akira?"
Bradley said with a smile as he retracted both swords away and stood back.
"Watching you die will be an achievement like no other."
Akira coughed on his own blood before smiling.
"Y-You, really think you, w-won?"
With his blood, Akira drew something small on the ground.
Once he waa done drawing, a placed his hand on it as a puff of smoke came out.
And from the smoke, appeared this
"A summoning circle!?" Shouted Bradley. "Not so fast!"
Bradley immediately dashed at Akira only for the summoned being's tongue to grasp Akira and bring him into its mouth.
Bradley watched and waited for what seemed like an eternity.
Soon, the beast opened its mouth and out walked out a fresh, fully healed Akira with a smile.
Bradley looked in shock at what had just happened.
"Well well Bradley. Aren't Homunculi allowed to regenerate and heal themselves? Oh right. Your not a real Homunculi. You were forcefully given the stone. You can't heal or regenerate. Any wounds you sustain are permanent." Said the now freshly healed Akira.
"Do you wanna keep dancing, partner?" Said the man holding his hand out.
Bradley looked and then closed his eyes, thinking of everything he had done in his life.
'Even if I don't kill, I can still mark.'
Bradley charged again at Akira being propelled foward thanks to a Universal Pull.
Bradley held the sword using his mouth and stabbed Akira directly through his chest, puncturing a lung as Akira had used to black rods and cleanly cut off Bradley's arms.
Akira coughed a ton of blood and removed the sword, breathing very off.
"N-Nice job. B-But, I've won Bradley."
Akira walked up to Bradley, seeing his hair and mustache go grey.
"Seems as if that Philosopher's Stone is used up. Your being brought to your actual age."
Ignoring his punctured lung, Akira grabbed Bradley, who still had the sword in his mouth, and dragged him over to the cliff, holding him by the throat and over the edge, above the harsh ocean water beneath him.
"Any last words you'd like to say Bradley?"
"What a sad life. You truly loved no one. Did you, you heartless monster?"
Bradley quietly chuckled.
"Now, w-why, would I tell you? I mean, after all, I'd, rather go out, ON MY OWN TERMS!"
His final move.
Bradley jammed his sword deep into Akira other lung puncturing it, and then snapped the blade in half leaving a piece stuck in his lung.
Akira immediately had let go of Bradley, and just like that, the Führer, leader of Black Ops HQ, fell from grace.
Slowly down the cliffside and landed into the ocean.
It was as if fate knew this was how it end up.
As the rough vioent ocean waves calmed down once Bradley had come into contact.
'Your wrong, Akira. There is someone I loved. Cherished as my own boy. My successor. Funny how I've treated him more like a son than you did. It's, just a shame that his mother didn't trust me. Well, you can't win them all I guess.'
'Alex Mustang. My will of fire, is now yours.'
That was Bradley's final thought, as he drifted away, into the deep, deep ocean.
Special Background Music To End The Chapter: Yumesekai by Haruka Tomatsu
Chapter 28: End
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