Chapter 7
Yeosang's POV
It's been a week. One week since I met the last person of the bunch, 10 days since I joined the others at the institution. Not much has really changed within the time I've been staying here. I mean, I've gotten to know the boys, some more than others, but everything else has stayed the same. I still won't let many of them near me, unless it's Mingi, San and sometimes Jongho. But, I don't let the last 2 touch me. I've been spending a lot of my time with Mingi, given he's the only one I can touch without hurting. We've slept next to each other 3 out of the 6 nights and those are the nights that I have slept the best. I had another nightmare, but Mingi and San stayed with me for the rest of the night. Mingi cuddled up to me and San snuggled in behind him, much like we were last time. San has been a great help, someone I can lean on emotionally. Whenever things get too much, San will come to see me in my room and he will just sit on a beanbag next to my bed, lean against it quietly and just be there for me. It's nice to have someone who knows what to do when you're upset. I still for some reason haven't been able to figure out San's ability. No one has talked about it and I don't want to bring it up because he's never used his ability in front of me. I desperately want to figure it out, but I guess I have to wait and be patient for a bit longer. Hongjoong is what I would expect a father to be like, what my father was like pre-powers. He always tells the boys off if he thinks they might be too rowdy and he checks in on me briefly when I go to my room to make sure I'm doing ok. Seonghwa is also like a protective parent, constantly cleaning up after me, making sure I'm eating breakfast, lunch and dinner and that I don't have any issues. It's really nice having the two of them around, they've made my stay a lot easier so far. Yunho has been nice as well. He's the person I can go to if I want to spend some time away from the crazy ones (Mingi, San and Wooyoung), Yunho is someone I can go to for quiet time. He really is quite soft and when he isn't around Mingi, pretty quiet. Jongho has been great. Our personalities work really well together, although he's more confident then me and talks a bit more. He's been teaching me how to play different video games and we'll play together for hours a day sometimes. The person that has surprised me the most though, is Wooyoung. When I first saw Wooyoung, he was yelling and bouncing around, very energetic. Hongjoong and Seonghwa told me that he was very loud and boisterous, often not really caring about what other's think. I thought I would hate being around him, given how loud and talkative he is, but I've found that it's actually refreshing to be around him sometimes. He talks, a lot. But after watching him closely for a bit, I've noticed that he always checks in on the people around him, whether verbally or just through glancing at them. If he can see that they're getting uncomfortable, or bored, he'll change the topic or quieten down a bit. It's good when I talk to him though, because he does most of the talking and I can just sit and listen with no expectations. Overall, it's been nice. A complete change from what I'm used to, but nice.
"Mingi, let him go, he needs to go have a meeting with Youngjay and Jihoon," Hongjoong groaned. I smiled secretly and cuddled closer into Mingi's arms. We were currently laying on the couch, Mingi underneath me while I laid on top of him, happily soaking in the affection.
"But he's so comfortable Hyung, just look at him," Mingi said and I could practically hear the pout in his voice. He cupped my cheek gently, stroking with his thumb and I relaxed even more against his chest.
"Mingi, stop making him sleepy and get him up," Hongjoong said.
"Why don't you come over here and get him up yourself," Mingi said cheekily. I giggled and glanced up at Hongjoong who was frowning at the two of us. I wasn't worried about him coming over and trying to get me up, he's been very good at keeping me within my comfort zone.
"One last chance," he said. I grinned and sent him a teasing wave. He raised an eyebrow and lifted his hand up slowly, tilting his head to the side before yanking his hand back. I yelped as I was suddenly propelled backwards and away from Mingi.
"HYUNG," I screamed, scared and confused as I hovered in the air. Mingi jumped up and rushed over, grabbing me mid-air and pulling me into his arms. I was breathing heavily and clung to him, my heart pounding at the scare.
"Sangie. Sangie, hey." I looked over at Hongjoong who had moved closer and was frowning guiltily.
"Hey, it was just me ok. You're safe, it was me. I have telekinesis remember," he said gently. Oh, right. I forgot about that. I just totally overreacted without thinking. I don't know what exactly I thought it was that lifted me into the air but now it's really obvious it was Hongjoong.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," he said as Mingi held me tighter.
"It's ok, I'm fine. Sorry, I just wasn't expecting it," I said, giving them both a quick smile.
"No, I shouldn't have done that. I do it with the other's sometimes, but I never asked if I could do it with you," Hongjoong said, shaking his head.
"It's fine Hyung. I just didn't realise you could move people as well. It's pretty cool," I said with a grin as Mingi let me go.
"I couldn't to begin with. It was another one of those things that I had to practice to get better at," he said.
"I think it's pretty neat. Just maybe warn me next time, I'm a bit of a scaredy cat," I said.
"Of course," he nodded.
"Well, I'm certainly awake now," I said, making them chuckle slightly.
"That's good. You need to go get ready because you have a meeting with Youngjay and Jihoon. It was supposed to be 2 days ago but they had some problems in the SKZ sector," Hongjoong said. Ah, this must be one of those check up meetings they explained I would have.
"Ok," I nodded. I waved goodbye to the both of them before walking to my room. I went inside and quickly got dressed to make myself presentable. I was just closing my draw when their was a knock on my door.
"Come in," I called out. The door opened and in walked Wooyoung.
"Hey Sang, can I talk to you for a sec," he asked.
"Sure, what's up," I asked as I walked over and sat down on my bed. He walked to my desk, pulling out the chair and sitting down. He glanced up at me before rubbing the back of his neck and looking back down.
"Is everything ok," I asked, not used to seeing him so quiet and unsure.
"We're friends right," he questioned slowly.
"I've never really had friends before. But I'd like to think all of you are my friends," I replied quietly. I was beginning to get nervous myself, unsure what he was getting at. I wrung my hands a few times, tapping my foot anxiously.
"I um, I went out the other day and I saw something in the shop that I though you might like. I know Hyung's have already given you some but um, these were nice, so. I'm just gonna give them to you," he said, quickly rushing the last bit. I tensed slightly when he stood up and stepped closer to me, but I didn't pull back just yet. I watched warily as he held out his hand, blinking when I realised he was holding a small bag. I glanced up at him and he nodded, so I grabbed it.
"What is it," I asked, confused as to why he would randomly give me a present.
"Just uh, just open it," he said, shifting slightly. It really is weird seeing him so nervous. I opened the bag and reached inside, feeling something soft that I quickly grabbed and pulled out. I gasped slightly, dropping the bag when I saw the beautiful black gloves with black embroidery.
"Do you, like it," he questioned quietly.
"They're beautiful," I breathed out, running my fingers along the fabric.
"Red and black are my favourite colours," I said, looking up and smiling at him.
"I'm glad. I was worried you wouldn't like them," he said, his usual grin back on his face.
"Can I wear them," I asked quickly. They really were beautiful gloves and they were soft, easily wearable.
"Of course you can. They're yours now," he said. I went to take off my gloves but paused, glancing up at Wooyoung anxiously. I know he wouldn't be so silly as to touch me but I still can't help but feel anxious about taking my gloves off in the presence of someone else. Wooyoung seemed to understand that and he gave me a gentle smile, blowing me a cheeky kiss before leaving the room. I quickly took of the silk gloves, replacing them with the ones from Wooyoung. They fit well and were comfortable which was nice. I really didn't expect anyone to be getting me presents, especially now so it was a pleasant surprise. I didn't cry like last time but my entire body was filled with a pleasant and welcomed warmth. There was another knock at my door and I once again invited them inside, Hongjoong walking in.
"You ready to go," he asked, receiving a nod. He went to turn around, but stopped, glancing back at me.
"You have new gloves," he said softly.
"Yeah. Wooyoung got them for me," I said happily.
"I'm glad. Come on, let's get going alright," he said. I nodded and followed him out of the room, a few meters back.
"Where are we going," I asked him.
"We're going to Jihoon's room, so you guys can talk," he said as we continued walking, eventually leaving the sector.
"Will you be there with me," I asked him.
"No, I won't. I'll drop you off and then go back to the sector. Joonwon will bring you back," he said. I stopped walking, not really so sure about going if I didn't have Hongjoong with me. He didn't realise at first but after a few more steps he stopped and turned around to face me once again.
"What's up, you ok," he asked me.
"Why won't you be there," I asked him.
"This is a meeting to ask you how you're going. Whether you're having fun or if you're having trouble. If I was there, it could influence your answers, your decisions," he explained.
"But, why does that matter? All that matters is if I haven't hurt you guys yet," I asked in confusion. This meeting is to see if I fit in with the other's, make sure I'm not a danger to them.
"Yeosang. This meeting is to make sure you're doing ok. That we aren't crossing boundaries, making you feel unwelcome or upsetting you," he said.
"Oh," I said slowly.
"Yeah. You aren't on trial. We are in a way I guess," he said with a chuckle.
"Now come on, you'll be just fine without me," he said. I quickly continued walking, continuing to follow him. Before long, we were stopping in front of a door.
"This is your stop," he said, stepping off to the side so I could stand in front of the door.
"Are you sure you can't come with me," I asked nervously.
"Hey, Sangie, it's gonna be fine. You've met both Jihoon and Youngjay. Youngjay bought you here and Jihoon was nice as well remember," he said gently.
"I guess," I said with a slow nod.
"Don't worry. I'll be seeing you later ok," he said gently.
"Ok," I nodded. He gave me a small smile before turning around and walking back the way we came, leaving me to stand alone in front of the door. I took a deep breath to prepare myself before knocking firmly and opening the door slowly.
"Come in Yeosang," I heard Youngjay say. I walked inside to see Youngjay and Jihoon both seated on a couch with another empty one across from them.
"Come and sit down," Jihoon said. I closed the door quickly before walking over and sitting down where they gestured.
"Hello," Youngjay said softly.
"Hey," I replied.
"I'm sorry it took so long for us to check in on you, we were having some issues in another sector. I hope you haven't been having too many issues," Youngjay said. I shook my head quickly, giving him a small smile.
"That's good. How are you all getting along so far," he asked me.
"Good. They're all very nice," I said.
"They are, but I know some of them can get a bit much sometimes. I hope Mingi and Wooyoung aren't giving you too much grief," he said.
"Not at all. Mingi's amazing and Wooyoung is, quite a character I guess. He's usually pretty conscious of what he's doing and understands when I want it a bit more quiet," I said.
"That's good to hear. What about Yunho," he asked.
"Yunho is nice. He can be loud sometimes but he's generally a bit quieter which is nice," I said quietly.
"Good. Any issues with Jongho," he asked.
"No, Jongho is great. He's teaching me how to play video games, which is really fun," I said, smiling slightly.
"Learning things is good to help strengthen your mind. It's very nice to see Jongho helping you with that," Jihoon said.
"Yes. Now what about San? How is he," Youngjay asked. Oh, so he's just going to ask about all of them.
"San's an angel," I said softly, picturing the cuddly, pink-haired, dimpled boy.
"He is. He seems to enjoy your company a lot as well," Jihoon said. Well I'd hope so, so that's good.
"And Hongjoong and Seonghwa," Youngjay asked.
"I like them, a lot. They're very nice and they're always looking out to make sure I'm doing ok," I said with a nod.
"Well, it's very good to hear that they're all treating you well but I didn't expect anything less," Youngjay said with a nod.
"Yeah. It's been good," I replied.
"Now, there were some issues throughout the week that I would like to discuss," Jihoon said, pulling out a notepad. Ah, now on to the other stuff.
"First of all, I hear you've been having nightmares," he said. I tensed slightly at the words, remembering some not so great scenarios.
"Do you want to talk to me about what they were about," he asked. I shifted slightly, looking down at my lap.
"Things like this can be good to talk about. It can take a weight off your shoulders," he added.
"I don't, really wanna talk about it," I said shaking my head.
"Are you sure? I promise it will help you. Even if it's just to get out some pent up feelings," Jihoon said gently.
"There's not much to them. I just hurt people," I shrugged.
"Who do you hurt Yeosang," Youngjay asked. Why does everyone like to play 21 questions? It's starting to annoy me.
"People," I shrugged.
"Is it those two boys? Your parents? Who," Jihoon asked. I thought back to the first nightmare, shuddering slightly at the thoughts.
"It was Seonghwa Hyung first. I killed him and then I accidentally killed San," I explained slowly.
"And the second one," Jihoon asked. I'm guessing the boys must've told them about the nightmares, and perhaps other things. Probably Hongjoong.
"I uh. I was being chased, by my, by my parents. I don't really know how it started but I was running. I must've tripped or something but before I knew it, I was fallen over the side of a building. If I fell completely, there was no doubt that I would die. I didn't fall completely though, because my arm was grabbed and I was held up. I heard screaming and they almost let me go because they were in so much pain, but they didn't. They held on tight and pulled me back up. They fell and I landed on top of them and for some reason I couldn't move properly. I killed them before I could get back up. They saved my life and I killed them," I said quietly. By the time I was finished, I could feel tears falling down my face.
"Do you know who it was," Jihoon asked gently. I sniffled and looked up, chuckling weakly.
"It was Jongho. He had enough strength to pull me up, despite the pain," I whispered.
"How did you calm down after your nightmares," Jihoon asked. I sniffled and wiped my eyes, thinking back to those two nights.
"The first time Yunho calmed me down by talking in my mind, it was weird but nice. Seonghwa Hyung sang me to sleep that night as well. The second time, San heard me, and he got Mingi to help me. They both stayed with me that night, to make sure I got some more sleep," I said quietly.
"That's good, I'm glad they're looking after you," Youngjay nodded.
"Yeah, it's nice," I nodded. It really is, and it's something I haven't had in a long time.
"There is another incident I would like to talk about. I know it was resolved but I would like to talk about it a little more," Jihoon said as he glanced back down at his notepad. I have a feeling I already know what he's talking about, given there weren't many other incidents.
"I understand that when you first found out about Mingi's abilities, you were rather upset," he said.
"That sounds about right. I was upset because I thought he was lying and I thought they were teasing me. I was upset and so I got angry" I said with a sigh. It sounds silly now but at the time I was just upset and maybe a little scared.
"Some people do use anger to cover for their sadness. How did you end up dealing with it though," Jihoon asked. I chuckled as I thought back to the day. It seems so long ago but in reality, it was just over a week ago.
"Mingi hugged me and I sort of got overwhelmed and may have passed out, or maybe I fell asleep," I said, chuckling awkwardly.
"Passing out isn't good Yeosang," Youngjay said, shaking his head.
"I know, but they looked after me. And Seonghwa Hyung keeps checking in on me to make sure I'm doing ok. I was fine once I talked to Mingi about it," I said.
"That's good to hear. Have there been any other issues that weren't bought to my attention," Youngjay asked.
"No. It's been great," I said quickly.
"That's good to hear. Now that we've got the not so great stuff out of the way, it's time for the fun stuff," Youngjay said. Thank god. I've had enough of the 21 questions.
San's POV
I walked out of my room and into the loungeroom, seeing Seonghwa and Hongjoong packing a backpack.
"Hyung," I questioned in confusion, causing them to look over at me.
"Hey, Sannie. Everything alright," Seonghwa asked softly as he walked over and brushed my hair back softly.
"Hyung, I'm fine. I don't need relaxing time," I said quickly.
"Ok. Anyway, what's up," he asked me.
"What're you doing," I asked.
"Mingi is going away for the rest of the day and tonight. A new kid came in today, he controls fire but he can't control his own ability so Mingi is going to help get him settled a bit," Hongjoong explained.
"Can't they just get rid of all the fire in the room, so he can't control it," I asked with a raised eyebrow. I mean, that would be the logical explanation.
"He's somehow managing to produce fire as well. So, until they can think of how to stop that, they're gonna need Mingi's help for a bit," Seonghwa said.
"So he'll be back by tomorrow," I asked.
"Yeah. We're just gonna take him down to the other sector, get him settled in and help the boy out a little before coming back. We'll only be gone for a few hours," Hongjoong said.
"Jongho also took Yunho out for a walk because he wanted some fresh air, so they won't be back for a bit. Wooyoung is still here though. So if anything happens, you can go to him alright," Seonghwa said.
"I'll be fine. You guys just help that kid," I said, giving them a quick smile.
"Ok, stay safe. Love you baby," Seonghwa whispered gently, leaning forwards to place a quick kiss to my forehead. I blinked slowly, feeling a warm fuzziness but I quickly shook my head to get rid of it.
"Love you too Hyung. Now go," I chuckled. They both waved goodbye to me before leaving, I assume to catch up with Mingi and take him to the other sector. I yawned slightly before heading back to my room. There isn't much to do at the moment given that everyone is out and Wooyoung will most likely be cooking random dishes. I grabbed the book I was currently reading and flopped onto my bed, opening it up to continue.
I was reading for a while, not sure how long as I was immersed in it, but I was pulled out rather abruptly when there were a series of crashes and the sound of glass shattering. I jumped, fear running through my veins as memories come back. I know what the glass shattering means. It means they're angry, he's angry. He's going to come here. He's going to find me, he's going to hurt me. It hurts, it always hurts. I need to go, I need to disappear. I whimpered and scrambled off my bed, falling to the ground between the bed and wall, away from the door. I could hear the yelling, the screaming and I curled up, wrapping my arms around my knees that were pulled to my chest.
"Where are you, you worthless child."
Please don't come here, please don't find me.
"Come here you bastard. You can't hide from me, I will find you."
I let out a sob, my breathing quickening as I curled closer to the corner, trying to get as far away as I could. I don't want to be here, I want to disappear. There was another bang, one I recognized too well, the sound of a door being flung open. I covered my mouth quickly, trying to keep quiet so I wouldn't be punished.
"Come out you piece of shit, let me h-."
"Sannie, Sannie where are you." Wooyoung? Why is Wooyoung here as well?
"Sannie, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to drop the glass, it just slipped. But I promise you, I promise you're safe. I'm right here darling," Wooyoung said. I want to run to him, but I can't, dad's here. He'll hurt me, he'll hurt Wooyoung.
"Sannie, where are you. Come on, please baby," he said. I could hear rummaging, rushed footsteps, which meant he was looking for me. I couldn't tell him though, I couldn't. He walked past the gap, not seeing me there.
"Sannie, please. I know you're in here, just tell me where you are. I promise you're safe. It's just me here, no one else. He isn't here baby," Wooyoung said frantically. A small sob slipped out and it went silent. A few seconds later there were padded footsteps and Wooyoung stopped in front of the gap, looking around slightly before kneeling down.
"Hey, Sannie. You ok," he asked gently. I tightened my grip around my mouth, trying not to let anymore sound out. I always get in trouble for making sound. Wooyoung's eyes darted around before he shuffled slightly, moving closer.
"Sannie, you know who I am right? Who am I," he asked me. I didn't want to answer, to talk but he was looking at me so gently and his eyes were full of concern. I slowly lowered my hand with a sniffle.
"Y-Youngie," I whispered.
"That's right baby, it's Youngie. Do you know why I'm here," he asked me and I quickly shook my head. I don't know what he's doing, not really.
"Sannie," he questioned again.
"N-No," I whimpered.
"I was cooking, and I knocked some bowls of the bench. One was glass and it shattered. It caused a lot of noise and it scared you pretty badly. It was just me though baby, no one threw anything. Your dad isn't here, he can't hurt you, you're safe," he said softly. He slowly reached his hand forward, reaching just to the right of me. Dads not here? It was just an accident. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and crawled forwards towards Wooyoung. His hand remained held out but the minute I wrapped my arms around him, he jumped slightly, then immediately wrapped his arms around me. He accidentally whacked my face but apologized quickly and wrapped his arms around my waist. I wrapped mine around him and buried my head in his neck, crying quietly.
"It's ok baby, you're ok," he whispered, moving his hand along my back and neck before resting on the back of my head. I let out a sob and clung tighter to him, feeling safe in his arms.
"H-He's n-not here," I whimpered worriedly.
"No, he's not. I swear to you, you're safe. You're in Sector ATZ, with me. The others are out but they'll all be back in a little while ok," he whispered, placing a gentle kiss to the top of my head.
"I'm gonna move you to the bed alright, so it's a bit more comfortable," he said. I nodded into his neck and he moved his hands slowly, managing to wrap one under my knees and another around my back. He lifted me up carefully and carried me over to the bed, placing me down softly (keeping a hand on my hip), before crawling into bed next to me. He moved his hand to pull me closer and up against his side. I quickly clung even closer to him, crawling slightly on top of him and once again resting my head on his shoulder and against his neck. He ran his fingers through my hair gently, calming me down slowly.
"It's ok, I've got you Sannie. You can relax now," he said softly. I whined slightly, cuddling closer to him taking slow, deep breaths.
"That's it, just relax baby," he whispered. My brain begun to feel fuzzy and I went lax in his arms, my worries just seeping away quickly.
"Oh thank god, there you are Sannie. Just get some rest ok. You'll stay here with me the entire time, I promise you," he whispered, kissing my cheek gently.
"Love you Youngie," I whispered, kissing his neck gently.
"I love you too Sannie, very, very much," he said.
"You're my perfect little cuddly cat," he said, making me giggle. He glanced down at me, smiling softly before nuzzling our noses together.
"Did I not tell you to get some sleep Sannie," he asked.
"Don't wanna," I said with a pout.
"It would really make me happy if you could get some rest though. We both know if you don't you'll be exhausted," he said. I sighed but nodded and let my eyes slip closed.
"Stay," I whispered.
"I'll be right here the whole time," he said. Comforted by the reassurance that I was safe and he wouldn't leave me, I felt myself drift off.
Here is Chapter 7 everyone, I hope you all enjoyed it
Yeosang's officially been at the Institute for 10 days and so far everything seems to have calmed down with him. Will it stay that was though?
There was a little bit more insight into San's past and what he dealt with and the trauma he still carries but the boys will always look after him. Have any of you managed to figure out his powers yet throughout the story? (I will neither confirm nor deny but I would love to know your predictions!)
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