Chapter 4
San's POV
"Come on you clingy cat," Seonghwa chuckled as he picked me up and carried me down the hall and away from Yeosang's room. He carried me all the way over to our entertainment room where Wooyoung, Yunho and Mingi were playing PlayStation and deposited me on the couch next to Wooyoung. I immediately wrapped my arms around his waist and snuggled into his side. He smiled and ruffled my hair, leaning his head gently against mine.
"Next time we tell you boys that someone is coming who is shy and anxious, maybe try not to be yelling and screaming the minute he get's in the door," Hongjoong said, as he crossed his arms over his chest. Oh my god, were they seriously arguing?
"Our bad, we got a little carried away. We didn't scare him too much did we," Yunho asked nervously.
"I'm not really that sure, but I hope not," Hongjoong said. I hope he isn't too scared of us, I really want him to feel comfortable around us, enough to stay. I feel bad for everything he's been through and I really want to try and help him.
"We'll make sure not to be too loud or go near him until he's ready," Mingi promised.
"Alright, you guys just continue what you're doing. Hwa and I are going to check up on him and make sure he knows where to go once he's ready to meet some more people," Hongjoong said. We nodded in reply and they left the room, allowing Yunho and Mingi to go back to their game.
"How're feeling now," Wooyoung asked softly as he ran his fingers through my hair. I let out a soft breath and nuzzled closer into his neck.
"M'good," I mumbled.
"I met Yeosang," I said quietly. Despite not speaking very loud, the game immediately stopped and Wooyoung moved back slightly and I suddenly had three sets of eyes on me.
"What," I asked in confusion.
"How did you meet him," Mingi asked quickly. Oh, right.
"He was crying so Joong Hyung and Hwa Hyung went over to check on him," I said with a shrug.
"What's he like," Wooyoung asked.
"I dunno, he seems very shy and jumpy, like they said. He's sweet though, and cute," I said.
"Cuter than you," Wooyoung asked with a grin.
"No ones cuter than me," I said with a pout.
"Of course not baby, you're the cutest," he said, hugging me and placing a gentle kiss on my forehead.
"He's got this little birthmark on his left eye, it's cute," I told them.
"Ooo, that's adorable. Does he look cuddly," Yunho asked.
"No. And whatever you do, do not try to hug him alright. Even just walking into the room, had him stressing out and asking us to stay back," I explained.
"Damn, that's some real trauma right there," Mingi said, shaking his head with a frown.
"Yeah, it's sad," I said with a sigh.
"He's here with us now though. We'll look after him," Yunho said firmly. I hummed in reply and cuddled back up to Wooyoung, crawling into his lap and resting my head on his shoulder. It didn't take long for me to begin to feel warm and safe, my head going fuzzy. He seemed to notice and nudged me up slightly.
"Did you get everything sorted with Hwa, are you alright to have some relaxing time," he asked. I blinked a few times, trying to make my brain a little less fuzzy to answer the question. He put his hand on my neck, kneading softly and grounding me a little bit.
"Hwa said s'fine," I answered tiredly.
"Alright, come here," he said, pulling me down gently so I was resting on his chest once again. I blinked slowly, trying to stay awake but I was too comfortable and before long, my eyes slipped closed. Wooyoung kept running his fingers through my hair, lulling me off to sleep, my last thoughts being of the shy, scared boy staying in the room next to mine...
Yeosang's POV
Seonghwa and Hongjoong came in to see me again after they had left earlier. We didn't really talk much. They just asked me if I thought I might end up wanting to meet the other boys today of if I would want to wait until tomorrow to meet the rest of them. I told them tomorrow. I've met enough people today, plus they're apparently the louder ones and judging by when I came in, the crazier ones. I ended up just staying in my room and getting more acquainted with all of the new things all around the place. I got the laptop working and ended up watching some videos on YouTube. Hongjoong stopped by at lunch with food and again at dinner.
"Here. It's just some bulgogi but I hope you like it," he said, placing the bowl at the end of the desk.
"Thank you," I said quietly, fiddling with my fingers worriedly.
"No problem," he said before turning and walking back to the door.
"Hongjoong, Hyung," I said quickly. He paused and turned back around, raising an eyebrow up at me.
"I'm uh, I'm sorry," I said quietly. His eyes soften and he gave me a gentle smile.
"Yeosang, you have nothing to be sorry about ok. You've gone through a lot in the past few days and we understand that it will take some time alright. You don't even know us, so you can take as long as you need," he reassured me softly. It made me feel a little bit better but I was still worried, given that I'm using all their stuff and not really doing anything in return. I sighed and picked up the chopsticks, pushing away my thoughts as I begun to eat. The food was good, really good. I can't remember the last time I had a proper full meal for dinner like this, especially one that tastes good. I ate it quickly, feeling full and content by the end of it. I didn't want them to have to come over and grab my dishes so I quietly opened my door and begun to walk the hall. Seonghwa had left a piece of paper with the layout of the entire sector in my room to look at if I needed to go somewhere so I knew how to get to the kitchen. I quietly crept down the hall, trying not to be too loud because I didn't want to draw too much attention to myself. I got to the kitchen just fine and I was trying to figure out where to put the dishes when there was a sound behind me. I spun around quickly, yelping in surprise when I noticed someone in the doorway. The bowl and chopsticks slipped from my grip and onto the floor. Or well, not onto the floor. They should've fallen to the floor but in the blink of an eye there was a blur and they disappeared. My heart was pounding, and I glanced up quickly, looking over the person across from me. Wooyoung. My eyes went wide when I saw that he had my bowl and chopsticks in his hands. What in the world? How?
"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," he said quietly. He placed the bowl down on the bench, turning to leave. I don't know what made me do it. I said I didn't want to but for some reason, I still did it.
"Wooyoung," I called out. He paused and turned back around to me, confusion on his face. I was anxious and unsure but he's alone and meeting people one at a time is better than meeting a group. He's here now and I may as well make the most of it.
"That's um, that's you name right," I asked, not really knowing what to say.
"Yeah, Jung Wooyoung. It's a pleasure to meet you," he said, walking back into the room a little and leaning against the bench.
"I'm Kang Yeosang, though you probably know that already," I said awkwardly, making his chuckle.
"Yeah, you're quite the celebrity. We've all been waiting so long to meet you," he said.
"I've barely been here a day," I pointed out.
"Eh, who cares about the details. I've been excited to meet you. Hongjoong Hyung said not to be so loud and rowdy around you but I sometimes do it without realise so, I just wanna apologize for that," he said. I feel bad that they're trying to change their personalities because of me. From what it sounds like, they've been together for many years and I've barely been here a day.
"Don't worry about it, you just act how you normally would. I don't want you to burden you guys even more," I said.
"It's not a problem Yeosang. We just want you to be comfortable for the first few days. It really isn't a problem, I promise," he said. I nervously fiddled with my fingers but nodded.
"So um, your ability, is speed," I questioned.
"Yeah, I'm gifted with the ability to annoy everyone by getting to things quicker," he said.
"Or catching things that other's drop so they won't shatter," he added, glancing over at the bowl.
"Yeah, thank you for that. You just took me by surprise," I said with a small chuckle.
"That's fine. I'll deal with it, why don't you head back to your room and get some rest alright," he said. He quickly walked around the bench so he was on the other side, allowing me to have a clear path without having to worry about accidentally touching him.
"Thank you," I said, receiving a nod in return. I quickly left the kitchen, returning back to my room and thankfully not running into anyone else. Wooyoung was a surprise meet but it worked out well.
Once I was in my room, I looked in the closet and found some pyjamas, getting changed quickly. I turned off the light and got into bed, huddling under the blankets and relaxing. I can't wait to finally get a full nights sleep in a warm and comfortable bed. With no surprise, I drifted off quickly...
"Yeosang? What're you doing?" I turned around in confusion, seeing San standing a few meters away from me. What's San doing here? I'm so confused right now.
"What're you doing Yeosang," he repeated.
"Um, I don't know," I said slowly, rubbing the back of my neck awkwardly.
"What did you do with Seonghwa Hyung," he asked with a frown. Seonghwa Hyung? What does he mean? I glanced around in confusion, freezing when I saw the body laying beside me. Seonghwa's face was pale, his mouth slightly agape and his eyes open wide and unstaring. No. No, no, no. It's been a day, only a day. How could I have killed him, please tell me I did not.
"I don't, I didn't do anything. I swear I didn't," I said, looking over at San in horror.
"You hurt Hwa Hyung," he said angrily. He moved forwards quickly, heading straight for me, or it seemed that way. I quickly stepped to the side and for some reason, my hand shot out and I grabbed his wrist, trying to stop him. I don't know how I didn't realise it earlier, but I didn't have my gloves on. The minute my hand touched his skin, San cried out, screaming intensely. No, no I can't hurt him. I tried to pull away but for some reason I just could let go, it was like my hand was glued to his wrist.
"STOP. IT HURTS, PLEASE STOP IT," he screamed, his legs buckling as he dropped to the floor. He tensed and seized trying to move away from me but I wouldn't let go. Why wouldn't I let go?
"Please, please stop. I'm sorry, just stop. It hurts," San sobbed, his voice getting weaker.
"I'm trying, I can't let go," I said, panicking badly.
"Whatever I did. I'm sorry. Just. Stop, please," he said weakly. My eyes widened in horror as he trailed off, his breathing stuttering and his eyes beginning to flutter closed as he stopped squirming.
"No. San please, I'm sorry. I don't want to hurt you. Wake up please wake up," I begged. He didn't reply, all his movements stopping as he went limp and my hand finally let go. I gasped and pulled him closer, tapping his face to try and get him to open his eyes, move, anything. A choked sob was ripped from my throat as I realised he wasn't moving at all. No, please don't tell me I killed him. Not another one, please, god no.
I was suddenly tugged harshly and I was confused and disorientated, not understanding what was happening.
"Yeosang, wake up."
"Hongjoong, get away from him."
"What's going on, who was screaming?"
"Yeosang, come on, it's ok."
"What's going on, why is everyone yelling." I was overwhelmed, not understanding what was happening, my vision slightly blurry. There was so much yelled and arguing and talking and I began to panic, dazed and slightly scared. San just died right? And Seonghwa? But that was Seonghwa speaking? I buried my head in my knees and hugged them tightly.
"He's not responding."
"Just shut up and give him some space and he will." I whimpered, shaking my head and trying to block out the talking to I could reign in my senses and get my bearings but I couldn't. It was too loud, too bright. And then the sounds stopped. It was like one minute I was on the beach, with hundreds of people yelling and screaming and then I was dunked under water and it all stopped.
"Yeosang," a gentle voice called out. It was an odd feeling, like someone was talking to me but they also weren't.
"Yeosang, it's ok. Just take a deep breath alright." I wasn't sure what was happening, but I found myself listening, trying to take a deep breath in and then letting it out.
"That's good. In, and out. In, and out. You're doing so good." Am I just imagining this? What's going on?
"It's ok, you're not imagining it. It's Yunho, I'm in your head, I guess. My ability is mind-reading but if I focus enough I can also put thoughts into your head," he said. Oh, that's cool I guess.
"I'm sorry about the others. You were screaming in your sleep and it worried us. Hongjoong Hyung tends to overreact sometimes with these kind of things," Yunho explained. Right, I killed Seonghwa and San.
"No, you didn't. It was just a nightmare. You haven't hurt anyone, let alone killed them," Yunho said quickly. But I might, I shouldn't be here. I'm too dangerous.
"No, you aren't Yeosang. You need to stop being so hard on yourself, start giving yourself a break. This isn't the time to talk about this but just know you're doing amazing ok. Everyone who has met you so far loves you alright, and the rest of us are just waiting for a chance to get to know you alright," Yunho said softly. Ok, I can live with that, I guess. It was just a nightmare, Seonghwa and San should be fine.
"Good. The boys have calmed down so you'll be ok," Yunho said. After he said that, the feeling of being underwater was gone, and thankfully so was the yelling.
"You're ok, that's alright, I've got you." I slowly pulled my head up from my knees, looking over at the doorway to see Yunho on the floor, wrapped up in Seonghwa's arms as Mingi I think it was, ran his fingers through his hair.
"I'm ok, just give me a second," Yunho said, sounding exhausted. It was then that I realised that in order to do what he just did, he used up a lot of his energy. I watched as Seonghwa wrapped his hand around Yunho's wrist but Yunho quickly yanked his hand away.
"Hyung don't, it's fine. It's night-time anyway, I just need to sleep. You save your energy," Yunho said quickly. Seonghwa nodded and turned back to glance at me.
"Mingi, Jongho, take Yunho back to his room please. Youngie, San, off to bed," Seonghwa said quickly. Yunho was immediately taken out by two people and I realised one of them must have been the maknae but I didn't really get a good look.
"Yeosang." My head snapped to the side and I made eye contact with San. San, who was very much still alive, not dead. I let out a breath of relief, my shoulders dropping slightly.
"I killed you," I whispered. He furrowed his eyebrows before his eyes widened in realisation.
"I'm ok. See," he said, spinning around slightly.
"It was just a nightmare, it wasn't real," he added.
"I know, it just scared me," I said. He glanced at me before slowly walking closer. I tensed but didn't freak out, watching warily as he walked over and sat on the edge of the my bed. He was only a meter or two away from me, the closest someone has been to me in years without me freaking out or without them hurting me some way. He eyed me closely before slowly lifting his hand, hesitating and waiting for me to protest. To my surprise once again, I just watched him as he placed his hand down on my ankle. The only thing stopping him from touching my skin was the blankets. I took in a sharp breath at the unfamiliar but comforting weight from his touch.
"You haven't hurt us ok, and you're not going to kill us alright," he said firmly, giving my ankle a gentle squeeze. My hand twitched slightly, but I slipped it under my leg to stop myself from doing something stupid.
"Thanks San," I said sincerely.
"Of course. You come to me if there's ever a problem. I'm always open to talk," he told me. I felt reassured at his words and it was nice to know I had someone to talk to. I feel like he really understands, not everything but at least some.
"Thanks," I said quietly. He gave me a small smile and one last squeeze before getting up and walking back to the two eldest in the doorway.
"You guys go, I'm gonna stay here for a little bit," Seonghwa said quietly. Hongjoong and San nodded before they left, San giving me one last wave. The closed shut with a click and my eyes landed on Seonghwa who was the only person left in the room.
"Do you mind if I stay here? I can go if you want," he said softly. To be honest, having someone around is nice, at least until I could sleep again. Plus he was one of the people I hurt so it will give me more reassurance.
"You can stay," I said quietly. He gave me a gentle smile before going over to my desk and sitting down on the chair, maintaining a safe distance.
"You wanna talk about what happened," he asked me. I immediately shook my head, not wanting to relive the nightmare.
"It might help to talk about it and I certainly won't judge. Sannie and Wooyoung had nightmares when they first came here. Hell, even Hongjoong had nightmares for a little while," he told me. I wonder what Wooyoung had to be afraid of, what he was reliving in his nightmares.
"It's just between you and I, I promise," he said. I mean it wouldn't hurt to talk about it I guess.
"I don't really know what happened but suddenly San was in front of me and was asking me what I did. I was confused because I had no idea what he was doing but then when I looked over, you were there," I said, pausing as I thought back to how he looked at that time. It really wasn't pretty.
"What was I doing," he asked gently.
"You weren't, you weren't doing anything. You couldn't do anything," I said sadly. I watched as the realisation dawned on him and his eyes widened slightly.
"I was dead," he said lightly. I frowned and nodded, looking down and bracing myself for the anger that was sure to come. I just hope he doesn't want to kick me out now.
"You know it's just a dream, you haven't actually done anything wrong," Seonghwa said suddenly. I frowned and glanced up, confused at his reaction. I mean I know San said it's fine but that's just because he's being nice, surely Seonghwa would be worried I would hurt one of the other boys like that.
"Until you actually do something wrong, which I highly doubt you will, then everything is fine," he said.
"You aren't, worried I will do that," I asked nervously.
"Not at all. The only reason those boys ever got hurt was because they forced you to do it and they were stupid. No one can fault you for that because it's not something you would willingly do," he explained.
"You barely know me Seonghwa-ssi. We've known each other barely a day. Why risk it," I asked helplessly, not understanding how people could be so nice.
"Because you've done nothing wrong Yeosang. You've had such a hard life, you've been through so much shit that you didn't have to go through. It's torn you down and made you so, petrified of even showing the smallest affection. No one should have to go through that and we're going to help you alright," he said firmly. Before I could stop myself, my eyes were welling up with tears and I quickly hid my face in my hands to hide it. Why am I crying so much lately?
"Aw, it's ok Yeosang. You're going to be just fine here," Seonghwa said delicately. I took a deep breath, trying to get myself back under control before wiping my eyes quickly and looking up once again.
"Do you think you might want to meet the other three tomorrow? The one's you haven't met," Seonghwa asked. I mean, I'm going to need to meet them eventually, I guess but three at once?
"Can I meet two please," I asked quietly.
"If that makes you more comfortable, then of course," he nodded.
"Who will I be meeting," I asked him.
"You already technically met Yunho so we'll just have him do a proper introduction and you can meet Mingi," he said. I thought about it for a few seconds. I have already technically met Yunho and Mingi is supposed to be loud but able to control himself. I guess it couldn't hurt.
"That's ok," I said, giving him a small nod.
"Perfect. You get some more sleep now ok," he said softly. I nodded and scooted back, getting fully under the covers as I laid down and rested my head on the pillow.
"You'll stay, right Hyung," I asked. I don't know why but for some reason my brain was telling me I needed someone to stay here with me in order to have a good sleep.
"Of course Yeosang-ah. I'm not going anywhere," he said firmly. I sent him a small smile before nuzzling down into the pillow, blinking lazily.
"Hyung, can you sing," I asked quietly, blushing slightly at how small I sounded.
"In fact I pride myself on my singing. You close your eyes and Hyung'll sing for you aegi," he said softly. Aegi? Not even my parents called me that. They called me stupid and idiot. Aegi sounds nice. I let my eyes slip closed as Seonghwa begun to sing softly. He really did have a nice voice. With every gentle note, I found myself sinking deeper and deeper into a blissful sleep.
Here is Chapter 4 everyone, thank you for reading. I hope those who are still reading are still enjoying what's happening
We got some more incite into Yunho's powers and how they can work :)
How do you think the meeting with Mingi and Yunho is going to go?
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