Distant relative
The German Shepherd sat up, greeted us silently, and sat back down. I took another small step toward Dusty, who was trembling slightly and shuffling his paws.
The human snapped an order to the black dog, who spoke in a thick western accent.
"Ay, Dusty, Lucy, I'm gonna come with you guys on the patrol tonight if ya didn't hear. And I've been planin' a little something that's gonna get us outta here. Also, a little tip; don't be late."
The patrol dog led us into my cell again, which now had a big clock with the amount of time that we have left in the cell. There was a dim hue in the cell since the lamp light burned out and the sun was setting. Dusty kept his eyes trained on the big clock ever since we have been in the cell, while I lay down and tried to sleep.
"Hey, how long are you gonna keep watching that thing? You're gonna go blind, so don't say I didn't warn you."
"Lu, I have a bad feeling about this 'clock'. There's a glowing red light on the side of it with a claw-sized hole. So, I'm thinking that there spying on us."
I open one eye to look at Dusty, who's looking at me intently for an answer. I open my other eye and padded up next to him to look at the clock.
"Dusty, I don't see anything. This is just a normal-"
I see it clearly. There was a blinking red light shining through a little hole and something else that I couldn't see due to the dim light.
"I know right. And I think that they are watching our every move."
I looked at the clock that read 3 hours and 11 minutes left till midnight. I really wanted to sleep, but I was sure that Dusty would just keep worrying over the clock. The only way to get Dusty in a better mood is a game. We only used to play games when we were pups in the same small nursing cell. A game we played was called wolf and rabbit. One pup was the 'rabbit' and the other was the 'wolf'. The 'wolf' chased the 'rabbit' until the pup was caught, when the pups would the swap roles and the game continued.
I nudged Dusty in the side unexpectedly. He turned to look at me with confusion imprinted on his face. I then quickly got in a hunter's' crouch, growled playfully, and slowly started to circle him. Dusty's face quickly turned from confusion into humor. "Really, Lu? Were too old for Wolf and Rabbit."
I continued to circle him, lowering my body closer to the ground and started to taunt him playfully. "Oh, is it because you know that i'll win already? Aww, thanks."
Dusty unexpectedly lunged at me faster that I could say 'wolf'. We tumbled around the cell, playfully growling and snapping at each other. Dusty the kicked my leg out from under me, making me fall onto my back. He then planted his paws on my shoulders so I couldn't move.
"You said something about winning?" Dusty retorted. I smiled and pretended to 'die' as a 'rabbit' would. Dusty then eased the pressure on my shoulders and got of from ontop of me. I then began to playfully run around him, as I was now a 'wolf'.
We continued the game until we flopped down beside each other, panting heavily. I sat up, starting to groom my ruffled fur. While licking, I realized that I started to taste the metallic taste of blood on my fur. I wasn't hurt, so it could only be Dusty's blood. I looked over at Dusty to find his back turned to me, licking his fur also. I stood up and went over to Dusty. I then started to sniff him for the metallic scent of blood.
Dusty, startled by my sniffing, turned his head and looked at me. "Erm, what are you doing?"
"I'm seeing if you got hurt cause I know that if I asked, you would just deny that you're hurt."
Dusty nodded his head slightly and went back to licking his flank, where a clawmark was slightly visible through his fur. I went on sniffing until I got to his neck, where the strong scent of blood was clogging my senses. The bite mark on his neck was bleeding from the corners, where the teeth
pierced his skin.
I pressed my flank against his
and sighed.
Dusty took a step closer to the hole and did his best to peer inside. "Yep, there watching us. And in case you haven't noticed, we have 5 minutes and 17 seconds left till midnight, when patrol starts."
"Well, there goes my sleeping time."
"You still have 5 minutes you know."
Dusty and I settled down next to each other, our pelts brushing for warmth.
"Dusty, can I ask you something?"
"What did you think about that dog that we saw? Isn't he a bit crazed to say that he has 'a plan to get us out of here'? Because if the mech translated that back to the human, he would be done for."
Dusty stiffened at the mention of the black German shepherd. His claws scraped the cement as he avoided making eye contact with me.
"Y-yeah," Dusty stammered. "He is crazy..."
Before I could comment, we heard a the clock make a sharp beeping noise, a sharp click from the door, and a thick western accent.
"Ay, come on, we ain't got all night 'ere."
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