Chapter 8
Yeosang's POV
It was 3 days after my meeting with Youngjay and Jihoon and my room was now filled with a bunch of different things. They allowed me to go online shopping to find different clothes that I might want to add to my wardrobe. I also got some books, a lamp, a radio and other little tidbits. Seonghwa even convinced them to let me have my own mini-fridge, so I could keep drinks and little snack for myself in my room. It was nice, and it all made my room feel a lot more homey and more comfortable. Mingi's been gone for a few days. Apparently there was a new guy, Mingyu or something who joined Sector SVT and needed help controlling his ability for a bit. It's been a bit lonely, not getting any hugs from him but he's supposed to get back today which is nice. I'll probably latch onto him as soon as he get's back. I don't want to, I don't wanna be seen as clingy but I also know I probably won't be able to help myself.
"You're awake early." I looked up to see Wooyoung walking into the room, moving to sit on the other end of the couch.
"I couldn't sleep," I said with a sigh.
"What're you watching," he asked me.
"I dunno," I shrugged.
"You doing ok," he asked me. I blinked in confusion, turning to look over at him.
"What do you mean," I asked.
"You just seem, off," he shrugged.
"Well I'm fine. I just um, I dunno how to explain it," I shrugged.
"You miss Mingi," he asked quietly.
"What, no. Of course not," I denied quickly, making him chuckle.
"It's fine Sangie. I know having Mingi around helps you a lot because he can touch you," Wooyoung said with a small smile.
"Ok, so maybe I miss him a little," I said with a sigh.
"That's ok, it's perfectly fine to miss someone," he said.
"I know. I just don't want to seem like I'm, I dunno, clingy," I shrugged.
"Oh my god, have you literally not seen Sannie or I," he giggled. Ok, he makes a pretty good point. They really do enjoy hugging people randomly.
"Don't be too hard on yourself all the time Yeosang," he said, giving me a small smile.
"Thanks," I whispered, returning it.
"What are you two doing having deep discussions at 7am in the morning.
"Sorry Hyung, we couldn't sleep," Wooyoung said as we both turned to Seonghwa who was standing in the entrance to the room.
"Well you should really try to get a few more hours. Why don't you go and lie down with Sannie alright," he said.
"Ok Hyung," he nodded before getting up and walking out of the room.
"You want to try and get some more sleep Sang," Seonghwa asked, turning to me.
"I can't sleep," I said, shaking my head.
"Why not," he asked with a small frown.
"Just can't," I shrugged.
"Do you want someone warm milk? I can heat it up for you. Or you can go lie down and I could try sing you to sleep," he asked softly. That does sound nice, and it worked last time.
"Singing sounds nice," I nodded. He beckoned me softly and I quickly followed him to my room.
"Go lay down," he said quietly. I nodded once again and crawled into bed, slipping under the covers and getting comfortable. I closed my eyes as he begun to sing gently and after a few minutes, I finally drifted off to sleep.
I woke up once again to loud noises coming from outside of my room. I yawned slightly before slipping out of bed, brushing my hair back. I made sure my gloves were on properly before walking out of the room. There were giggles and talking from near the doorway to the Sector. I peered around the corner to see all the boys there, chatting with a familiar person who has been absent for a while.
"MINGI," I yelled out, rushing forwards. He turned to me and smiled, holding out his arms that I promptly ran and jumped into. He held my tightly and spun me around slightly as I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist.
"Well hello there my little leech," he chuckled. I held him tighter and buried my head into his neck.
"I missed you," I mumbled quietly, too embarrassed to be louder.
"I missed you too," he said softly. I pushed my face further into his neck, feeling more at ease and settled than I have the past few days. We stayed standing like that quietly for a few minutes, no one saying anything until Hongjoong spoke.
"Perhaps you should take him to his room. You two can lay down for a bit," he said. I felt Mingi nod before he begun to walk but I just continued to cling tightly to him. I didn't realise just how much I missed having the physical affection until I had it back again. I thought I'd be fine without him for a few days, given I went 7 years without it but it seems that, that week made me more attatched to it than I thought. I heard a door open and then I was being lowered down onto the bed. He tried to pull away but to my horror, I found myself whining and holding him tighter. God, what has gotten into me? I am never like this! I couldn't bring myself to let go though.
"Shh, I've got you, it's ok," he whispered.
"Don't go," I whimpered, my eyes welling slightly.
"I'm not going anywhere, I'm just trying to get us settled on the bed ok," he said. I sniffled slightly but nodded and finally let him go. He was quick to go onto the bed and get settled, pulling me onto his lap so I was laying on top of him. I quickly wrapped my arms around his waist and snuggled my head into the crook of his neck once again, making him chuckle.
"Well aren't you just the perfect little cuddle buddy," he said.
"Sorry, I don't know what's wrong with me," I whispered, still not pulling away despite the fact part of me wanted to.
"You're touch-starved Yeosang. You just need some extra affection and that's nothing to be embarrassed about," he said quietly.
"I'm being so weird," I groaned.
"No you aren't. You're being adorable," he chuckled.
"I'm not adorable," I said, lifting my head slightly to frown at him. He smiled softly before I felt my shirt shift and suddenly his hands made contact with the skin on my back as he rubbed it. I don't know why, but it felt so nice and I immediately melted into his ministrations, relaxing back against him.
"You like that huh," he whispered softly. I rolled my eyes but nodded nonetheless. It did feel really nice and comforting.
"How was it," I asked quietly, referring to him helping the other guy.
"It was great actually. It turns out Mingyu knows someone else from the SVT Sector, Wonwoo, so he was able to help calm him down a bit. I didn't do too much, just stepped in if he started losing control. They just wanted me around to make sure," he said.
"Who's the Hongjoong Hyung of SVT," I asked.
"Choi Seungcheol. He's worse than Hongjoong in some ways," he giggled. I smiled, thinking about someone who was more overbearing and more of a dad than Hongjoong. In the almost 2 weeks that I've been here, I've come to realise that Hongjoong gets worried about us very easy, just like Seonghwa and if he worries we're hurt, he'll constantly check up on us.
"It's hard to believe anyone can be worse than Hongjoong Hyung," I whispered.
"Oh you poor innocent child. Trust me, you have not seen the half of it yet. Wait until things around the Sector are left unclean, Seonghwa Hyung becomes an impulsive cleaner and you wanna steer clear right away," he said. Huh, I'm actually interested to see that.
"How did the meeting go the other day? I haven't seen you since then," he asked me.
"It was good. They asked me about different incidents that happened, like my nightmares. And then they just helped me brainstorm some ideas of things I want for me room so I can make it a bit more homey. Although, it was already homey to me," I said with a sigh. He rubbed my back softly, just lightly tracing my skin. I let out a breath and moved slightly to get comfortable and let my eyes slowly slip closed.
"You wanna get some sleep," he asked quietly.
"Mhm, I'm tired," I mumbled.
"Haven't you been sleeping well," he asked me.
"Not really," I sighed.
"Have you been having nightmares? Is that why," he asked quickly and I could hear the worry in his voice.
"No, just couldn't get to sleep," I said with a sigh.
"Well you sleep for as long as you want alright. I'll be right here," he whispered. I nodded slightly before letting myself drift off...
"Sangie get up." I blinked my eyes open quickly, waking up at Jongho's yell.
"What's going on," I asked in confusion, getting off Mingi quickly. What's happening with Yunho?
"It's fine, Yunho's just getting overwhelmed. I'll be back in a bit," he said before jumping up and running out of the door. I was worried though, so I quickly got up and hurried over, quickly hearing the conversations.
"EVERYONE JUST PLEASE SHUT UP." At Mingi's yell, everyone was silent and I was able to hear soft whimpers before I finally turned the corner to see what was happening. Hongjoong was hugging Yunho softly and the younger was whimpering and clinging to him but Mingi quickly rushed over and grabbed him, most likely muting his powers. Jongho looked mad, Wooyoung looking just as angry as they glared at each other but Seonghwa was standing between the two of them. San was nowhere to be seen.
"Mingi will look after Yunho. Hwa, take Jongho to his room and have a little talk. Wooyoung go find San and look after him. He should be in his room so look there, if you can't find him then keep looking," Hongjoong said quietly. Seonghwa immediately grabbed Jongho's hand and pulled him away, Wooyoung leaving quickly as well.
"Will he be ok," I asked, glancing down at the two on the floor as Hongjoong stood up.
"Yeah he'll be fine. His powers sometimes get out of control and he can hear too many thoughts so it upsets him. It hasn't happened in a while but Mingi can look after him," Hongjoong nodded.
"And San," I asked.
"Yelling scares him sometimes but he'll be fine as well, Wooyoung is good at looking after him," he replied, giving me a gentle smile.
"Why don't you come and help me cook lunch," he asked softly.
"I um, I can't really cook very well," I said quietly. Ok, so that's a lie. But cooking in close quarters is too risky, I might accidentally hurt him.
"Do you want to watch me then," he asked. I nodded and quickly went with him to the kitchen, sitting on a stool by the bench. Hongjoong quickly begun to pull out different ingredients as he begun to cook.
"Sorry about the arguing earlier. Jongho doesn't like seeing anyone hurt and he isn't very good at dealing with it so he lashes out sometimes. He knows how to push Wooyoung's buttons and Youngie makes it very easy," Hongjoong said softly as he washed some veggies.
"That's ok, I'm used to yelling. But, will they be ok," I asked worriedly. They both looked pretty angry and I'm not sure if they'll just get over it.
"They'll be fine. They both apologize to each other profusely in about 20 minutes and Jongho will let Wooyoung cling to him for a while to get rid of both of their guilt," he said with a chuckle.
"Does this happen a lot," I asked.
"Not really, but we've got a good system in place to make sure we resolve any incidents quickly," he explained. That makes sense, given that they all live together and have for years so there won't be any problems between them.
"That's good," I said.
"Yeah. Everyone has their fights everyone once in a while but none of them are even that big. They just argue a little and most of the time they're just mucking around," he said. He continued to cook and I just sat there and watched him. I started to feel a bit weird after a while, my skin was prickling and I was beginning to feel tired again.
"You alright," Hongjoong asked suddenly. I snapped my head back up, looking over at him, not realising I had dropped it down.
"Yeah, I'm fine," I nodded.
"You sure, you're looking a bit pale," he said, concern lacing his voice.
"Yeah, I just haven't been sleeping well these past few days," I said.
"Why don't you go and get some more sleep then," he asked.
"It's like almost 2pm Hyung, isn't it a bit late for that," I asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Nonsense, you clearly need the sleep, so go get some. It'll be fine. I can wake you up to eat later," he said.
"Thanks Hyung," I said. He just nodded in reply before I got up and walked back to my room. I stumbled slightly as I got in the room, my vision blurring slightly. I caught myself on my desk, my heart pounding slightly as my vision cleared. Am I really that tired? I shrugged it off and rubbed my face, shaking my head to focus more. It was quite hot in my room so I quickly went to my cupboard and changed my shirt to a tank top and my pants to some shorts. I walked back over to my bed and flopped down, putting my head on my pillow. I closed my eyes and tried desperately to fall asleep but I couldn't, it just wouldn't come. A little while later, there was a gentle knock on the door.
"Come in," I said quietly. The door opened and Mingi stuck his head inside, smiling softly.
"I heard you were tired, so I was gonna see if you wanted to cuddle for a bit," he said.
"Yes please," I said instantly. Hopefully having him here with me can get rid of that ugly feeling I have right now. He quickly walked over and settled down next to me, allowing me to cuddle up to his side.
"I'll be here until you fall asleep but I might not be here when you wake up. I think I'm going to take Yunho out for a walk so he can clear his head a bit," he said.
"That's alright. I just wanna get some more sleep," I said.
"That's ok, you just get some rest alright," he said. I nodded and closed my eyes, surprisingly falling asleep quickly.
San's POV
"You sure you're gonna be ok? It's only going to be Yeosang here and he doesn't know what to do if something happens," Wooyoung asked worriedly as he brushed my hair back.
"Youngie, I'm fine. I was fine earlier as well. You know I just went back to my room because I didn't want to overwhelm Yunho. It'll be ok," I said.
"Are you sure? I can stay back here if you want," he said. I appreciate the concern from the boys but sometimes it's unneeded.
"Wooyoung, I'm fine. Hongjoong Hyung and Seonghwa Hyung are taking you and Jongho out for a reason. They want you guys to get on better terms again. You know we always do this," I said.
"Ugh, fine. But if anything happens, get Youngjay ok," he said.
"I'll be fine Wooyoung," I giggled. He rolled his eyes but hugged me quickly.
"Yeosang's still asleep but he should wake up later. Mingi and Yunho just left but Mingi said he's been sleeping for like 4 hours, on top of the 3 or 4 he slept with him earlier in the morning. You can only sleep for so long," he said.
"He hasn't been sleeping well with Mingi, so it's understandable," I shrugged.
"Yeah. Anyway, I'll be back in an hour or two. Love you and stay safe," he said, kissing my forehead gently.
"Love you too," I replied as he walked out of the Sector. I went over to the couch and sat down, grabbing the remote and turning on the TV. I flicked through the channels for a bit before I finally found one that was playing a movie I liked, 'Red Notice'. It was a pretty good movie, something I've been wanting to watch for a while so I was pretty engaged. Despite being engaged, I immediately picked up on the sound of whimpering from down the halls. There's only one other person in the house right now, Yeosang. I jumped up quickly and ran down the halls, swinging the door to his room open hurriedly. I looked inside, not understand what was wrong as he was just laying on his bed, eyes closed as he slept. I was about to walk back out, thinking I had dreamt it but I paused, turning back to look at him. I can't quite place my finger on it, but something looks, off. He was on his bed, spread out slightly, his blanket discarded around him. He was wearing a tank top and shorts but on closer inspection, I realised he was sweating, a lot. He shouldn't be sweating at all, let alone that much when he's in those clothes. I hurried closer, looking down at him and realising he was breathing heavily, his eyes scrunched closed. Is he sick? He looks like he has a fever. Shit, this isn't good. I rushed out of the room, running to the bathroom and quickly rummaging through the cabinets. I found the thermometer in the cabinet and ran back to the room.
"Yeosang, Yeosang wake up," I said quickly. I can't touch him, I'm not allowed to. But I need him to wake up.
"Yeosang, come on, you need to wake up," I called out hurriedly. He shifted slightly but didn't wake up. I was getting more and more worried as he looked really pale but his face was flushed.
"YEOSANG WAKE UP," I yelled. He still didn't wake up to I ran to his bookshelf, grabbing a book and rushing back over.
"Come on Sang, please wake up. You're scaring me now," I said as I hit him gently with the books a few times. This finally got a reaction and I heard him groaned and move slightly, but barely.
"Yeosang. Hey, you with me," I asked quickly. He groaned again before he whimpered and tensed slightly.
"Hurts," he said quietly.
"Shit. Ok, I need you to open you mouth for me. Can you do that," I asked. He panted slight and turned to the side, curling in on himself.
"Yeosang please. I need to check your temperature, you have a fever. I can't touch you though," I said desperately.
"Gigi," he whimpered. Gigi? Mingi.
"Honey Mingi isn't here right now, it's San. I need you to open your mouth so I can check your temperature," I said. He turned around onto his back his eyes opening but they were glazed over and I don't know if he was even aware of what was happening.
"Open your mouth please," I said gently. His mouth finally slipped open and I took the chance to slip the thermometer inside. I held it there, even as he moved slightly, trying not to touch his skin. That went out the door though, as his hand reached up and grabbed my wrist. His hand that most definitely did not have any gloves on. I instantly felt a white hot pain throughout my entire body and I pulled away quickly, tripping and falling to the floor. I panted slightly, shaking my head to gain my bearings once again. Holy shit, that really is no joke. There was a whimper and then he started to cry so I got up quickly. Sure it hurt, but I've gone through worse and it was mainly the surprise that made me fall.
"Shh, shh. Hey, I'm ok," I said softly.
"M'sorry, I'm so s-sorry," he sobbed, the thermometer laying on the bed.
"It's ok, I'm fine," I said quickly. I grabbed the thermometer and checked it, my eyes widening when I saw it was 103.4. Shit, that's very bad. That is dangerously bad. I need to get him to the infirmary.
"Sangie, you need to get up," I said quickly.
"M'sorry," he mumbled, turning on his side once again.
"No, Yeosang you need to get up. I can't touch you but I need to get you to the infirmary. You have a really bad fever right now," I said quickly.
"Feel weird," he whispered.
"That's because you're sick but we can make it better," I said gently. He gasped slightly before rolling further to the side, leaning over the edge of the bed and throwing up. I need help, right now. But I can't leave him. I looked around, for something that could help but I couldn't focus properly and I was beginning to panic. Stuff it, I just need to get him to the loungeroom where we can get to the phone. I ran over to him, bracing myself and wrapping my arms around him, yanking him off the bed, avoiding the puke. His hands clutched to my arms and the pain immediately came back, making my knees buckle as I cried out. I only stumbled slightly though, before I pushed through the pain and dragged him from the room. It hurt, a lot. It felt like the time dad burned me with a boiling hot poker, but I knew I needed to get him somewhere safe. I've gone through the pain before, I can endure it. I continued to drag him down the hall, almost getting to the loungeroom before the pain got too much and I had to let him go. I stumbled to the ground, sobbing and panting, trying to catch my breath. I turned my head to look over at Yeosang but he remained laying there unmoving as his eyes were closed and his face was lax. He passed out, this is not good.
"Come on San, just a bit longer," I whispered, before pushing myself up to my feet once again. I grabbed his arm and pulled him the rest of the way, not registering any pain. Once I got him there, I placed a pillow under his head and rushed to the phone connected to the wall, dialling 777 at once.
"Hello. This is the Incheon Mutant Institution Infirmary, what is your situation," a lady asked.
"It's Choi San, from Sector ATZ. One of my brothers has a dangerously high fever, it's at 103.4 and he's passed out," I rushed out.
"What is the mutants name," she asked.
"My brother's name is Yeosang, Kang Yeosang," I said, glancing at the still unconscious boy on the floor.
"What is his ability," she asked.
"Ah, it's not 100% confirmed but physical contact causes pain. B-But he won't try to hurt you, I promise," I said breathlessly.
"It's fine Mr Choi, we will be there in 10 minutes. For now keep him as comfortable as you can and if you have any icepacks, I suggest putting them against his neck and under his armpits," she said.
"Thank you, please hurry," I begged before hanging up. I quickly hurried to the fridge, stumbling slightly and having to grip onto it. I shook my head slightly before opening the freezer and pulling out the three icepacks we had in there. I took them back to Yeosang and placed them where the lady said to, somehow managing to do it without touching him. Once I was done, I stood back and looked down at him. He was clearly still burning up as his face was still flushed and he had sweat dripping down on him. Surely touching him with a towel won't hurt me right? Even if it does, at least he'll feel a bit more comfortable. I stood up once again, struggling slightly but I managed in the end. I made my way to the towels cupboard, grabbing a small one and going back to him. I dropped to my knees beside him reaching out shakily and slowly placing the towel against his skin. I paused for a second, bracing for the pain but none came. Good, I can do this at least. I begun to wipe down his skin, getting off as much of the sweat as I could. As I was wiping him down, I begun to calm down as well, the adrenaline slowly wearing off. As it wore off, I became aware of a slight buzzing in my ears and in my fingertips. I felt weird, fatigued in a way. I threw the towel to the side once I was done, looking back to the boy laying peacefully beside me. He looked a bit better now that he wasn't covered in sweat. He was still pale and slightly flushed but the icepacks seemed to be working a little. I just hope it works enough to help get his fever under control. His hair was flattened out on his forehead and it was bothering me so I quickly shot my hand out and brushed it back. Once again, there was no pain. It surprised me but I decided I'd run with it anyway. It always feels nice when people run their fingers through my air, whether I'm unconscious or not, so hopefully it will feel nice for him. I held my breath slightly and begun to run my fingers through his hair, flattening it out slightly and making sure it away from his face.
After another minute of doing this, the exhaustion got worse, seeming to seep into my entire body. Black spots began to crawl into my vision and I paused what I was doing, trying to stop moving to see if it would make me feel better. It didn't help, not at all. My entire body felt like it was beginning to buzz, my bones aching slightly and my head hurting. Crap, I'm gonna pass out. No, not good, not good at all. I need to be here, I need to look after Yeosang until the nurses get here, I can't leave him alone.
I couldn't help it though, there was nothing I could do to stop my body from giving in. The black spots invaded my entire vision and I felt myself falling sideways. My hand brushed against Yeosang's and the last thing I felt before I blacked out was pain shooting through my entire body.
Here is Chapter 8, I updated quicker because it will be a little bit longer until the next chapter
Anyone else feel they're getting a bit of Deja Vu (very good ATEEZ song by the way) at the end there? What do you guys think is going to happen next?
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