Chapter 10: Attacked
"Führer Bradley. I have a request."
[The Next Day]
Alex hid on a tree branch surveying his target with binoculars
It was a pretty massive base for it not being a headquarters.
"So there it is. Schicksal's base in Gamindustri." Alex said as he pulled out a map and looked at it.
Alex thought over the possible locations Rita and Kaitlyn could've been held at.
Everything else was pretty much an open outdoor area excluding Central Station which was just one tall building in the middle of multiple runways with the Industrial Area being smaller behind it.
"Rita most likely is Central with Kaitlyn at Industrial."
Alex knew he needed to sneak in without attracting any attention to himself.
While he could've easily taken a guard's clothes by silently knocking him out, thanks to his years working for HQ, he easily was good at hiding at using the shadows the sneak in.
So he began using the tress one by one just slowly inching closer until he reached the last/closest tree to the base.
There was still a large gap separating the tree from the entrance to the base.
At that point, all the kid could really fo is just make a mad dash for it and hope to god no one spotted him.
"Hey Truth! You in there?" Alex mentally spoke as he closed his eyes and then awakened in a white void and was face to face with him.
"Yo Alex! Been a while since we chatted! What do ya need?" Asked the mythical being.
"Could you uh, spare a second and teleport me immediately to the entrance?" He asked.
Truth went quiet for a moment before chuckling.
"Come on kid! That's taking the easy way out. There's nothing wrong with dashing across an open field."
Truth laughed for a quick second before stopping.
"Alright tell ya what? I won't teleport you BUT I will blurry in the eye sight of others so it'll be nearly impossible to spot ya. Good enough?"
"Yes that's fine. Thanks."
"No problem kid!"
Alex closed his eyes and reopened them to see he was back at the tree waiting.
In his mind, Truth spoke.
"Okay all set! Now you can take off!"
"Alright." Alex jumped down from the tree and immediately dashed across the field and while they were a few guards surveying the area, none saw him even when they had DIRECTLY looked at him.
'God damn. I really am blurred out.' Thought Alex as soon he made it to the Central Station building seeing something, odd.
"Wait. They don't have any security? WHAT THE HELL!?"
Alex was shocked but then assumed that they WANTED him to enter.
Quietly, he opened the door and walked in seeing many long, branching hallways with lights across the roof in a single row.
'I gotta find Rita, then Kaitlyn, and finally confront that deuchebag Otto.' He thought as he walked on in a random direction hoping it was correct.
"Glad you can answer. Apologies for the sudden call."
"Who is this?"
A chuckle was heard.
"Why this is Führer King Bradley. Leader of Black Ops HQ. And I assume this is the Principal/Leader of St. Freya and Hyperion, Theresa Apocalypse?" Said Bradley as he turned his chair around the reveal who was on his screen.
"Yes your correct Mr. Bradley."
"Please. Just Bradley. We are fellow leaders after all."
"Your acting chummy and too nice. I sense you want something."
"Precisely. It'll benefit both of us however, so, I hope you accept."
"Oh really?" And what is it?"
Bradley chuckled before speaking.
"Listen closely Ms. Theresa."
[Back with Alex]
'WHERE THE FUCK AM I!?' Alex thought screaming in his head as he had been walking around for half an hour aimlessly.
Even using the maps that were placed sporadically didn't help as they were WAY too complex.
'It's as if they had fucking Germans make their damn maps.'
As Alex was thinking that, he heard frantic footsteps heading his direction.
Alex internally panicked and looked for a hiding place. Thankfully the hallway just so happened to have a table that he was able to hide under as it had a black cloth covering which he could hide behind so he immediately went under the behind the cloth.
As he hid the frantic footsteps were hear RIGHT in front if him.
"Crap crap crap! Where to hide where to hide!? She's gonna find and kill me!"
'Geez. The hell is happening is her?' Wondered Alex as he closed his eyes and waited for her to pass by.
Soon the footsteps and panics went away as Alex opened his eyes and looked out.
'Coast is clear.' He thought as he went back under the covers.
He then suddenly felt arms wrap around his as he jolted and looked to his right to see
"U-Um, hi?" The red head awkwardly and quietly said.
Alex was ABOUT immediately shout until the red head covered his mouth and held a finger up to her lips to keep a shush motion.
"Please DON'T shout. I promise I'll help you with ANYTHING if you keep quiet."
Alex was shocked that she didn't even question why he was there and immediately offered to help him.
It was a chance he couldn't pass up so he removed her hand off his mouth.
"Fine I'll keep quiet. But you better help me."
"I will I swear."
Both Alex amd and the red head stayed under the table as another pair of footsteps came near.
This time is was more angry stomps than frantic scurrying as Alex took a peak and saw who it was.
"Where the hell did that idiotic red dumbass run off to? I swear I'm ripping her arms apart when I see her." The blue haired girl angrily growled as she stomped away.
"Who the hell was she?" Asked Alex.
"She's one of my two scientists colleagues. Liserl Albert Einstein."
Alex took a double take and looked at her.
"Um, what?"
"Her name Liserl Albert Einstein."
"Your joking right?"
"No I mean it."
"But, Einstein's a guy. And dead."
"It's a long story. Anyways come on. Coast is clear."
The read head got out of the table as Alex did as well afterwards.
"So, time to hold up my end of the bargain. What do you want?"
"First off, what's your name?"
"I'm one of the head scientists. Frederica Nikola Tesla."
Alex once again had another double take.
"Tesla's also dude. And also dead."
"Again. Long story."
Alex sighed and followed Tesla as both walked ahead.
"Is that all you want?"
Alex would've asked where Otto was located but that would've made him suspicious so he took the safe option.
"Could you take me to Rita Rossweisse?"
"What business do you have with Overseer Otto's main enforcer?"
"We're old acquaintances."
"All I reallt know of one so maybe it's you. Anyways, sure I'll take you."
"Thank you."
Alex was suprised she wasn't being suspicious as she shoukd have been.
Hell everyone was wearing white coats while he had a black one. He obviously should've been suspicious but yet she didn't mind.
"Hey. Um, Tesla. Has Otto ever done, anything bad?"
"Hm? Why ask?"
"Just curious."
"He never tells anyone anything he does. Though, we all agree that he isn't the best boss. We just work cause if we even dare quit, we can't get anything else."
"Yikes. That's rough."
She nodded and soon made it to a decent open area.
"This is where we'll split. The science room is to the left. You'll definitely find Rita in there."
"Thank you Tesla." Tesla continued walking down the hall to the left as Alex walked into open area and looked around for a bit before he spotted Rita sitting on a bench near a tree.
Alex immediately walked up to her.
"Rita. You okay?" He asked as Rita stood up.
"Yes I'm fine. Suprisingly we weren't harmed, though, getting kidnapped wasn't ideal in the slightest."
"Yeah I know. Where's Kaitlyn? I gotta find her."
"She's in her old cell at the industrial area. It just behind Central. Though, you'll have to go past Otto to get there."
"I got this handled trust me." Alex then hugged Rita as she smiled and hugged back.
"Head back to the apartment room. I swear, I'll come back safe with Kaitlyn."
Rita chuckled and playfully poked his forehead.
"You better." Rita walked off as Alex sighed and walked ahead and soon came too a door.
The door to Otto and his office.
Alex jokingly thought of many cliche ideas of what his central office would look like before getting serious again and walked in.
As he did, all he saw was a throne like seat not facing him.
"Took you long enough." Said the blondie as he turned to face him.
"Very cliche of you."
"I'm a man of dignity."
"Like hell you are. Not only being an asshole to your daughter but kidnapping her as well."
"You'll never understand me. I have motives. Motives you'll never get."
"I don't want to understand you. Ever."
"I know why your here. I don't mind Rita leaving, but, your not taking Kaitlyn. Ever."
Alex chuckled at that.
"We've got you all figured out."
"You really didn't think I came alone didn't you?"
At thst moment, the roof of the place was shot down and destroyed.
"N-No. Y-You damn brat!"
An invasion was happening as soon, ftom the hole of the roof entered the man himself.
"You made it Führer Bradley."
"I see you did well Alex." He said as he looked at Otto. "Well well, long time no see."
"You again of all people."
Bradley stepped ahead and drawed out his sword.
"Move on ahead Alex. I'll handle him. Especially thanks to this joint attack.'
"Joint attack?" Questioned Alex as Otto looked in shock.
"N-No way."
"Shocked I convinced your granddaughter Theresa to work with me? I'm a man of words. Both Black Ops HQ and Hyperion hav agreed on a co joint invasion of the Schicksal base at Gamindustri. The front is pounded by HQ while the back is overrun by Hyperion Valkyries. Now then. Let's dance."
As they started, Alex immediately ran ahead knowing well that Otto has this covered.
Soon he has reached the cells that Rita had mentioned before hand.
"Kaitlyn!" He shouted navigating the cells until he realised.
"Wait she's a mute. Fuck!"
He immediately knew his job was gonna be tougher, until.
Alex heard it and immediately searched as he kept shouting her name.
Soon he got closer to the responses until he made it to her cell.
"Kaitlyn. Thank god your safe."
She nodded and walked to the front of the cell.
"Where's Rita?" She asked.
"Wait, since when could you talk?"
"Tesla. She gave me a new voice box and fixed me throat."
"I see. Anyways, Rita is safe and back at the apartment. Not we gotta leave. This place is under attack."
Alex transmuted the bars away and pulled Kaitlyn out.
"Look." He pointed at an emergency exit sign.
"Let's go there."
As Alex was about to head there, Kaitlyn immediately started heading to where Otto and Bradley were.
"H-Hey! Where're you going!? The exit is this way!"
"I need to see my father."
"W-What? Are you insane!? I went all this way to save you FROM Otto! Why're you heading back!?"
"I just need to!"
Kaitlyn ran off as Alex began to chase her.
Soon both made it back to Otto's office where they saw Otto with many cuts and slashes and dripping blood as he staggered to get up as Bradley held a sword at him.
"S-Screw you." Was all Otto could get out.
Though, Kaitlyn immediately jumped in between them.
"Stop! Leave him alone!"
"K-Kaitlyn?" Questioned Otto in shock.
"Move it child. Now's not the time for games." Said Bradley sternly.
Kaitlyn didn't budge and held firm which annoyed Bradley more.
"You wanna join your dear dad in the afterlife? So be it."
Bradley immediately dashed foward as Kaitlyn closed her eyes expecting the worst.
When she opened them, she saw Alex taking the blow.
The sword's tip was only inches away from Kaitlyn as it pierced cleanly through Alex's gut.
Alex coughed up blood, a trail down his mouth.
This action even caught Bradley by surprise.
"What're you doing kid?"
Alex slowlt grabbed the blade firmly.
"I-I get it now. You, just wanted to, make amends with your father. D-Didn't you, Kaitlyn?"
She nodded still in shock and a few tears.
"W-Well then. I'll, buy you some time."
He looked at Bradley.
"I-I'm sorry sir. B-But, it's time to, call of the, i-invasion."
With that, Alex clapped his hands and gave a blinding and large white flash of light.
Alex opened his eyes and saw Truth immediately.
"So, is it finally time?"
"Only time will tell if it is indeed finally your time to pass through the gate. Gotta say, even that impressed me."
"How so?"
"You threw away your mission, your job at that moment, to let a clone reconcile with her abusive father."
"I saw it in her eyes. She really wanted to forgive him, so, I just did what I had to do."
Truth nodded at that.
"Well, Bradley did indeed call off the invasion. All HQ and Schicksal forces have left. Kaitlyn also finished her reconciling. So her and Otto are back on mutual terms."
"That's great." He said as he closed his eyes, only to feel a tap on his shoulder.
He felt it and immediately turned around to face
"Hello Alex Mustang." The girl said.
Alex was confused a ton.
"How, do you know my name? Who are you and how'd you end up here?"
"First one's a secret. My name's Kallen Kaslana and Truth brought me here."
"Kallen, Kaslana? That name sounds familiar."
"It should. Care to guess why?"
It took Alex a decent moment to put two and two together until he got it.
"Wait. Your Otto's deceased fiancée which means..." Alex was shocked.
"Yep. Indeed. I'm Kallen Kaslana. The mother of Kaitlyn Apocalypse."
Alex was more thab just shocked.
He already thought he had died.
"W-Why're you here? Do, you want something with me?"
Kallen nodded.
"I wanted to thank you."
"T-Thank me?"
"You went so far to save a clone of my deceased daughter. Most people would've given her up and away. But not you. You fought for her. And took a stab for her."
Kallen walkes foward, kneeled, and hugged Alex gently as he grew more shocked and slowly hugged back.
"From all of my heart, thank you so much Alex Mustang. Please, continue to take care of her. Promise me that."
Alex nodded.
"Yeah. I will."
Alex opened his eyes and saw he was in his room.
He slowly sat up and noticed wrapping around his torso on where his stab wound was.
"Ah. Your finally awake."
Alex looked and saw Rita walk in while holding Admin who was shaking.
"Um, Admin? You okay?"
"Of course not! You were almost dead you child!"
"C-Calm down. It was a heat of the moment thing."
Alex had never known Admin could show that much emotion but it just showed how much Admin had grown to worry for the child.
Rita set Admin down on its usual table and went next to Alex hugging him as he also hugged back.
"I'm sorry Rita."
"Hm? For what?"
"I, didn't keep my promise. Kaitlyn, made amends with Otto. I'm pretty sure she's back staying with him now."
Rita chuckled at that as Alex was confused.
"Turns out, the joint invasion caused so much damages that it was a total loss for Schicksal. They've all been forced to abandon the building and leave back to headquarters in England."
"England!? That means Kaitlyn's going to England!?"
Alex was shocked and almost panicked.
Rita giggled at this cute display and simply gave a motion to come in as slowly, Kaitlyn walked in.
"H-Hi Alex."
"K-Kaitlyn? But, I thought you'd go back with Otto."
"Of course she wouldn't you dolt." Said Admin. "Just because she made amends doesn't mean she's just gonna completely forgive the man. She still holds him accountable for all the unnecessary torture."
Kaitlyn nodded as Alex cursed himself for being idiotic.
"Kaitlyn wants to stay here Alex. The hospitality you gave her is something she'll always cherish."
Alex looked at Kaitlyn as she nodded again.
Rita looked at her and told Kaitlyn to say something.
After working up the courage she finally did it.
"A-Alex. Can, me and Ms. Rita, live with you from now on?"
It had been nearly 5 years since the last time Alex wasn't isolated in a home.
In those 5 years, he suffered through the major depression of constantly being isolated and alone.
Now, after all these years, it was over.
"Yes. Rits Rossweisse. Kaitlyn Apocalypse. Welcome home."
Schicksal Invasion Arc: Complete
Chapter 10: End
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